
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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In Case You Didn’t Know

Filed in National by on February 13, 2009 11 Comments

We’re poorer. In 2007 dollars, the average family in 2001 had $700 more dollars in net worth than the average family in 2007. That $700 was obviously my veggie budget.

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Update Part II: Gregg Says He Won’t Run in 2010 – Updated with WH response -Breaking: Gregg’s Gone

Filed in National by on February 12, 2009 28 Comments

Sen. Judd Gregg withdraws his name to be secretary of commerce.  His reasons?  “Irresolvable conflicts” with President Obama on the issues of the census and the stimulus.  I’m so relieved. Josh Marshall’s take. This is extremely weird. Gregg is out at Commerce, withdrawing for what he appears to be calling irreconcilable differences on Stimulus and […]

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Wow, Just Wow

Filed in National by on February 11, 2009 16 Comments

President Obama in Fort Myers: “I expect to be judged by results.  I’m not going to make any excuses. If stuff hasn’t worked and people don’t feel like I’ve led the country in the right direction, then you’ll have a new president.”  Accountability and Leadership.  I’ve forgotten what those traits look like.

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American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan

Filed in National by on February 11, 2009 20 Comments

The time has come for Republicans to put their NO votes where their mouths are. Let them filibuster.

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There’s a Knot in My Stomach

Filed in Delaware, National by on February 11, 2009 49 Comments

I’ve been walking around with a knot in my stomach for months, only I didn’t realize it until yesterday… as I unpacked the groceries.  Where were the fruits and vegetables?  Surely I bought them, but when I looked at the counter the evidence of being a bad mother hit me between the eyes.  Bad mother, […]

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Looking For A Silver Lining?

Filed in National by on February 10, 2009 9 Comments

Well, I’ve found one. If Joe Lieberman decides to run for a fifth term in 2012, a new Quinnipiac pollsuggests that it may be a lost cause. The new poll tests Lieberman as an independent against Democratic Attorney General Richard Blumenthal. The numbers: Blumenthal 58%, Lieberman 30%.Yikes. Lieberman’s active campaigning against the Democratic Party last year […]

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Where the Outrage Should Be Directed

Filed in National by on February 7, 2009 21 Comments
Where the Outrage Should Be Directed

Here? Or here? You decide.

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Women and Children First

Filed in National by on February 6, 2009 8 Comments

Followed by cops and firefighters.  You can screw science, as well.  But rest easy, defense spending will increase under the latest stimulus plan changes. Total Reductions: $80 billion Eliminations: Head Start, Education for the Disadvantaged, School improvement, Child Nutrition, Firefighters, Transportation Security Administration, Coast Guard, Prisons, COPS Hiring, Violence Against Women, NASA, NSF, Western Area […]

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598,000 Jobs Lost in January

Filed in National by on February 6, 2009 11 Comments

While unemployment jumps to 7.6 percent. Recession-battered employers eliminated 598,000 jobs in January, the most since the end of 1974, and catapulted the unemployment rate to 7.6 percent. The grim figures were further proof that the nation’s job climate is deteriorating at an alarming clip with no end in sight. The Labor Department’s report, released […]

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Filed in National by on February 4, 2009 34 Comments

Much has been made of Obama’s proposal to cap executive pay.  So here’s my question:  Do taxpayers have a right to say how their money is spent? I keep thinking that if you came to me asking to borrow money because you couldn’t pay your mortgage, and I lend you the money, and then you spend […]

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This is the PROBLEM – Updated!

Filed in National by on February 3, 2009 19 Comments

How do you justify calling on the Senate to oppose an Economic Recovery Bill that hasn’t even been debated/amended yet? House Republicans are pushing their Senate colleagues to stand unanimously against President Obama’s stimulus package, as they themselves did in the lower chamber last week. “We are urging our Senate colleagues to join every House […]

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Republicans want more Palin

Filed in National by on February 2, 2009 14 Comments
Republicans want more Palin

I’m not kidding.  A new Rasmussen Poll has surveyed Republicans and this is what they’ve discovered: Coming off a shellacking at the polls in November, the plurality of GOP voters (43%) say their party has been too moderate over the past eight years, and 55% think it should become more like Alaska Governor Sarah Palin […]

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My Parental Dilemma

Filed in Delaware by on January 30, 2009 63 Comments

Last night over dinner my 11 year old daughter announced that her science teacher doesn’t like Joe Biden.  After exchanging a look with my husband I asked, “Why would you think that?”  She then proceeded to explain… “When we were watching the Inauguration in class Mr. XXXX said that finally Delaware is rid of him.” […]

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