
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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Maybe We Shouldn’t Be Laughing At Texas

Filed in National by on April 26, 2009 13 Comments
Maybe We Shouldn’t Be Laughing At Texas

The Texas secessionist talk is growing.  To liberals, myself included, it’s the joke that keeps on giving, but, to a certain segment of Texans, secession is serious business.  Once again, the talk is escalating, and it’s not funny – especially if you’re a liberal, minority, or non-christian living in Texas. From Free Republic Threads on […]

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Stripping Away Child Rights (and clothes) In The Name Of Our War On Drugs

Filed in National by on April 23, 2009 24 Comments

For quite some time I have been following the Supreme Court’s case involving the 13 year old girl who was strip searched because she was accused (falsely) of handing out prescription Advil.  I haven’t written about this until now because, honestly, it upsets me too much.  As the mother of a soon to be 12 […]

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FOX’s Shep Smith Talks Torture

Filed in National by on April 22, 2009 13 Comments

I won’t ruin the surprise.  Just watch the video. (NSFW)  Bet that little warning caught your attention! Here’s a longer version of the video.  Shep’s days at FOX may be numbered.  Listen to the examples he cites in reference to cherrry picking information.  Color me impressed.

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If You’re Okay With Water Boarding Then…

Filed in International by on April 21, 2009 4 Comments

… Would you understand if the Iranians water boarded Roxana Saberi? Reporting from Cairo and Tehran — An Iranian American journalist accused of spying for the U.S. was sentenced Saturday by an Iranian court to eight years in prison, a move likely to put a chill on the Obama administration’s efforts to improve relations with […]

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Really, I’m Okay With This

Filed in National by on April 21, 2009 33 Comments

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present the “new” Republican Party. Cheney Gingrich Cantor Jindal Palin Limbaugh Boehner Beck Bachmann Steele This line up works for me! *There are plenty more names to add to this list. I have simply chosen the most vocal and most recognizable to the average voter.  Pretty sweet.

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Miss California Brings On The Stupid

Filed in National by on April 21, 2009 23 Comments

… Or, given her stunning answer, perhaps her country of California wants to secede as well. [youtube][/youtube]

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At What Point Does The Exception Become The Rule?

Filed in National by on April 20, 2009 45 Comments

Having been away this weekend I missed this gem of a message left on Kel Munger’s voice mail.  I believe it speaks for itself and accurately sums up the mindset behind the Tea Parties.  How many more signs, interviews, and comments similar to the one below have to take place before everyone stops pretending that […]

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Boehner Passes Gas

Filed in National by on April 20, 2009 8 Comments

Boehner blames cows for Global Warming. [youtube][/youtube] Words cannot express how sick I am of Republicans donning lab coats in order to play scientists on television.  Global Warming is not a political argument, but I’m beginning to think that everything is political to Republicans.  They are solutionless on all fronts – Worse, they’re actually proud […]

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Thursday’s Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, National by on April 16, 2009 9 Comments

Tea Parties, John Carney running for Congress, and Charlie Copeland launches another website, oh my! BTW, if you haven’t checked out DV’s video montage of Wilmington’s tea parties you’ve missed some great reporting. (I’ve linked to one, but there’s plenty more!) ‘Bulo gives us another great Republican breakdown, while DelawareDem issues a Thank You and […]

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Republicans Make Socialism Appealing

Filed in National by on April 15, 2009 6 Comments

Republicans love throwing labels around, especially ones they can’t accurately define or understand.  Tea bagging is just their latest word gaffe, but socialism is the one that promises to cause them the most trouble.  For months they’ve been screaming Obama is a socialist, and where has that gotten them?  Well, given the fact that most […]

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Tuesday’s Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, National by on April 14, 2009 11 Comments

Who could have predicted that the term tea-bagging would find its way into real America?  But, since it has, who are we not to mock?  And, boy, have we been mocking!  Today Cassandra continues her countdown to tea-bagging, while DV solicits questions you’d like to ask tea party participants.  He also infiltrates FaceBook’s tea party […]

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DHS Report Spotlights Right Wing Extremists

Filed in National by on April 14, 2009 46 Comments

And it’s about time. Via Think Progress: The extreme right — those who are “hate-oriented,” “mainly antigovernment,” or those dedicated to a “single issue” — is a legitimate threat that law enforcement must deal with, according to a new assessment from the Office of Intelligence and Analysis at the Department of Homeland Security. The report, […]

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A Personal Note…

Filed in Delaware by on April 14, 2009 20 Comments

One year ago today I joined Delaware Liberal.  It’s been a fantastic year and I’ve learned a lot while having a blast.  I’d like to take this time to thank all my fellow contributors for their support and friendship.  I’m not sure how other blogs work, but the bond here, at DL, extends far beyond […]

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