
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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Did Sarah Palin Write Crib Notes On Her Hand?

Filed in National by on February 7, 2010 16 Comments
Did Sarah Palin Write Crib Notes On Her Hand?

This seems almost too funny to be true. Via kos: AP photo showing words written on her palm. Zoomed in shot of Palin’s hand – Energy, Budget Cut Tax, Lift America Spirit? Someone please tell me this was photo-shopped.  But given this video, shot during question and answer time, it would appear not. [youtube][/youtube] She’s […]

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USC Recruits 7th Grader

Filed in Delaware by on February 5, 2010 6 Comments

Via Gather: David Sills, a seventh-grader at Red Lion Christian Academy in Bear, Delaware has got a great arm and seems to know the game of football. Even his quarterback coach thinks he’s got big talent, but being recruited at the age of 13 seems a bit overkill. Lane Kiffin, the new coach at USC  […]

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“It’s Worth Thinking About”

Filed in National by on February 4, 2010 1 Comment

At yesterday’s Q&A with Democrats Obama delivered a line that should have every Democrat sitting up and taking notice.  If you watch the video below one thing stands out – Obama is not laughing. “There was apparently a headline after the Massachusetts election. The Village Voice announced that Republicans win a 41-59 majority. It’s worth […]

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UPDATED: More Obama Q&A

Filed in National by on February 3, 2010 43 Comments

Tomorrow morning, the president will be doing a televised Q&A with the Senate Democratic caucus.

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Republican Idiocy

Filed in National by on February 1, 2010 21 Comments

Wondering what the Republican base looks like… Via TPM, Via Kos on Twitter: A new Daily Kos/Research 2000 poll, conducted among 2,000 self-identified Republican respondents nationwide, gives an interesting peek into the psyche of the minority party’s base. • 39% of Republicans want President Obama to be impeached. • 63% think Obama is a socialist. […]

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Pentagon: Global Warming Destabilizing Force

Filed in National by on February 1, 2010 2 Comments

Via The Guardian: The Pentagon will for the first time rank global warming as a destabilising force, adding fuel to conflict and putting US troops at risk around the world, in a major strategy review to be presented to Congress tomorrow. The quadrennial defence review, prepared by the Pentagon to update Congress on its security […]

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Cutting And Running – FOX Style

Filed in National by on January 30, 2010 15 Comments

If you want to know exactly how damaging yesterday’s Q&A between Obama and House Republicans really was, look no further than FOX who yanked the coverage when it became apparent what was happening wouldn’t jive with its propaganda. In the end, by pulling coverage of a historic event, FOX added a million exclamation marks to […]

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Can Republicans Work With Obama After Everything They’ve Said?

Filed in National by on January 30, 2010 8 Comments

Out of everything said yesterday this one passage stood out to me: So all I’m saying is we’ve got to close the gap a little bit between the rhetoric and the reality. I’m not suggesting that we’re going to agree on everything, whether it’s on health care or energy or what have you, but if […]

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Pregnant Woman Ordered (Yes, Ordered!) To Bed Rest

Filed in National by on January 27, 2010 13 Comments

It boggles the mind. Via Dkos: Ms. Burton is pregnant. She has two children and in her current pregnancy she is at risk of a miscarriage. She was admitted to the hospital in Florida where her doctors advised bed rest as well until a C-section could be performed. They also insisted that she quit smoking […]

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“When Democrats Retreat, You Better Watch Out Or You Will Get Run Over”

Filed in National by on January 22, 2010 19 Comments

Those are John Cole’s words, which go a long way in describing my feelings about the chances of HCR getting better and not worse.  Yesterday, in one of John’s typically snarky posts he asked:  My only question- which house blue dog will be the first to introduce a bill extend the Bush tax cuts to […]

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Breaking: Supreme Court Opens The Floodgates

Filed in National by on January 21, 2010 65 Comments

Instead of fighting amongst ourselves, perhaps we might want to keep our eye on the ball. The long-awaited 5-4 ruling, in the Citizens United v. FEC case, presents advocates of regulation with a major challenge in limiting the flow of corporate money into campaigns, and potentially opens the door for unrestricted amounts of corporate money […]

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Another Delaware Blogger Returns To Blogging

Filed in Delaware by on January 20, 2010 0 Comments

Anne O’Malia, formerly of Fix Red Clay, has started a new blog called Delaware Children Today.  Check it out!  Knowing Anne, it should be interesting and provocative!

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Might As Well Start A Coakley vs. Brown Thread

Filed in National by on January 19, 2010 98 Comments

I have no idea how this is going to turn out.   That said, Greg Sargent finally has hard turnout numbers from the Massachusetts Secretary of State… … and they confirm anecdotal evidence that turnout is running much higher than expected in Boston — a boon to Martha Coakley, perhaps, though who knows if it’s enough. […]

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