
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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Gaffney Has NO Shame

Filed in National by on October 22, 2009 40 Comments

When you’re losing an argument with the Ron Reagan, jr. tell him his father would be ashamed of him.  Now, I was never a fan of President Reagan, but, imo, if Reagan was alive Gaffney should better start running. Ron Reagan, jr. was absolutely correct.  Frank better watch his mouth.  Talk about crossing a line, […]

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Who’s The Most Underrated Governor?

Filed in National by on October 22, 2009 8 Comments
Who’s The Most Underrated Governor?

Chris Cillizza, The Fix, asks the question – complete with poll. Aside from that handful of high-profile governors, most of the nation’s 50 chief executives toil in semi or total obscurity — far from the bright lights of the Beltway. So, who among them deserves the honorific as the Fix’s most underrated governor in the […]

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This Sort Of Lazy Blogging Drives Me Crazy

Filed in National by on October 21, 2009 26 Comments

Tennessee Walker, over at Delaware Politics, has a post up that tells me the little chick-a-dee could use some time off the farm.  It starts as a rant about Eric Holder (Fine, I get that.  It’s a Conservative blog) then launches into a full-out screed against cities. Democrat run cities are cesspools of corrumption and […]

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Chris Christie Is In Political Trouble

Filed in National by on October 21, 2009 7 Comments

You know how I know that?  Well, check out his latest web ad.  Shouldn’t he be latching onto a Republican’s coattails instead of Obama’s? Oh yeah, he’s in trouble.  TPM sums it up nicely:  “If you didn’t know any better, you might think from this video that Obama was endorsing Christie. That sure would be […]

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I’ll Believe It’s Not About Race When Pat Buchanan Does

Filed in National by on October 21, 2009 9 Comments

In his latest column Pat Buchanan explains why the white working class is so upset. America was once their country. They sense they are losing it. And they are right. I’m really tired of all the good old days pining, because those days weren’t good for everybody.  Note:  Ozzie and Harriet and Leave It To […]

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Secret Service Is Very, Very Busy

Filed in National by on October 20, 2009 31 Comments

I find articles like this extremely disturbing – probably because it’s so easy to see where it’s heading. The unprecedented number of death threats against President Obama, a rise in racist hate groups, and a new wave of antigovernment fervor threaten to overwhelm the US Secret Service, according to government officials and reports, raising new […]

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Tea For One

Filed in National by on October 19, 2009 4 Comments

Things are getting crazier out there.  And Paul Baumbach asks a great question. What effect will conservative tea-party activists have on the GOP? Well… given the increase in criticism from some big names in the party, I’d say the GOP is concerned.  Check out the latest blow-up. Via Think Progress: Ziegler attended the Western Conservative […]

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H1N1 Vaccine – Why Is This A Controversy?

Filed in National by on October 19, 2009 32 Comments
H1N1 Vaccine – Why Is This A Controversy?

On Friday my children brought home permission slips to receive the H1N1 vaccine.  I completed them immediately, but, then again, my brother is an immuno geneticist so we had this discussion months ago.  Actually, had the vaccine been ready months ago I wouldn’t have spent the evening filling out permission slips because my kids would […]

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Burning Books For Halloween, Now That’s Scary

Filed in National by on October 18, 2009 14 Comments

Via Raw Story: A Baptist Church near Asheville, N.C., is hosting a “Halloween book burning” to purge the area of “Satan’s” works, which include all non-King James versions of the Bible, popular books by many religious authors and even country music. The local news video is priceless. Now, granted, this church, only has 14 members, […]

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An Interesting Thought On The Practices Of Health Insurance Companies

Filed in National by on October 17, 2009 9 Comments

Bob Cesca:  “If the airlines were randomly dropping passengers out of airplanes at 30,000 feet, the airlines would be investigated, shut down or nationalized.” And, yet, isn’t this pretty much what health insurance companies are doing?  Dropping people.

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Attempted Murder Or Just Business As Usual?

Filed in National by on October 16, 2009 6 Comments

Love, love, love the fact that people against the public option worry so much about rationing, but not so much about stories like these: Via HuffPo:  Rather than continue to pay for Ian Pearl’s million dollar medical treatments, one insurance company has decided to end certain lines of coverage altogether, reports William Ehart of the […]

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He’s Not A Racist, He’s Just An All-Knowing, All-Seeing God

Filed in National by on October 15, 2009 14 Comments

Have at it. NEW ORLEANS — A Louisiana justice of the peace said he refused to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple out of concern for any children the couple might have. Keith Bardwell, justice of the peace in Tangipahoa Parish, says it is his experience that most interracial marriages do not last […]

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Obnoxiously Articulate

Filed in National by on October 15, 2009 7 Comments

Is it even possible to be obnoxiously articulate?  My guess is that only obnoxiously inarticulate people would think say so. Obama has been a constant presence in the mass media as he expands the bureaucracy’s reach into the private sector…. In doing so, he has created a quandary. Put aside for a moment the question […]

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