Unstable Isotope

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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Thursday Open Thread

Filed in National by on November 19, 2009 14 Comments

It’s open thread time – time to talk about whatever you like. Feel free to drop links in the comments or just comment on the weather. Nothing is off-topic! Here’s something to talk about, Joe Biden talked to Jon Stewart on Tuesday. Part 1 The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / […]

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Senate Health Care Reform Bill Unveiled

Filed in Delaware, National by on November 19, 2009 11 Comments

Last night the Harry Reid unveiled the Senate health care reform bill, called The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The whole bill can be read here (warning PDF) and a 2-page summary can be read at this link (PDF). The CBO score for the bill was released yesterday, the bill costs $850M and covers […]

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NY-23: Fighting The Forces Of Evil

Filed in National by on November 19, 2009 31 Comments

Everyone thought the drama of the NY-23 special election was over after Doug Hoffman conceded the race and Bill Owens was sworn in. Bill Owens even got to vote for health care reform. However, an election recanvass found that Hoffman’s votes were dramatically undercounted in one counting, cutting Owen’s lead from 5000 votes to 3000 […]

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Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on November 18, 2009 22 Comments

Is it only Wednesday? It already seems like this week has been too long. It’s open thread time, what’s catching your interest today? I found this amusing – progressive activists crashed an organizing phone for the Teaparty Movement and conservative bloggers. Personally I think the progressive activists are lying, Sarah Palin told us that organizers […]

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We Dodged That Bullet

Filed in National by on November 18, 2009 8 Comments

We always knew Obama was smart and sometimes we got confirmation in unexpected ways: As you know, Plouffe’s book offers the fascinating revelation that just before the South Carolina primary, a senior Edwards adviser offered him a swap: Edwards would drop out of the race if Obama would make him his Veep. The adviser argued […]

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The Only Thing We Have Is Fear

Filed in National by on November 18, 2009 2 Comments

A great American president once said this: The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. –President Franklin Roosevelt What did he know, he only led us through WWII against history’s greatest villain, Adolf Hitler. The new Republican motto must be “the only thing we have is fear.” Rep. John Shadegg (R-AZ) is not […]

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Blame McCain For Palin

Filed in National by on November 17, 2009 2 Comments

Andrew Sullivan points out something obvious that has been missed. McCain was the one who brought Sarah Palin into the spotlight – she owes all her recent success in enriching Sarah Palin to him. Has McCain apologized yet? We knew that about a charlatan like Kristol and a nihilist like Rove. But what I didn’t […]

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Tuesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on November 17, 2009 11 Comments

LOL! Warning: Do not be eating or drinking when you read the following, from John Ziegler’s review of Sarah Palin’s new high school slam book: “For many reasons, this is by far the best book and greatest literary achievement by a political figure in my lifetime.” “I strongly believe that if every Republican primary voter […]

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These Things Just Happen

Filed in National by on November 17, 2009 1 Comment

Bill O’Reilly and Glenn Beck had a conversation on O’Reilly’s radio show yesterday and predicted violence against Nancy Pelosi could occur. BECK: Last week, I head you say that — you were on with Dennis Miller. … You two were talking about an insurrection coming. O’REILLY: Tax revolt. BECK: He used the word insurrection. And […]

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This Week In Health Care Reform

Filed in National by on November 17, 2009 4 Comments

The CBO scoring for the Senate health care reform bill could come back as soon as today. Once the CBO weighs in, the debate on the bill can start in the Senate. Right now the schedule has the bill ready for a vote around Christmas. The Republicans have been promising to do everything possible to […]

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Biden Leads Castle In A Just-Released Poll

Filed in Delaware, National by on November 16, 2009 32 Comments

Whoa, big news! All-but-announced Senate candidate Beau Biden leads Mike Castle in a new poll by 5%. This is bad news for Mike Castle: In a hypothetical match-up of the candidates, Democrat Beau Biden leads GOP challenger and Delaware Congressman Mike Castle by a margin of 45 to 40 percent; 8% are undecided and 6% […]

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Monday Open Thread

Filed in National by on November 16, 2009 18 Comments

Happy Monday all! Can you believe it’s already open thread time? I know you’ve been waiting anxiously for one. Now this is funny. An activist speaks at an anti-immigration tea party against European immigration to the United States. It’s quite amusing because he doesn’t reveal all until the end of his speech. Being a know-nothing […]

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Fear Not Wingnuts

Filed in National by on November 16, 2009 30 Comments

The latest crazy Republican talking point floating around concerns the decision of the Justice Department to try some high profile terrorism suspects in the federal courts in New York. Their concern is that the suspects could be acquitted (and there wouldn’t be any danger in that would there wingnuts if Bush/Cheney didn’t have so much […]

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