A Dad, a husband and a data guru
nemski's Latest Posts
We Miss Deadlines All The Time

The Dover Post via the Community News has an article about the Video and Sports Lottery Study Commission meeting for the first time yesterday to begin their mandate of “investigating the possible effects of new gambling venues on state revenues, business at existing casinos, the horseracing industry, the job market and local communities.” One of […]
Question of the Day

Will the addition of the Wilmington native, Kelly, interest you in watching Survivor this year?
Same as the Old Boss?
Brandywine School District has announced that Dr. Mark Holodick, principal of Concord High School, is the sole finalist for the superintendent position in the Brandywine School District left vacant when Dr. James Scanlon left, reports The Community News. With a child in the Brandywine School District, I was saddened when Scanlon said he was leaving. […]
Progressive Anniversary

Today marks the 89th anniversary of the Nineteenth Amendment being made part of the US Constitution. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. We […]
Is Beck Going Belly Up?

While Delaware Liberal was supposedly imploding last week, real news was occurring as Glenn Beck was losing advertisers faster than Republicans lose voters. What’s all the hubbub about? Beck was on one of the Fox News TV chat shows and he called the President a “rasict”. I know, I know, this doesn’t surprise you as […]
A Witty Saying Proves Nothing

When the Prince of Darkness died, I commented, “Good riddance. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way to Hell.” It was Chilon of Sparta who once said that one should not speak ill of the dead, but I’m pretty sure that he wasn’t speaking of people like Robert Novak. With […]
Late Night Video: Beyonce’s Single Ladies Spoof
This spoof by Nic Billington of Beyonce’s Single Ladies is great. Here’s a link to Beyonce’s video if you’ve never seen it, but trust me, you don’t need to watch it. Goth’s dancing to Beyonce is enough for anyone. h/t Randy Thomas.
Threat Level Politics
One of the rites of passages high-ranking government officials go through after they retire is to write a book. Former Homeland Secretary Tom Ridge is no different. His new book, The Test of Our Times: America Under Siege … and How We Can Be Safe Again, will be released on September 1st of this year. […]
Bon Appétit!

Julie & Julia is the story about a young failed novelist — god, I’m getting old as I call someone turning 30 young — and her quest to do something with her life. Besides her too perfect husband, she loves writing and cooking; she chooses to go blog her way recipe by recipe through Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking.
Republican Jokester

Finally, a Republican joke that’s both funny and original. Kudoos. h/t Newsbusters
Like Shooting Fish in a Barrel

Let’s do some math. Take Paul Stanley a Republican State Senator from Tennessee and add some good ol’ Christian values and what do you get? A southern Christian Republican politician boffing a 22-year-old intern and taking snapshots for his scrapbooking workshop. Oh, by the way, Stanley’s first wife — yes, he’s been married more than […]
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