Unstable Isotope
Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.
Unstable Isotope's Latest Posts
Crisis Averted, Suckily
The government shutdown was averted last night with a last minute deal that cut $38.5B from the discretionary budget.
NBC Is Really Desperate For Ratings
Donald Trump steamrolled over Meredith Viera in an interview on the Today Show, which led to an awkward moment later with Bill Cosby.
Waukesha City Clerk’s Shady History
Waukesha City Clerk Kathy Nickolaus who accidentally lost 14,000 votes has been in trouble before for similar issues.
*UPDATED* Delaware Senate Passes Civil Unions Bill
The civil unions bill passed the Delaware Senate 13-6-2.
Government Shutdown Is Coming!

It looks like a government shutdown is coming, even if a deal is reached.
The Very Serious Paul Ryan Budget
The very serious Paul Ryan released his magical deficit reduction plan yesterday. Cutting taxes = deficit reduction and ending Medicare = JOBS.
Free Market Rules
Bristol Palin was paid >$250,000 by the Candies Foundation to send her message of don’t do what I did my baby is the greatest thing ever.
Chris Coons Speaks Up For Labor
Senator Chris Coons gave a speech yesterday supporting the labor movement and acknowledging the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
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