Unstable Isotope

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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New Year’s Day Open Thread

Filed in National by on January 1, 2010 12 Comments

Well, it’s 2010. May it be better than 2009, probably one of the most miserable years I’ve ever experienced. Although, at least one good thing happened in 2009 – I joined the Delaware Liberal community. Thanks for giving me the opportunity, although I must be responsible for the lame-ification that anonone talks about. 🙁 Anyway, […]

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Happy New Year!

Filed in National by on January 1, 2010 1 Comment
Happy New Year!

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The Top Delaware Political Stories of 2009

Filed in Delaware by on December 31, 2009 5 Comments

The News Journal is soliciting our ideas for the top Delaware political stories of 2009 on Twitter (@DialogueDelaware). Here is my top 10 list. Feel free to argue and add your own ideas! 10. Mike Castle announces plans to leave his U.S. House seat to run for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Joe Biden […]

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End Of 2009 Open Thread

Filed in National by on December 31, 2009 31 Comments

I can’t say that I’m sorry to see this year go away. The year started out with such promise, with a brand new president but ended up being the year of horrible recession, angry townhallers, celebrity deaths and celebrity/politician sex scandals. Here’s hoping that 2010 is better than 2009! This week we found out that […]

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The Year In Takedowns

Filed in National by on December 31, 2009 10 Comments
The Year In Takedowns

I stumbled across this post by the editors of Foreign Policy – “The year in takedowns.” Here’s their list: 10. Glenn Greenwald on Jeffrey Rosen’s profile of Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor in The New Republic. I love that one, it’s totally sweet! 9. Jeffrey Goldberg in The Atlantic on airport security 8. Stephen Holmes […]

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Fearmongering = $$$

Filed in Delaware, National by on December 30, 2009 3 Comments

Republicans have been jumping on the bandwagon to criticize President Obama because of the failed terror attack on Christmas Day. Some have been using the incident for fundraising, look at Rep. Pete Hoekstra (who is running for governor of Michigan): They just don’t get it. The system didn’t “work” here. Far from it! It is […]

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Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on December 30, 2009 13 Comments

It’s Wednesday and it’s open thread time again! I know you’re probably going through withdrawal because we didn’t have one yesterday. Well, your wait is over! Dick Cheney is a dick: “As I’ve watched the events of the last few days it is clear once again that President Obama is trying to pretend we are […]

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Party Before Country

Filed in National by on December 30, 2009 34 Comments

On Christmas Day, a flaming crotch bomber tried to take down a Northwest Airlines flight over Detroit. Luckily for us, he was as incompetent as shoe bomber Richard Reid and failed thanks to the passengers and crew on the airplane. As I stated yesterday, I think this incident exposed some unclosed loopholes and weaknesses in […]

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Fix This

Filed in International by on December 29, 2009 100 Comments

By now you’ve probably all heard about the attempted terror incident on NW 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas Day. The accused terrorist wannabe, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, is the son of a Nigerian banker. He had a valid U.S. Visa issued in 2007 (obviously Obama’s fault). He was carrying 80 grams of PETN explosive […]

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Monday Open Thread

Filed in National by on December 28, 2009 4 Comments

Hi everyone, did you miss me? Or did you even notice I wasn’t around? Right now I have some blessed alone time and I thought I’d write something. It looks like you’ve all been quite active lately. I guess political junkies don’t go on vacation? Anyway, I caught this interesting statement from the GOP brain […]

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God Works In Mysterious Ways

Filed in National by on December 22, 2009 6 Comments

Remember Sen. Coburn’s very classy call to pray someone didn’t show up to vote on the Senate health care reform bill? Well, interestingly, this morning one Senator didn’t show up for the vote. It wasn’t Robert Byrd, it was Sen. Inhofe. A caller to C-SPAN worried that his prayer (he called himself a teabagger, too) […]

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Senate Bill Passes 2nd Cloture Vote

Filed in National by on December 22, 2009 11 Comments
Senate Bill Passes 2nd Cloture Vote

The 2nd cloture vote on the Senate health care reform bill. The motion to end debate passed 60-39. So, it looks like Sen. Coburn’s prayer that someone not show up for voting (Sen. Inhofe) came true after all! Congrats, to Sen. Coburn, he was probably doubting the righteousness of denying people health care. The Wonk […]

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What Does The Senate Bill Do?

Filed in National by on December 21, 2009 55 Comments
What Does The Senate Bill Do?

Jonathan Cohn sums up the how the Senate health care reform bill will do for people. Basically it helps lower your risk if you get sick and need health care. Most people will save money with this bill. Costs would only be higher if you currently don’t buy insurance and don’t get sick. So what […]

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