Unstable Isotope
Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.
Unstable Isotope's Latest Posts
Perhaps Huckabee Should Stop Talking?
Mike Huckabee chides Natalie Portman for setting a bad example with her out-of-wedlock pregnancy.
Over The Cliff
A new poll shows that the Republican deficit solutions are very unpopular with the American public. The most popular solutions are raising taxes on millionaires, ending earmarks and cutting unnecessary defense programs. Cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are the least popular solutions, supported by 25% or less of the public.
Anti-Abortion Publicity Stunt Fails
A publicity stunt arranged by an anti-abortion group failed when an ultrasound failed to detect a heartbeat in a 9-week-old fetus.
New Castle County Council At War, Part 2
New Castle County Council members Bill Bell, Penrose Hollins, Joe Reda, Tim Sheldon, George Smiley and Jea Street were absent from last night’s meeting to deny quorum.
Calling Their Bluff
President Obama has expressed support for a bill sponsored by Ron Wyden and Scott Brown that will move up the date at which states can put in their own health care reform ideas.
Wisconsin Wants A Do Over
If Wisconsin could vote today for governor, the Democratic nominee would defeat Scott Walker by 7%, instead of losing by 5%.
Try To Contain Your Disappointment
Christine O’Donnell won’t be dancing in a witch’s hat to “Witchy Woman” this coming season of Dancing With The Stars
Ron Williams Channels GOP Whining
Ron Williams passes on gossip from the Delaware GOP. My favorite rumor – Protack for chariman of the Delaware GOP?
Let’s Bomb The Global Warming Away!
HuffPo has an article about nuclear winter reversing global warming.
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