Unstable Isotope

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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DSCC Says Beau Biden Is In Senate Race

Filed in Delaware, National by on October 1, 2009 13 Comments

From a tip from Political Observer: The DSCC says the Beau Biden will run for Senate. Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chairman Robert Menendez of New Jersey said Thursday he fully expects Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden to run next year for the seat now held by Democratic Sen. [Ted Kaufman] The game is starting! Beau […]

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Republicans Are Still Really Unpopular

Filed in National by on October 1, 2009 9 Comments
Republicans Are Still Really Unpopular

The conventional wisdom this summer was that the GOP was ascendant because of the passion of the teabaggers and that they stand to gain seats in the 2010 elections. However, polling data over this period has shown a decrease in support for Democrats but has not shown any subsequent rise in favorability of the Republican […]

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Rasmussen Polls The Castle-Biden Match-Up

Filed in Delaware, National by on October 1, 2009 33 Comments

A very special tipster (Jason330) passed along a tip to a new Rasumussen poll on the Castle-Biden match-up. Rasmussen also polled the Biden-O’Donnell race. Here are some results: The first Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 survey in the state finds that longtime Republican Congressman Mike Castle beats state Attorney General Beau Biden by five points – […]

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Thursday Open Thread

Filed in National by on October 1, 2009 9 Comments

Remember – this is your daily open thread. You can talk about whatever interests you or you can talk about the article featured below. The sky’s the limit! It’s another Sarah Palin version of your open thread. Poor Sarah is having trouble getting booked on the lecture circuit: Palin’s bookers are said to be asking […]

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The RNC Pals Around With Conspiracy Theorists And Seditionists

Filed in National by on October 1, 2009 25 Comments

According to the new rules that the Republicans made, any connection to discredited conspiracy theories means that one is not fit for government service. So, how does the RNC justify its connections to both World Net Daily, the main pushers of the birther conspiracies, and Newsmax, who publishes a weekly column by John L. Perry? […]

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John Derbyshire Takes A Brave Stand Against Women’s Suffrage

Filed in National by on October 1, 2009 11 Comments

National Review’s John Derbyshire has a book coming out soon called We Are Doomed: Reclaiming Conservative Pessimism. In the book Derbyshire makes an argument for repealing women’s voting rights in a section called “The Case Against Female Suffrage.” Derbyshire was interviewed by Alan Colmes and Colmes pressed him about this section of the book: DERBYSHIRE: […]

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Late Night Video – Your Brains Edition

Filed in National by on September 30, 2009 1 Comment

Jonathan Coulton’s Re: Your Brains performed in American Sign Language. Source

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More Like This, Please

Filed in National by on September 30, 2009 5 Comments

Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) gave a speech in the House that got the Republicans in a tizzy, because he’s so mean! Republicans are predictably and tiresomely fuming over Rep. Alan Grayson’s remark yesterday that “Republicans want you to die quickly,” and with Rep. Jimmy Duncan (R-TN) declaring: “That is about the most mean-spirited partisan statement […]

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Carper’s Co-Op Compromise Plan

Filed in Delaware, National by on September 30, 2009 3 Comments

Tom Carper is reportedly floating a new/old compromise with Democratic leadership: Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) is quietly talking with the Senate Democratic leadership and Finance Committee members about an alternative to both the government insurance option and the nonprofit insurance cooperative. In a one-page document he began circulating last week, Carper suggests giving states the […]

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Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on September 30, 2009 24 Comments

Wednesday version of your open thread. Today we see Tom DeLay dancing the tango. I’ll say this – it’s slightly better than last week but still pretty terrible.

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Mike Castle Watch

Filed in Delaware by on September 30, 2009 11 Comments

Once again we’re reaching another Mike Castle-imposed Senate run deadline. Any new information? New tea leaves to read? What about you Beau Biden? You’re back in Delaware – are you going to run? What’s a political junkie to do while they make their backroom deals decisions.

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Conservative Id

Filed in National by on September 30, 2009 22 Comments

This is becoming depressingly standard by now. Another wingnut columnist, John L. Perry, lets loose his inner rebellion fantasy in the pages of Newsmax. There is a remote, although gaining, possibility America’s military will intervene as a last resort to resolve the “Obama problem.” Don’t dismiss it as unrealistic. America isn’t the Third World. If […]

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Tuesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on September 29, 2009 25 Comments

Save this date – November 17. It’s the day that Sarah Palin’s memoir Going Rogue (clever title) is due to hit the shelves. She and her ghostwriter finished in only 4 months. The 400-page book is the first for Palin, who has been an object of fascination since Republican Sen. John McCain chose her as […]

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