NY-23: Fighting The Forces Of Evil

Filed in National by on November 19, 2009

Everyone thought the drama of the NY-23 special election was over after Doug Hoffman conceded the race and Bill Owens was sworn in. Bill Owens even got to vote for health care reform. However, an election recanvass found that Hoffman’s votes were dramatically undercounted in one counting, cutting Owen’s lead from 5000 votes to 3000 votes with 10,000 absentees possibly uncounted (the actual number of absentees is closer to 7000). The math is extremely difficult for Hoffman but that didn’t stop him from “unconceding” the race at the urging of Glenn Beck.

Well, Hoffman is now getting his victim on. He knows what happened in his race:

As evidence surfaces, we find out that reported results from election night were far from accurate. ACORN and the unions did their best to try and sway the results to Obamacare supporter Bill Owens.

Yes, it was ACORN! It doesn’t matter that ACORN didn’t have anything to do with the NY-23 election. Apparently ACORN is the most powerful barely-funded organization of lower income people in the United States! They can’t keep Congress from cutting their funding but they can steal an election for Congress.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. actually an Acorn affiliate actively backed Dede the commie lib and switched support to Owens

  2. a.price says:

    and of course the member of the Right Wing Death to Obama Party(you, David) has nothing to back that up other than “Glenn Beck told me”

  3. nemski says:

    Link RD otherwise you are lying

  4. It wouldn’t matter whether ACORN endorsed anyway. They didn’t do any work in the district and they have nothing to do with any vote counting. The counting error was in the one particular county. Hoffman is just a joke who is trying to flog the dead horse of scary ACORN conspiracies. In other words, he’s just trying to raise money from gullible people.

  5. a.price says:

    ACORN is the republican scapegoat for losing elections. No one but republicans can EVER lose, unless poor black people rig it! Crawl back under your covers and read Palin’s attempt at writing.

  6. BTW, here’s another link about ACORN not being in NY-23. We’re still waiting for a counterlink to prove they were there. However you know the truthfulness of a statement is going to be low when it accuses a lifelong Republican officeholder of being a “commie lib.” But since “commie lib” really doesn’t have any meaning in the English language I guess you could say it means “lifelong Republican.”

  7. a.price says:

    You wont get a link, or even a response from David. in HIS America, Obama and his ACORNettes took white girls out of bed late and night and beat them into voting against america (hoffman). Because remember, there is NOT LEGAL OR MORAL WAY that good christian white Americans can EVER lose to someone who isn’t. this is THEIR COUNTRY AND THEY WANT IT BACK!

  8. Another Mike says:

    According to a conservative website: “State Assemblywoman Deidre “Dede” Scozzafava, the New York House candidate has been re-elected several times on the ballot line of the Empire State’s far-left Working Families Party, one of whose co-founders is ACORN. (ACORN head Bertha Lewis, who was much in the news last week, doubles as vice chairman of the Working Families Party).”

    Link: http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=33619

    That the WFP listed her on the ballot as their candidate is not in dispute, but that does not mean that ACORN had anything to do with this election. Sounds like Hoffman is doing what any “real Republican” would do, which is do whatever Beck, Hannity or Limbaugh says.

  9. anon says:

    Wasn’t the news all about how Republicans had controlled that district for like 200 years? So it’s pretty clear the vote counting errors were committed by Republicans.

  10. Scott P says:

    The sad fact is that the conservative mindset pretty much requires there to be an enemy. The worst thing to happen to conservatives in the last 50 years was the end of the Cold War. Conversely, the best thing was the 9/11 attacks (although, since that led to a second Bush term, maybe that was the worst thing). Of course, the enemy used to be (and apparently to some scared little kids, still is) the Commies. Now, luckily they have the Muslims. But if they can find a sneaky, insidious enemy that only they can perceive the danger from, so much the better. So we get the ACORN boogeyman.

  11. MJ says:

    We all know that Dumbass David and his ilk are all liars, so why do we even bother asking them for proof.

  12. Scott P says:

    We all know that Dumbass David and his ilk are all liars, so why do we even bother asking them for proof.

    MJ, I realize you probably meant this rhetorically or to be accompanied with a “throw up your hands in frustration” gesture, but I want to answer it anyway. Mostly because I ask myself the same thing everytime I see one of their piece o’crap statements. Usually, asking for proof is like asking my 3 year old why she’s screaming when she’s having one of her “moments”. She does it because that is the level of complexity of her brain. You’re not going to get a good answer, because there is no good answer.

    The best reason for at least attempting to call out the Right’s BS is because if we don’t, who will? It’s got to start somewhere. The mainstream “journalists” obviously have no interest in doing it. I guess it’s the flipside to the “If you say something enough times it becomes fact” thing that the Right does and that I mentioned yesterday. Maybe if we call BS what it is enough times, it will eventually get recognized as such.

    Either that, or it just feels good to show them for the braindead automatons that they are. 🙂

  13. Exactly, Scott.

    We’re tired of seeing their opinion, Glenn Beck’s opinion or Rush Limbaugh’s opinion offered as facts.

  14. Von Cracker says:

    i blame the gremlins, not acorn.

    these people do not have the character to lead.

  15. V says:

    case in point, people were throwing around Glen Beck’s name as a possible vp for caribou barbie’s inevitable 2012 run.


    aren’t these the same people screaming that a first term senator doesn’t have the governing experience to be president?

    also, Glen Beck has a creepy oversized baby-head.

  16. a.price says:

    they may not have the character, or the morals, or the brains, or the knowledge, or education, or physical attributes, or command of language…. but thay have blood ties to america, and as everyone knows.. especially those who know about the Hapsburgs….. it is better to have pure bloodlines in charge of your country.

