Anti-Abortion Publicity Stunt Fails

Filed in National by on March 3, 2011

Now that the GOP has taken over some statehouses they are pursuing their top priorities: jobs (hahahaha just kidding) breaking unions and punishing women. All the union demonstrations have really brought home the anti-worker agenda so the anti-woman agenda isn’t getting as much attention. However, this story out of Ohio got some attention:

Two fetuses will be presented as witnesses before an Ohio legislative committee that is hearing a bill to outlaw abortions after the first heartbeat can be detected inside a woman’s womb.

The fetuses will appear live and in color before the committee on a video screen projecting ultrasound images taken from their pregnant mothers’ bodies. Janet Folger Porter, head of Faith2Action, an anti-abortion group, said the fetuses will be the youngest witnesses to ever testify when they come in front of the House Health and Aging Committee Wednesday morning.

It’s a new publicity stunt – bring in the incubators pregnant woman and do an ultrasound right there in the chamber. Because we know that a lot of anti-abortion activists act as though women are stupid children who apparently are too dumb to make decisions for themselves. If they could just see the darling little embryo they’ll change their minds and decide to continue the pregnancy.

Their stunt failed, however:

The fetal test has come and gone with a quiet flop. They didn’t actually have a 5-week pregnant woman to test, and it failed to work for a 9 week fetus.

Two young mothers were given ultrasounds in a packed room at the Statehouse as part of a House committee meeting Wednesday. The heartbeat of a fetus at 15 weeks gestation was easily detected. The heartbeat in a fetus of nine weeks gestation was difficult to detect.

Add the obligatory Nelson from the Simpsons HA! here. Anyway, when did “heartbeat” become the test for anti-choice activists? I’m pretty sure my cat has a heartbeat. Is she human? This leads me to a few questions:

    • When they stop your heart during open-heart surgery, do you stop being human for the period you’re on the table?
    • If you get a heart transplant, does that mean you are now a different human?
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    About the Author ()

    Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

    Comments (6)

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    1. jason330 says:

      …and yet, in spite of the fact that they continue to prove that they only care about theatrical bullshit and fucking shit up, Republicans continue to win elections. Honestly, the only answer is that Democrats SUCK!

      OMG Democrats…why do you suck so much? Why are you useless when it comes to having a coherent message, when Republicans give you nothing but material?

    2. Obama2008 says:

      Does the Committee allow cross-examination of the fetus?

      Or can the other side call its own unborn witnesses?

      “I call Cartman from South Park. Next slide, please.”

      Stunts are fun. I miss Abbie Hoffman.

    3. heragain says:

      The only possible reason to vote R any more is to send the clear message you hate gays, women, and ethnic minorities. The fiscal excuse is exploded.

      But, jason, a nuanced message of “government is the mechanism by which a free society combines resources to solve necessary problems” isn’t easy to get on a bumper sticker.

    4. jason330 says:

      Then fuck nuance.

    5. skippertee says:

      In a related story, Jim Carrey of Hollywood,CA., later addressed the amazed legislature from his anal orifice as he agitated for “fecal rights”.
      The legislators appeared unmoved.

    6. Von Cracker says:

      I’m just waiting to open my Coathanger Emporium, with 26 distribution super-centers throughout the Midwest and South.

      Just trying to do my part for the economy.

      And Faith2Action? Really? Is that a spinoff of Faith + 1 ?

      “I want you in me, Jesus!”