
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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The Tea Party In Delaware And Arizona Have A Lot In Common

Filed in Delaware, National by on January 12, 2011 9 Comments

In the words of Mistermix, What The Hell Is Happening In Arizona? A nasty battle between factions of Legislative District 20 Republicans and fears that it could turn violent in the wake of what happened in Tucson on Saturday prompted District Chairman Anthony Miller and several others to resign. Miller, a 43-year-old Ahwatukee Foothills resident […]

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Sussex County GOP Meeting – All That Was Missing Was Spit Balls

Filed in Delaware by on January 11, 2011 30 Comments

Anon referenced these two posts over at Delaware Politics in an earlier thread.  It truly is popcorn worthy. Let’s start with some snippets from Angel’s post: For those of you who are unaware, Don recently announced he would be running for the Delaware GOP Chair seat against Tom Ross.  Don simply sent out an email […]

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Filed in National by on January 10, 2011 0 Comments

Via TPM: “We can confirm that there was a threat against Senator Bennet’s office and that the FBI working with the Capitol Police have arrested the individual responsible for the threat. Per their advice, we are referring inquiries related to this matter to the Capitol Police. Michael has full confidence in the law enforcement agencies […]

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Pumping Up The Volume

Filed in National by on January 9, 2011 32 Comments

As our faithful readers are aware I have been warning that Somebody Is Going To Be Hurt for quite a while.  What happened yesterday didn’t surprise me.  I’d been expecting it.  The fact that it happened in Arizona… again, not a surprise. What is surprising is how quickly everyone moved to define the shooter’s politics […]

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Calling Them Frauds Is Accurate

Filed in National by on January 7, 2011 40 Comments

Andrew Sullivan nails it. First, let’s read Paul Ryan’s quote: “We’re gonna be reducing all domestic discretionary spending. I can’t tell you by what amount and which program, but all of it is going to be going down, and the aggregate amount will be back to 2008 levels before the spending binge occurred.” Okay, everybody […]

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I Really Tried To Ignore Douthat’s Column

Filed in National by on January 4, 2011 4 Comments
I Really Tried To Ignore Douthat’s Column

You’re probably destined to write a post about something you go to bed thinking about.   Here’s what kept me up last night: In every era, there’s been a tragic contrast between the burden of unwanted pregnancies and the burden of infertility. But this gap used to be bridged by adoption far more frequently than it […]

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January 12th! Save The Date!

Filed in National by on January 4, 2011 5 Comments

Republicans have chosen the date to repeal Health Care. Republican leaders in the new House say they’ll hold a vote next week to repeal President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul. The announcement of the Jan. 12 vote by the No. 2 House Republican, Virginia Rep. Eric Cantor, sets the stage for a showdown with the […]

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Debt Ceiling “Insanity”

Filed in National by on January 3, 2011 4 Comments

Are there any grown ups left in the Republican Party? Dealing with the debt limit “as adults” doesn’t appear to be going well. This morning, two right-wing lawmakers — Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and Rep.-elect Mike Kelly (R-Minn.) — reiterated their opposition to raising the debt limit on CBS’s “Face the Nation.” Soon after, Sen. […]

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Because I Can…

Filed in Delaware by on December 23, 2010 3 Comments
Because I Can…

What’s the point of having a blog if you can’t take personal advantage…

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Cute Christmas Video

Filed in Delaware by on December 22, 2010 1 Comment
Cute Christmas Video

My cousin sent this to me.   Enjoy!

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“Conservative” Jesus

Filed in National by on December 21, 2010 10 Comments
“Conservative” Jesus

I’m not surprised by this article, since many conservatives politicize Jesus.  Instead of modeling their lives after Jesus, they model Jesus after their lives.   Very convenient.  They’ve reduced their religion to taking sides at a sporting event. He helped the poor without one government program. He healed the sick without a government health care system. […]

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New Republican Theme Song: Thank Heaven For Little Girls

Filed in International, National by on December 20, 2010 29 Comments
New Republican Theme Song:  Thank Heaven For Little Girls

Since this bill had nothing to do with abortion let’s just call it what it is:  Republicans are okay with young girls being forced into marriage.  Sorry, if that sounds harsh, but that’s what their vote says. Via Steve Benen: FAILING TO PROTECT GIRLS FROM CHILD MARRIAGE…. As Jodi Jacobson explained the other day, “An […]

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As Promised… Excellent Christmas Music

Filed in Delaware by on December 17, 2010 15 Comments
As Promised… Excellent Christmas Music

I’ll give you two classics to make up for my earlier post.  Forgive me. First up… Judy Garland (Sorry for the intro.  This was the only embeddable video available) Next, the fabulous Lena Horne. Am I forgiven for the Christmas Shoes crap?

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