
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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Teacher Uses Assassination To Explain Geometry

Filed in National by on May 18, 2010 5 Comments

Crazy stuff.  (via TPM) The Secret Service investigated an Alabama high school teacher for using the example of shooting President Obama while teaching a geometry lesson. […] A student in the class described the lesson: “He was talking about angles and said, ‘If you’re in this building, you would need to take this angle to […]

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Another “Family Values” Republican Fails To Practice What He Preaches

Filed in National by on May 18, 2010 20 Comments

Typical. Rep. Mark Souder (R-IN), a champion of abstinence education and traditional family values, will resign effective Friday after an affair with a female staffer in his district office, he announced today. He said in a statement that he “sinned against God, my wife and my family by having a mutual relationship with a part-time […]

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A Morning Chuckle

Filed in National by on May 15, 2010 24 Comments

Funny… in a creepy sort of way.

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Don’t Count Your Chickens…

Filed in National by on May 13, 2010 10 Comments

Harry Reid as the Comeback Kid? A Republican civil war and some rather, well, fowl comments about health care might just be giving Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid a fresh chance at reelection this fall. For months Reid (D-NV) has seemed like a goner as each one of his potential GOP rivals held solid leads […]

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Hair Of The Dog?

Filed in Science and Health by on May 10, 2010 6 Comments

Whenever I’ve had a little too much “fun” (and ended up paying for it) my brother would always say, “hair of the dog.”  Looks like he had a point. Scientists have discovered the molecule in the brain that leads to hangovers. The neuropeptide, a brain-signalling molecule, is believed to cause the body to experience withdrawal […]

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The Changing Face Of Suburbia

Filed in National by on May 10, 2010 2 Comments

I’m not sure what to make of this: White flight? In a reversal, America’s suburbs are now more likely to be home to minorities, the poor and a rapidly growing older population as many younger, educated whites move to cities for jobs and shorter commutes. An analysis of 2000-2008 census data by the Brookings Institution […]

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Arizona Is Reverting To The Wild, Wild West

Filed in National by on April 29, 2010 41 Comments

Permits?  We don’t need no stinkin’ permits. Gov. Jan Brewer signed Senate Bill 1108 into law Friday afternoon. It eliminates the requirement for a concealed-carry weapons permit, but does require gun owners to accurately answer if an officer asks them if they are carrying weapon concealed. It also allows officers to temporarily confiscate a weapon […]

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I’m Glad I’m Raising A Buffy And Not A Bella

Filed in Delaware, National by on April 29, 2010 14 Comments

Given the Twilight series rage I purchased the books for my preteen daughter.  I mean, everyone was reading them.  Everyone was raving.  But… My daughter doesn’t like Twilight.  She likes the Vampire Diaries and the Vampire Academy, so it isn’t the genre… It’s Twilight specifically.  Which I found perplexing, since the back covers all read […]

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Drinking Liberally TONIGHT!

Filed in National by on April 29, 2010 40 Comments

Last call!  Be there, or be square. UPDATED:  Here’s your reminder! Spring is here, and Geek and I finally got our act together and planned a Drinking Liberally! Please join us next Thursday, April 29th at the Iron Hill Brewery on the Wilmington Riverfront.  We will be meeting on the second floor at 7:00p.m., and […]

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Is Laura Bush Kidding?

Filed in National by on April 28, 2010 9 Comments

From her new book: Bush also suggests that she, her husband, and several members of their staff may have been poisoned during a G8 summit in Germany where they all fell mysteriously ill. The Secret Service investigated and doctors found only that they had a virus. “We never learned if any other delegations became ill, […]

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Oklahoma Doctors Get Okay To Lie To Patients

Filed in National by on April 28, 2010 14 Comments

Angry Mouse at kos points out the crazy. The second measure passed into law Tuesday protects doctors from malpractice suits if they decide not to inform the parents of a unborn baby that the fetus has birth defects. The intent of the bill is to prevent parents from later suing doctors who withhold information to […]

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I Might Be Getting My Inheritance Early

Filed in Delaware by on April 22, 2010 14 Comments

My parents have volunteered to become census workers in Sussex County.

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Not To Be Outdone By Arizona… Oklahoma Brings On The Crazy

Filed in National by on April 21, 2010 22 Comments

Via kos: OKLAHOMA CITY—The Oklahoma Senate approved several bills Monday that opponents say would make it more difficult or uncomfortable for women to get abortions, including one that would require women seeking the procedures early in their pregnancies to undergo an invasive form of ultrasound…[The law] would require doctors to use a vaginal probe in […]

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