
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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South Carolina Primary Open Thread

Filed in National by on January 21, 2012 13 Comments

Should be an interesting evening.  Maybe they’ll lose some votes and declare Rmoney the winner. Polls close at 7pm.

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South Carolina Primary Predictions

Filed in National by on January 21, 2012 14 Comments

My best guess is that Newt beats Romney by 7 points. Gingrich: 38% Romney: 31% Paul: 14% Santorum: 12% Consider this… If Romney loses tonight, Mr. Inevitable will be 1 for 3.

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Romney Doesn’t Want To Give Obama A Present

Filed in National by on January 20, 2012 20 Comments

Romney says “I’ll release [my tax returns] on April 15, and the reason is very simple: I want to beat Barack Obama. I don’t want to give the Democrats a nice little present of having multiple releases. We’re going to have one release.”
This really makes no sense… unless it really is a gift.

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Romney National Support Collapsing

Filed in National by on January 20, 2012 2 Comments

>Gallup’s Editor-in-chief Frank Newport appeared on MSNBC to talk about the polling organization’s national tracking poll of the GOP primary race, which is changing rapidly in the last few days of the campaign for South Carolina. Newport said when their new data comes out at 1 pm eastern, “…we’ll see this gap closing more. Romney was up 23 points over Newt Gingrich. Now it will be down about ten points, so clearly things are collapsing.

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The Gazillionth Republican Debate Open Thread

Filed in National by on January 19, 2012 19 Comments

I’m thinkin’ this is gonna get interesting.  Have at it.

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An New Idea About Affording College

Filed in National by on January 19, 2012 11 Comments

As most of you know, the Pandora household is preparing to send our first born off to college. We actually received our first second acceptance letter! For those of you not here yet… the cost of college is enough to take your breath away, which is why this article caught my attention.

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Breaking: Rick Perry Dropping Out

Filed in National by on January 19, 2012 7 Comments

And supposedly endorsing Gingrich. Poor Mitt.

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Santorum Wins!

Filed in National by on January 19, 2012 5 Comments

Just thought he deserved the headline. The Republican party of Iowa has finished it’s recount of the January 3rd Iowa caucuses and the certified final results show Rick Santorum came out ahead by 34 votes.

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The Captain Who Wouldn’t Go Down With His Ship

Filed in International by on January 17, 2012 7 Comments


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Fighting Abnormal (And Fake) Body Images As The Mother Of A 14 Year Old Girl

Filed in Delaware, National by on January 16, 2012 46 Comments
Fighting Abnormal (And Fake) Body Images As The Mother Of A 14 Year Old Girl

My 14 year old daughter wears a size 0 and still thinks she’s not skinny enough. It’s enough to make me want to pull my hair out. I want to scream when her friends come over and the discussion spirals into what’s wrong with my body. Granted, their focus is on their bodies only, and they’re quick to come to each others’ defense. Also, they don’t attack someone for their weight or their looks, which, I guess, is a step in the right direction.

But… they are ridiculously hard on themselves.

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150 Evangelicals Can’t Be Wrong

Filed in National by on January 15, 2012 4 Comments

Santorum’s their guy. A group of 150 of the country’s leading social conservative and evangelical leaders met yesterday on a ranch outside Houston and, after three rounds of balloting, decided who they wanted as their official anyone-but-Romney alternative: Rick Santorum. Though the meeting was described by some as ‘too little, too late,’ it was still […]

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Ron Paul Kingmaker?

Filed in National by on January 12, 2012 1 Comment

Grover Norquist seems to think so… Still not sure of Paul’s plan. I pointed out earlier this week how Paul attacks everyone but Mitt Romney. But… I’m still having trouble seeing Paul as a “team player.” He’s a loose cannon with lots of power.

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When Mitt Romney Came To Town – Absolutely Devastating

Filed in National by on January 12, 2012 33 Comments

If you haven’t watched Newt Gingrich’s Super Pac Ad… watch it now. It is absolutely devastating. Ed Kilgore describes is as “one of the most devilishly effective attack communications I’ve personally ever seen–a heat-seeking missile aimed directly at the white orking class id.”

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