
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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I Need Something Funny Today, And So Do You!

Filed in National by on November 9, 2011 8 Comments

Everyone seems a wee bit testy, so I thought I’d lighten things up! The Mike Tyson as Herman Cain Funny or Die video.

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If You Aren’t Reading Charles Pierce You’re Missing Out

Filed in National by on November 8, 2011 0 Comments

Here are some highlights, but you need to read the whole article.

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Paterno Needs To Leave In Disgrace

Filed in National by on November 8, 2011 44 Comments

As the story of sexual abuse against children unfolds at Penn State I find myself wondering how Paterno and crew are still standing. In fact, he’s holding his weekly press conference today. Should be interesting. Perhaps he’ll take a page out of Herman Cain’s book and scold the reporters.

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Spousal Rape Can’t Be Prosecuted Because… She Wears A Nightie To Bed

Filed in National by on November 6, 2011 13 Comments

Women just can’t win in the Republican mindset. They are simply property of men. It can’t be spousal rape because she wore a nightie to bed? What the hell is she supposed to wear to bed? A burqa? Watch the video.

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Bullying Okay If Done In The Name Of God

Filed in National by on November 4, 2011 25 Comments

One only has to venture over to a Conservative blog to understand that if these people ever got their way they’d burn the rest of us at the stake. But until that day arrives they’re content to let children be bullied in the name of their morality and their god.

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Elizabeth Warren Called “Socialist Whore” By Tea Party Supporter

Filed in National by on November 3, 2011 2 Comments

Speaking in a packed VFW hall, Warren went on to address his question about her association with Occupy Wall Street. “I’ve been protesting what’s been going on on Wall Street for a very long time,” she said, but added that the movement has its own independent agenda and will proceed along its own course.

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Old Man’s War

Filed in National by on November 3, 2011 7 Comments

Four Georgia men who belonged to a “fringe militia group” were arrested by FBI agents on Tuesday and charged with plotting an attack against U.S. citizens and federal employees using the biological toxin ricin.

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Over At Kilroy’s: What About The (Charter) Children?

Filed in National by on October 31, 2011 27 Comments

I’ve been having a back and forth with Kilroy over at his blog. It all started with this thought in his post entitled: Pennsylvania moves towards school voucher.

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Mississippi Personhood

Filed in National by on October 28, 2011 32 Comments

A constitutional amendment facing voters in Mississippi on Nov. 8, and similar initiatives brewing in half a dozen other states including Florida and Ohio, would declare a fertilized human egg to be a legal person, effectively branding abortion and some forms of birth control as murder.

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Talking About The Weather Is No longer Mundane

Filed in Delaware by on October 28, 2011 4 Comments
Talking About The Weather Is No longer Mundane

Snow in October? Seriously? Half the trees in my neighborhood are still green, the others have turned but haven’t dropped most of their leaves.

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What Does Romney Stand For? Nothing, As Far As I Can Tell

Filed in National by on October 27, 2011 8 Comments

Up until recently I never gave Mitt Romney much thought. He was just sort of there. And while I’d never vote for him, I never viewed him as horrible. Which was why I kept my eye on him. Out of all the Republican candidates Romney was the one I considered the biggest threat to Obama. The reason I viewed him as a threat was his ability to appear reasonable and sane, and with the economy the way it is I could see people being comfortable with voting for him. I don’t see that any more.

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Looks Like There’s A New Blog In Town

Filed in Delaware by on October 21, 2011 11 Comments

Steve Newton brings us Civil But Disobedient. I hadn’t realized Steve had started his own blog until I surfed over his name in the comments, and what do I find when I visit?  A post calling out Delaware Liberal.  Just like the good old days!

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Republican Debate: Who Won? Who Lost?

Filed in National by on October 19, 2011 6 Comments

Why yes, I did watch, and may I offer my condolences to Republican voters.  Talk about a train wreck, but I simply loved the whole apples and oranges exchange.  Share your thoughts here.

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