Unstable Isotope

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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Filed in National by on February 11, 2010 8 Comments

On Joy Behar’s CNN show, she had a round table to discuss Sarah Palin’s speech at the Tea Party Nation convention. On the panel were Stephanie Miller, Ron Reagan and an unhinged rightwing nutcase Pamela Geller (Atlas Shrugs). Geller is completely unhinged claiming that Palin didn’t quit her job as governor, she answered the call […]

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Heritage Foundation Is Against Federal Funds For Snow Removal

Filed in National by on February 11, 2010 15 Comments

The Heritage Foundation, who supported the unfunded Iraq War, thinks the federal deficit is too high to help Delaware with snow removal. We should just suck it up.

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Virginia To Legislate Against The Anti-Christ

Filed in National by on February 10, 2010 4 Comments

From Daily Kos: This seems reasonable enough: RICHMOND, FEB. 9 — The House of Delegates is scheduled to vote Wednesday on a bill that would protect Virginians from attempts by employers or insurance companies to implant microchips in their bodies against their will. But wait until to hear why some Delegates are supporting the measure: […]

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John Mayer’s Penis

Filed in National by on February 10, 2010 9 Comments

Singer-songwriter John Mayer did an interview with Playboy magazine recently that he may have wished he didn’t do: “My d–k is sort of like a white supremacist,” Mayer went on. “I’ve got a Benetton heart and a f—in David Duke cock. I’m going to start dating separately from my d–k.” Oh my.

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Americans Continue To Support Health Care Reform

Filed in National by on February 10, 2010 2 Comments
Americans Continue To Support Health Care Reform

The Washington Post and ABC News did a poll asking Americans about the current political climate and bipartisanship. The basic result is that Americans are frustrated by the lack of progress on important issues and both parties are taking the blame for this, but Republicans are coming in for more blame. When Americans were asked […]

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Snowed In Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on February 10, 2010 59 Comments

Well, I guess we all should have plenty of time for blogging today since we’re snowed in. So, here is a fresh open thread for you to play in. Ezra Klein on the Republicans’s health care reform ransom note: Just screams “we would like to cooperate with you to reform the American health-care system,” doesn’t […]

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Mike Castle’s “Trash and Grab”

Filed in National by on February 10, 2010 16 Comments

Rachel Maddow explains the “trash and grab” strategy of the Republican party. “Trash and grab” is the term that has been coined to describe the Republican habit of trashing the stimulus then taking credit for funds coming into their district. Mike Castle comes about 6:00 into the clip, and oh yeah, there’s a picture of Castle with a giant check.

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Hell No!

Filed in National by on February 9, 2010 17 Comments
Hell No!

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Tuesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on February 9, 2010 12 Comments

It’s Tuesday, the day before our next winter storm if the forecasters are to be believed. Tomorrow we all may be digging out our cars again and hopefully we’ll all have electricity this time. So let’s get this open thread rolling. Greg Sargent at Plumline notices that the new media landscape – Fox as a […]

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Democrats To Force Vote On GOP Budget Plan

Filed in National by on February 9, 2010 2 Comments

Last week, Rep. Paul Ryan presented the alternate Republican budget plan. It included privatization of Social Security and Medicare vouchers and would supposedly close the U.S. debt in 50 years. Republican leaders were fairly ambivalent about the budget since they spent all summer saying “we love Medicare.” Democratic leaders are introducing a resolution to make […]

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Monday Open Thread

Filed in National by on February 8, 2010 23 Comments

It’s post Snowgasm Monday. How many of you are at work? I had to brave the roads today. Well, let’s open this thread. What’s on your mind? Will NY governor David Paterson be Spitzered? The hot rumor out there is that the New York Times has a very damaging story about David Paterson which they […]

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Misogyny Bowl 2010

Filed in National by on February 8, 2010 19 Comments

Sometimes the best part of the Superbowl is the commercials. Advertisers go out of their way to feature their funniest and cleverest commercials during the year’s most-watched football game. This year, a theme emerged from the commercials: how much women suck. Example #1: FloTV ad Example #2: Dove for Men ad Women are roughly about […]

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Obama To Hold Televised Health Care Summit

Filed in National by on February 8, 2010 2 Comments

I think the Obama administration has learned an important lesson from the success of question time – Obama is the best salesman of Democratic ideas. We can’t rely on the news media to inform people anymore and question time allowed him to bypass the talking heads and talk straight to the American people. The Obama […]

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