
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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Hilary Rosen Says Something Stupid, Even Worse She Misses The Point

Filed in National by on April 12, 2012 32 Comments
Hilary Rosen Says Something Stupid, Even Worse She Misses The Point

Let’s begin with what Rosen said: During an appearance on CNN Wednesday night, Democratic commentator Hilary Rosen questioned whether Ann Romney was qualified to be talking about women’s economic issues since she’s “never worked a day in her life.” Like I said… stupid.  Rosen then doubles down: Spare me the faux anger from the right […]

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UPDATED: George Zimmerman Charged With 2nd Degree Murder In Trayvon Martin Shooting

Filed in National by on April 11, 2012 13 Comments

Florida special prosecutor Angela Corey plans to announce as early as Wednesday afternoon that she is charging neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman in the shooting of Trayvon Martin, according to a law enforcement official close to the investigation.

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Is Every Question A Trick Question To Romney?

Filed in National by on April 11, 2012 47 Comments

On a conference call with reporters Wednesday morning, campaign aides for Gov. Mitt Romney were unable to say affirmitively whether Romney supports the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

They’ll get back to us with an answer. This really shouldn’t be a trick question, nor should it be one that generates a meeting in camp Romney.

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Breaking: George Zimmerman’s Lawyers Give Up Representing Him; Say They’ve Lost Contact

Filed in National by on April 10, 2012 5 Comments

Uhrig said Zimmerman has taken his own steps since they lost contact with him on Sunday, including; 1) Setting up his own website under a different Web address than what the attorneys had arranged with him; 2) Speaking to Fox News’ Sean Hannity by phone, apparently off the record (“(Hannity) is not willing to tell us what our client told him”); and 3) Calling the special prosecutor’s office directly, as opposed to through his attorneys, and offering to come in and answer investigators’ questions (The prosecutor’s office told Zimmerman that they weren’t going to talk to him without counsel, Uhrig said).

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Laws Affect People, Not Abstract Concepts

Filed in Delaware, National by on April 4, 2012 15 Comments

Hi DL. I’m Mrs. XStryker. Some of you know me already. I’m not a very vocal member of this community and in that light I’d like to thank the rest of the contributors for allowing me to post this guest blog. Something has to be done on behalf of women who think this will never happen to them. I know I was certainly one of them.

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A Message From Kavips…

Filed in National by on April 3, 2012 5 Comments

This makes me sad. Hopefully, this isn’t good-bye. Kavips is a strong, intelligent, passionate voice in blogging. Agree, or disagree with him, Kavips made us think. For that, Kavips, I thank you.

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I’m Sure This Is Simply Another Lone Wolf – Homemade Bomb Explodes At Planned Parenthood Office

Filed in National by on April 2, 2012 8 Comments

A small, homemade bomb exploded outside a Planned Parenthood office in Wisconsin on Sunday night, prompting federal and local investigators to launch a hunt for the person who put it there. Who needs to worry about the Taliban? We’re growing our own terrorists.

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Republicans Losing Women Voters

Filed in National by on April 2, 2012 5 Comments

President Obama has emerged with an impressive lead in swing states around the country — thanks to women voters abandoning the GOP in droves, according to a new USA Today/Gallup poll showing President Obama leading among women voters in the top dozen battleground states by a whopping 18 points — greater than the 12-point gender gap he won with in 2008.

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Two Experts Say: Not George Zimmerman Crying For Help

Filed in National by on March 31, 2012 14 Comments
Two Experts Say: Not George Zimmerman Crying For Help

A leading expert in the field of forensic voice identification sought to answer that question by analyzing the recordings for the Orlando Sentinel. His result: It was not George Zimmerman who called for help. Every claim Zimmerman has made about what happened that night with Trayvon Martin is now discredited. George Zimmerman needs to be arrested now.

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Stand Your Ground Law, Meet The Bar Scene

Filed in Delaware, National by on March 31, 2012 10 Comments
Stand Your Ground Law, Meet The Bar Scene

I am sure almost every woman has a story to tell, here is one of mine…

I was 25 and having drinks with friends at Harpoon Hannah’s (yeah, I know.). A man approached our table and asked me to dance. I thanked him for the offer, but declined. I even offered an excuse, “I’m hanging out with friends tonight. I haven’t seen them in a while, but thank you.” Frankly, my “no, thank you” should have been enough, but I get that approaching a stranger and asking them to dance can be difficult, so I always tried to be kind. Can anyone guess what happened next?

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What If Buying A Gun Required The Same Restrictions As Getting An Abortion?

Filed in National by on March 30, 2012 10 Comments

Why don’t gun buyers have to follow the same rules women are forced to follow? Wait 48 hours after applying. View on ultrasound of a body with a bullet in it. Listen to the heartbeat of someone as they die of a gunshot wound. Get a lecture from a surgeon on what it is like to operate on a gunshot wound. After all that, if a person still wants a gun, he or she can buy one. Why should buying a gun be any easier than having an abortion?”

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Does George Zimmerman Look “Bloody And Battered?

Filed in National by on March 29, 2012 40 Comments

Ever since the press started reporting on Zimmerman’s injuries I fully expected to see pictures of a bloody nose, a bleeding gash on the back of his head that his attorney said should have required stitches. I expected to see George Zimmerman looking like he was beaten up.

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BREAKING: Lead Investigator In Trayvon Martin Case Wanted Zimmerman Charged With Manslaughter On Night Of The Shooting

Filed in National by on March 27, 2012 7 Comments

The lead homicide investigator in the shooting of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin recommended that neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman be charged with manslaughter the night of the shooting, multiple sources told ABC News.

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