Rob Tornoe

Rob Tornoe is a local cartoonist and columnist, and can be seen in The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Press of Atlantic City, The News Journal, and the Dover Post chain of newspapers. He's also a contributor to Media Matters and WHYY. Web site: Twitter: @RobTornoe

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Rob Tornoe's Latest Posts

Tornoe’s Toon: Christie Takes Atlantic City

Filed in Delaware by on July 22, 2010 21 Comments
Tornoe’s Toon: Christie Takes Atlantic City

If you didn’t catch the news yesterday, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is pushing for a plan that would allow the state to takeover Atlantic City’s casinos and entertainment district within a year, and remodel the city to become a Las Vegas of the East: Christie hopes to prioritize using casino tax revenue to fund […]

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Tornoe’s Toon: Chris Who?

Filed in Delaware by on July 21, 2010 5 Comments
Tornoe’s Toon: Chris Who?

According to a recent Rasmussen poll, Chris Coons is narrowing the gap with Mike Castle, whose support has fallen below 50% for the first time in this race. Castle, who had previously led Coons by more than 20 points, now leads the general election match-up 47-36, which is only marginally better than Christine O’Donnell’s 41-39 […]

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Tornoe’s Toon: Delaware Cell Phone Ban

Filed in National by on July 7, 2010 14 Comments
Tornoe’s Toon: Delaware Cell Phone Ban

So Delaware joined seven other states in banning the use of cell phones while driving. Finally. I read that Kent General has launched an awareness campaign to stress the dangers of texting while driving. I wonder if they’re going to educate people with those distracting billboards.

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Tornoe’s Toon: Carper Hearts Big Oil

Filed in National by on May 19, 2010 4 Comments
Tornoe’s Toon: Carper Hearts Big Oil

Memo to Tom Carper: Asking tough questions of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar about the federal response to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico does not suddenly make you a tree-hugging hippie on the subject. As a ranking member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, wasn’t it your responsibility to ask these questions […]

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Tornoe’s Toon: Those 9-year old Perverts

Filed in National by on May 12, 2010 4 Comments
Tornoe’s Toon: Those 9-year old Perverts

Cross-posted at Laugh! So Delaware can simultaneously have some of the toughest set of rules in the nation when it comes to registering sex offenders who are younger than 14 (at least one in Delaware is as young as 9), yet our system couldn’t come together over a course of 15 years to prosecute a […]

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Tornoe’s Toon: The Death of the Funnies

Filed in National by on May 3, 2010 7 Comments
Tornoe’s Toon: The Death of the Funnies

Cross posted at Laugh!. Here’s my cartoon that appeared in April’s Editor & Publisher magazine. Comics and cartoons are always getting the short-end of the stick. They continue to be one of the most popular features in newspapers, yet they’re often the first things cut in order to save money. And the cartoonists themselves are […]

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Tornoe’s Toons: Phillies Pitching

Filed in Sports by on April 29, 2010 1 Comment
Tornoe’s Toons: Phillies Pitching

Cole Hamels may have had 10 strikeouts last night, but is he on the right track, or just suffering the up-and-downs that have plagued him over the last couple of seasons?

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Tornoe’s Toon: New Jersey and Education Cuts

Filed in National by on April 27, 2010 6 Comments
Tornoe’s Toon: New Jersey and Education Cuts

New Jersey faces an $11 billion dollar deficit, so it is true that every cut will be difficult and the state needs to share the sacrifice.

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Tornoe’s Toon: Kaufman’s Baton

Filed in Delaware, National by on April 21, 2010 23 Comments
Tornoe’s Toon: Kaufman’s Baton

If you’d like to contact me, feel free to drop me a line at You can also follow me on twitter @RobTornoe. And make sure you pick up The Community News, The Dover Post, The Middletown Transcript or any of the Dover Post papers throughout the state to check out my cartoons every week.

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Gandhi Tea Party Quote Campaign FAIL

Filed in National by on April 17, 2010 13 Comments
Gandhi Tea Party Quote Campaign FAIL

Teabaggers claim that Gandhi said, “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.” Too bad he never did. It was actually said by a progressive rep of a labor union fighting for “social unionism.”

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Gannett Lays Off Workers and Profits Soar? Great Success!

Filed in Delaware by on April 16, 2010 18 Comments
Gannett Lays Off Workers and Profits Soar? Great Success!

Newspapers aren’t dying; they’re committing seppuku. And it’s their corporate owners who are sharpening their swords. Just ask anyone at the News Journal.

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Tornoe’s Toon: Markell vs. Goliath(s)

Filed in National by on April 15, 2010 13 Comments
Tornoe’s Toon: Markell vs. Goliath(s)

As a cartoonist, I’m very rarely afforded the opportunity to do a “positive” cartoon. But Gov. Markell has overcome a lot of obstacles thrown at Delaware amid this terrible recession, including the recent sale of the shut-down Valero refinery in Delaware City to PBF Energy. So I felt it was proper to give him some […]

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Tornoe’s Toon: McNabb Gets the Boot

Filed in National by on April 7, 2010 15 Comments
Tornoe’s Toon: McNabb Gets the Boot

As a Buffalo Bills fan (start laughing now) I was hoping that the Bills would muster up enough strength to trade for McNabb. I don’t understand the logic in trading your franchise player to a divisional opponent while simultaneously giving the keys to the car to a guy who’s only driven it twice. One thing […]

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