Unstable Isotope
Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.
Unstable Isotope's Latest Posts
Restoring My Faith In The Free Market
The Atlas Shrugged adaptation is not only tanking at the theaters, it’s doing so poorly that the producers will have to pay some theaters to keep showing it.
The War Is Over (If Mitt Romney Writes An Op-Ed)
Mitt Romney writes an op-Ed but makes some stupid factual errors.
Foster Children Only Deserve Second Best
A Michigan state senator has a budget cutting idea – allow foster children to only purchase secondhand clothes.
Political Courage
The Economist notices that the Progressive Caucus budget proposal does not receive the same media coverage as the Ryan proposal, despite actually balancing the budget with real numbers and faster than Ryan.
Delaware’s Top Republican Covers Up Wrongdoing
Tom Wagner’s office withheld a report critical of DSU and Dick Cathcart according to a News Journal investigation.
Summer Of Spittle II Coming?
Return of the angry town halls this summer? Voters are not fooled by the GOP’s spin that they are “saving” Medicare.
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