
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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The GOP Needs New Talent

Filed in National by on June 7, 2010 7 Comments

And I’m not talking politics.  I’m talking about how Republicans love (and steal) the music of liberal performers. Senate candidate Chuck DeVore (R-CA) got burned for using for using altered-lyric version of Don Henley’s “The Boys of Summer” and “All She Wants To Do Is Dance” for his campaign’s Web ads. David Byrne is suing […]

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Arizona Proves What We All Knew…

Filed in National by on June 4, 2010 34 Comments

… It’s about race. Maybe it’s time to admit that large chunks of America are in the hands of unreconstructed racists and vulgar idiots, and that the popular election of a black man as president just might’ve pushed these furious, economically doomed old white people into a final rage that is going to end very, […]

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C’mon Delaware… Listen Up!

Filed in Delaware by on June 2, 2010 7 Comments
C’mon Delaware… Listen Up!

Didn’t I just post one of these?  Check it out! Today’s installment is truncated (some might say “mercifully truncated”) due to technical difficulties. Tags: Matt Denn in a Wawa. Michael Castle, Joe Biden, ASM, Brian Selander, DelawareLiberal, Dave Burris. Enjoy!

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The Latest Offering From C’mon Delaware

Filed in Delaware by on May 29, 2010 0 Comments

They’re baaaacccckkkk!  And, as the shamelessly honest plug states… This week’s episode gets off to a slow start, but is honestly pretty good. Give it a listen….IF YOU DARE!! Tags:  Sex in the City 2, Oil Spill is Bush’s Other Katrina, Breaking News: Mike Castle is gay. etc..etc… Etc… etc… ?  Someone getting a little […]

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It Was Only A Matter Of Time

Filed in National by on May 27, 2010 18 Comments

There was no avoiding this. In fact, impeachment talk moved yesterday from Tea Party rallies to at least one Republican Member of the House, Darrell Issa. And Issa’s not an obscure backbencher; he’s the ranking Republican on Oversight and Government Reform, and he also sits on the Judiciary Committee. The incentives all run to impeachment, […]

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Republican Short-Sightedness

Filed in National by on May 26, 2010 9 Comments

This was obvious to everyone but the GOP. Today, a new NBC/MSNBC/Telemundo poll shows a similar trend at the national level, where “Latinos, once a semi-swing group of voters, now have swung overwhelmingly for President Obama and the Democratic Party, and younger Hispanics are moving to the Democrats in even greater numbers.” For example, 68% […]

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Does Anyone Know How To Stop The Oil Spill?

Filed in National by on May 25, 2010 36 Comments

I have no idea what will stop the oil spilling, and neither, it seems, does anyone else. Move past the political spin, who should be in charge talk, and who’s to blame chatter and listen to the scientists.  What they’re saying is frightening.  There are theories on how to stop the spill, but no one […]

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DADT Repeal? There’s Movement!

Filed in National by on May 24, 2010 30 Comments

Steve Benen lays out what’s going on. Key votes pending in Congress this week on whether to repeal the “don’t ask, don’t tell” law that prohibits openly gay men and lesbians from serving in the military remain too close to call, advocates on both sides say. The Senate Armed Services Committee is expected to vote […]

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Red And Blue Families

Filed in National by on May 24, 2010 12 Comments

I keep stumbling across articles on Naomi Cahn and June Carbone’s new book, Red Families v. Blue Families: Legal Polarization and the Creation of Culture. I will be picking it up today. I’m not trying to score points in this post – although points will be scored.  I’d rather discuss the disconnect between Red and […]

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Weekend Foodie Thread

Filed in Delaware by on May 22, 2010 11 Comments

There’s a reason I don’t post our daily Open Thread.  My last “Weekend Foodie Thread” was in December!  But since Spring has sprung, fresh veggies have returned and grills are being fired up I’m feeling inspired.  And… I was asked about why I haven’t posted on this at the last Drinking Liberally! Let’s start with […]

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How Is This Possible?

Filed in National by on May 20, 2010 15 Comments

First, a confession… This year I got suckered into watching Celebrity Apprentice because of Rod Blagojevich.  It was like a horrible accident you couldn’t turn away from.  And the main reason I watched – besides the endless amusement Blago generated by proclaiming his innocence to anyone and everyone – was his complete incompetence with technology.  […]

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Conservative Women’s Group Elevates Souder To A Man Above Men

Filed in National by on May 19, 2010 3 Comments

Seriously? “Those of us who have worked with Mark over the years know him to be a kind and thoughtful legislator. If Mark Souder is capable of sexual misconduct, it could happen to anyone,” said Concerned Women for America CEO Penny Nance in a statement Tuesday. “The frat house environment on Capitol Hill does nothing […]

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It’s Time To Mess With Texas

Filed in National by on May 19, 2010 18 Comments

History should be something we learn from, but if the Texas School Board gets its way learning will be replaced by indoctrination. The board is to vote on a sweeping purge of alleged liberal bias in Texas school textbooks in favour of what Dunbar says really matters: a belief in America as a nation chosen […]

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