  17. a.price says:

    oh god, i cant think of anything better than Palin/Beck 2012

  18. V says:

    no a. because that would mean the Mayans were right.

  19. Rebecca says:

    Several of you read DailyKos but if you haven’t seen Jeffrey Feldman’s diary today you ought to give it a look at:


    Then stop and think. One half of the population falls to the left of the bellcurve on intelligence. 50%. You only need to convince them plus one more to win.

    The Republicans have always cynically manipulated these folks, it is part of their party creed. Because, without these folks there aren’t enough rich people to win elections. This is their only hope of prevailing. It’s an AH HAH moment. It isn’t going to change, whatever they call themselves. The guys pulling the real strings (not the RNC strings) are having a wonderful time with this.

  20. This cracked me up:

    also, Glen Beck has a creepy oversized baby-head.

  21. a.price says:

    Im gonna rebut that with one of the most racist things ive ever said… well kinda.. if you choose to be offended 🙂
    Black people are stupid too (not all black people, but the same ratio as whites, or hispanics, etc) if half plus one of the white idiot vote for Palin, she will still lose, because obama will have the whole “smart white people” vote and the entire minority vote…. which in places like texas and colorado will be the majority by 2012. this is why the Right is leaning so lustfully toward bloodshed and civil war. They are deciding rightfully or wrongfully that the only way to achieve their sexless, seperate but equal, God humping utopia is through holy war….. sound like anyone else we know?

  22. a.price says:

    “also, Glen Beck has a creepy oversized baby-head.”
    i thought we banned slamming people for their unfortunate looks. does that mean i can call out the giant red sequoias palin calls legs?

  23. V says:

    Rebecca is EXACTLY right. I have a wingnut friend who often sides with big corporations (lower taxes, less regulation etc.) and it boggles my mind. When I finally got him to explain to me why, it basically reasoned out to “Well what if one day I create something that turns into a multi-million dollar corporation, i wouldn’t want them to tax me.”

    My wingnut friend has a high school education and works at Home Depot. He also works two other jobs to pay his bills.

  24. V says:

    No seriously look at his head.

    1. It is HUGE
    2. His hair is like the same color as his face, giving this creepy aryan nation vibe
    3. The huge (weepy) eyes, the big pudgy cheeks and the little rosy pink mouth. It’s like one of those awful CGI tricks where they superimpose a toddler head onto a man’s body.

    I literally changed my gym schedule because the YMCA started showing Beck right in front of the elipticals during the time i usually went (even though it was nowhere on the tv watching poll, but that’s another story). I was completely unable to concentrate, totally unnerved by his awkward melonball noggin.


  25. xstryker says:

    It’s like Lotto. Lotto is a tax on people who are bad at math. Sarah Palin appeals to people who want to believe that just about any idiot, including themselves, could be president. Republican administrations are always supported by huge masses of people who are willing to screw themselves over because they want to believe that someday, they’ll be the ones with all the money screwing over everyone else.

  26. Progressive Mom says:

    Coming late, but back on thread…

    The Working Families Party in NY almost always runs a candidate on its line from one of the two major parties. It’s not a “far left” party (as evidenced by the fact that is has hosted Scozzofava, a Republican, on its line). It has a narrow list of interests and whatever major party candidate gets sufficient points gets the nod.

    It is, of course, not a consequential vote getter. It is not the only alternative-party regularly on the ballot in NY, either.

    And it has nothing to do with ACORN.

    But let’s not have facts get in the way — I noticed that RepublicanDavid hijacked this thread nicely and never came back.

    Tiring, isn’t it?

  27. a.price says:

    “because they want to believe that someday, they’ll be the ones with all the money screwing over everyone else.”
    Good American Christian ideals if ever there were any.

  28. Rebecca says:

    You can slice and dice the population into minority groups and other subsets and you are right — they all show up on both sides of the bell curve.

    But we were talking about how Republicans get Sarah Palin to bring out voters.

    Then, there is also the phenomenom that V and xstryker describe above. The wannabe’s. I live in an area where the R’s prevail, all the time, and the district tends to be college educated and moderately well-off. These people obviously fall to the right of the bell curve but vote R because someday they just might be rich or they think they are rich already. Believe me they aren’t. Ya gotta go up to Chateau County to find rich people. These folks have delusions of grandeur.

    So carve out the minority groups on the left, but carve out the wannabes on the right. And factor in that the wannabes vote — 73% turn-out in my district, consistently.

    I had a point with this. Oh yeah! We can’t just rely on shifting demographics to win.

  29. a.price says:

    so what do we do? resort to their gutter tactics? use lies and hate mongering to get votes? no thanks

  30. Rebecca says:

    No a. price, I can’t stomach that either.

    On the local level, you find candidates who are willing to wear out a lot of shoe leather and knock on doors until their knuckles bleed. People in Delaware vote for candidates they have met. It doesn’t always work but most of the time it does.

    At the national level you keep whipping up the grassroots, because word of mouth from a friend or family member trumps all the lies and schenanigans the other side can dish out.

    It just takes work, there’s no other way. So start gearing up for next Thursday’s dinner table debate. You can make a difference — Howard Dean said so. ;o)

  31. Update on the absentee ballot count, it’s now mathematically impossible for Hoffman to win.

    Jude Seymour has updated numbers that basically end the race (again) for Hoffman–Owens leads by 3,105 votes with only 3,072 absentee ballots outstanding. And that’s with no absentee ballots from Essex, Franklin and St. Lawrence Counties, which went for Owens on election day.