
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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Rick Santorum VS Contraception

Filed in National by on January 4, 2012 7 Comments

Now that Rick Santorum has won the Iowa Caucus – Yes.  He really did. – let’s give his craziness some attention.  BTW, have I mentioned how much I love this Republican nightmare? Via Think Progress: Rick Santorum reiterated his belief that states should have the right to outlaw contraception during an interview with ABC News […]

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Bachmann Out

Filed in National by on January 4, 2012 12 Comments

Lots of talk about socialism and “Obamacare” and how hard she tried, but… NO ENDORSEMENT.  Where, oh where, will her supporters go?

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Looking For The Republican Enthusiasm Gap

Filed in Delaware by on January 4, 2012 0 Comments

Then click on Delaware Politics local blog roll.  I did, and here’s what I found – basically nothing.  It’s almost as if the Iowa Caucuses never happened.  David Anderson threw up a post sorta for Santorum and Paul later last evening.  It was pretty unenthusiastic. The Daily Borg writes a philosophical post on what winning […]

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Caucus Thoughts, Or… When A Win Isn’t Really A Win

Filed in National by on January 4, 2012 11 Comments

Last night was another win for Not-Romney. Honestly, I almost think it would have been better for Romney to have lost by 8 votes – yes, that’s debatable. But let’s move on to future Romney woes…

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Iowa Caucus Open Thread

Filed in National by on January 3, 2012 106 Comments

I have no idea what’s going to happen tonight… Do you?

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The Christine O’Donnell “Behind-Closed-Doors/I Don’t Know My Own Mind” Primary State Tour

Filed in Delaware by on November 29, 2011 10 Comments

One-time tea party darling and thrice-failed Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell is asking voters in the key early nominating states to help her choose a GOP candidate to endorse for president. She needs help in choosing a candidate to support because it’s, oh so, hard and confusing? I’m not buying it. This is about what it’s always about with Christine: Attention.

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Tweeting Teen More Media Savvy Than Gov. Brownback

Filed in National by on November 28, 2011 4 Comments

“I don’t think I should write the letter, and I don’t think it would be the best move for me,” Emma Sullivan, 18, said late Sunday night. “At this time, I do not think an apology would be a sincere thing for me to do.”

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The Tip Of The Iceberg?

Filed in National by on November 28, 2011 2 Comments

It’s a shame, but we all need to be watchful over people with authority and influence over children. I am not painting all coaches with the same brush, but it seems to me that if you want to have access to children coaching offers a fertile hunting ground.

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Is This What The Secret Service Is Intended For?

Filed in National by on November 18, 2011 8 Comments

[Cain spokesman JD Gordon] would not say how many Secret Service agents would be positioned with Cain, but the spokesman said the coverage began Thursday night in New York, where Cain taped an interview on the “Late Show with David Letterman.”On the campaign trail, Cain “draws anywhere from a dozen to 50 media at his events,” Gordon said. “When he gets out at a rally or a campaign stop, it has been increasingly common for media to be physically putting themselves and others in danger by trying to follow him with a lot of heavy equipment and cameras in close quarters like we saw yesterday

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I Watched PolitiChicks So You Don’t Have To… But I Bet You Watch

Filed in National by on November 17, 2011 4 Comments

This is a whole new level of stupid. First, what sort of grown woman is comfortable calling herself a chick? Second, if surrounding these women with books was supposed to add intellectual heft it was a huge fail. There aren’t enough books in the world…

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I Agree With Jon Stewart

Filed in National by on November 16, 2011 1 Comment

This is exactly the way I felt listening to Sandusky.  Watch:

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Evan Queitsch Announces Candidacy

Filed in Delaware by on November 14, 2011 41 Comments

Evan Queitsch will run against Senator Anthony DeLuca. He’s set up a website. His motto: We can make Delaware the 1st State once again! He also seems to be against literacy.

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My New Blog Crush Sums Up Last Night’s GOP Debate

Filed in National by on November 10, 2011 12 Comments

Take it away, Charles Pierce!

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