
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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Just When You Think Republicans Can’t Get Any Crazier

Filed in National by on November 5, 2009 30 Comments

They go and do something like this: Rep. Nathan Deal (R-GA), a candidate in the GOP primary for Governor of Georgia, has announced that he is signing a letter to the White House with several of his colleagues — asking for a copy of President Obama’s birth certificate. But, hey, this might be a winning […]

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David Brooks Lives In The Dream World Of Sluts While Pining Over Fonzi

Filed in National by on November 5, 2009 11 Comments

Words cannot express how sick I am over articles like this.  Let’s highlight the best parts of how texting has led to promiscuity. Once upon a time — in what we might think of as the “Happy Days” era — courtship was governed by a set of guardrails. Potential partners generally met within the context […]

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The Party Of No… Show

Filed in National by on November 4, 2009 8 Comments

Republicans don’t have the slightest interest in governing.  They also have no respect for elections (Read: the will of the people), and we know that reading bills is too much work for them. But this latest stunt takes the cake. Via Think Progress: According to Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Republicans have devolved from the “Party […]

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Armey Is Building An Army

Filed in National by on November 4, 2009 33 Comments

Let’s face it, NY-23 was the tea partier’s battle field.  It was where they drew the line in the sand.  And… there were lessons to be learned.   Mainly that a 100 year old Republican seat switched to a Democrat seat.  To me this says that people comfortable with always pulling the R lever suddenly changed […]

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Dave Burris Is Back… And He’s Not Happy

Filed in National by on November 3, 2009 23 Comments

Dave Burris has returned to blogging.  Check out his new site here.  Like I said at his new place… you don’t know what you had ’til it’s gone.  And while I rarely agreed with Dave, he made me think.  Delaware Politics has become wingnut central – Be honest, Dave, how irritated are you that you […]

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Republicans Already Claiming Voter Fraud In New Jersey Race

Filed in National by on November 3, 2009 54 Comments

Hmm… wonder what will happen to this baseless accusation should Christie win? TPM has it all – and it’s growing.  Republicans are ridiculous.

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I Blame The RINOs

Filed in National by on November 3, 2009 62 Comments

For months I’ve been asking myself,  how did the Republican Party devolve into madness?  It seems to have happened overnight – most notably election night last November – but I know that isn’t true.  I know the current state took years to come to fruition.  I also know the insanity was wooed with skill of […]

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If I Were A Republican Woman I’d Be Insulted

Filed in National by on October 30, 2009 18 Comments
If I Were A Republican Woman I’d Be Insulted

Reading this article brought two things to mind – The Stepford Wives and Enjoli… [youtube][/youtube] Ah yes, you’ve come a long way, baby. Right-wing women rock. Not for us the sturdy, honest calves of the New Democrat/Green Party female, honed on eco-tourist rainforest hikes. Those legs are often on unfortunate display, extending from a knee-length […]

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Palin Doesn’t Come Cheap

Filed in National by on October 29, 2009 5 Comments

Sarah Palin is “charging” the conservative Iowa Family Policy Center 100,000.00 to speak at their dinner next month.  Hey, great work if you can get it.  But why would she want to?  We are talking about Iowa – the state political careers go to soar or dive.  Also, not exactly the most neighborly move for […]

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Red States, Blue States – Who Gets The Green

Filed in National by on October 27, 2009 4 Comments
Red States, Blue States – Who Gets The Green

Take a look at the chart below.  The Commonwealth Fund has released its 2009 state health care scorecard. Notice anything interesting.  A whole lot of Red States (you know, the ones threatening to opt out of the Public Option) don’t score so well on health care. Since I’m in a charty mood, let’s look at […]

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Republican In-fighting

Filed in National by on October 27, 2009 14 Comments

What’s a liberal to do except watch as Republicans eat their own.  And I’m not even getting into the NY-23 race. First we have Dobbs vs Rivera. Rivera accuses Dobbs of “almost single-handedly responsible for creating, for being the architect of the young-Latino-as-scapegoat for everything that ails this country.” And now Dobbs fires back: DOBBS: […]

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Psst… Anyone Notice Something Missing?

Filed in National by on October 26, 2009 5 Comments

Question: Why don’t we have a Surgeon General? Answer: Here, in this excellent rant. Good thing we don’t have a global flu pandemic.

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Palin vs Gingrich

Filed in National by on October 23, 2009 34 Comments

The lines have been drawn.  And didn’t we all know it would come to this?  NY-23 is the election to watch. In one corner we have Sarah Palin who has chosen to endorse Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman. Political parties must stand for something. When Republicans were in the wilderness in the late 1970s, Ronald […]

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