A Dad, a husband and a data guru
nemski's Latest Posts
Happy Birthday, Mike Protack

Even though Mike puts the wing in wingnut and his comments sometimes border on spam, we at Delaware Liberal sincerely wish Mike a happy birthday. Here is Todd Snider’s Conservative Christian to help celebrate Mike’s birthday.
Socialists Stealing Paychecks!

Kenneth Feinberg of the Treasury Department has been watching the sycophant banks and trading companies very closely and he’s a little pissed that many of decided to give themselves bonuses, pay increases and other perks. Not anymore, reports The New York Times. . . . The seven companies that received the most assistance will have […]
Stamping Feet When There’s No Reason To
A recent Gallop poll shows that most gun owners (55%) think that President Obama wants to ban the sale of guns. Gallup Poll editor-in-chief Frank Newport notes that President Obama has never said — either on the campaign trail or after taking office — that he intends to push for a ban on the sale […]
95 and 495: High-Speed Death Traps?

It seems as though once every two weeks, or maybe even, once every a week, I-95 and/or I-495 come to a screeching halt due to accidents cause by high-speed or inattentive driver. Now, I haven’t gone out and gotten any statistics on this, but from my experience driving on 95 and 495, the State Police […]
Not So Suddenly Sudan

After months of hard work and analysis, the Obama Administration recently unveiled its Sudan strategy. According to the US State Department, the Sudan strategy will focus on three areas: A definitive end to conflict, gross human rights abuses, and genocide in Darfur. Implementation of the North-South CPA (Comprehensive Peace Agreement) that results in a peaceful […]
As DuPont Earns, News Journal Spurns Delaware Workers
More laziness from The News Journal regarding DuPont.
Redo in Afghanistan

President Hamid Karzai has relented to international and internal pressure agreeing to a runoff election scheduled for Nov. 7th of this year. Whether the runoff election will be held in two weeks is still up to much speculation as there is widespread concern that the election commission can setup up a national election in 14 […]
Where Cries of Socialism Meet Racism
Christopher J. Lee, assistant professor at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has an interesting op-ed piece in the Christian Science Monitor looking at the racist undertones of the rightwing shouts of socialism. Yet, as seen at various town hall meetings and the Tea Party rally in Washington Sept. 12, a deeper sign […]
The News Journal Op-Ed Page: A Wingnut Bastion?

What’s in the water over at the News Journal Editorial Board? Today they are running an op-ed, “An Unconstitutional Nobel”, tha looks at whether or not President Obama can constitutionally accept the Nobel Prize. Oh yeah, the article is written by Ronald Rotunda, a senior fellow of the Cato Institute, and Peter Pham, a senior […]
Snowball’s Chance In Hell

John Tobin has some analysis regarding whether Christine O’Donnell has the possible votes to beat Mike Castle in the 2010 US Senate Republican Primary. In the post at Politics By The Numbers, Tobin looks at the results of the 2006 US Senate Republican Primary between O’Donnell, Mike Protack and Jan Ting. Even though O’Donnell got […]
Biden In For Bumpy Ride?

In Sunday’s News Journal, there’s an article about Beau Biden and the possibility of him running. The article is tilted, “Senate run could distract Biden”. Now, I normally like Esteban Para’s writing, but not this time.
Where The Wild Things Are . . . For Now

Through years of study and research, scientists and park rangers have determined that thousands of acres of Aspens are dying out due to global warming.
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