Unstable Isotope
Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.
Unstable Isotope's Latest Posts
The More Things Change, The More Things Stay The Same

A U.S. Navy captain made a series of videos using sexual
and homophobic humor and showed it to crew members, even after they
What Is A Hate Group?
The Southern Poverty Law Center named 13 anti-gay groups as hate groups. Not to be outdone, the Tea Party Nation made it’s own list of hate groups: the ACLU, the NAACP, the Department of Homeland Security, SPLC and the SEIU.
The Pope Blames The 70s For The Sex Abuse Scandal

Pope Benedict offered a new excuse for the sex abuse scandals in the church – it was the 70s fault.
Dispatch From The Dark Side
FVoshell at Delaware Politics points us to a post at American Thinker about conservative disappointment with the lame duck session and conservatives’ feelings of betrayal.
It Was Joe Biden Hiding In The Bushes
Christine O’Donnell’s team released a statement on the criminal investigation of her campaign finance spending. As usual, it’s everyone else’s fault.
Christine O’Donnell Under Criminal Investigation

Breaking and Updated: Christine O’Donnell is under federal criminal investigation for misuse of campaign funds. Last update at 4:49 PM ET.
Progressive Uprising?

A full 78% of Democrats want to see President Obama re-nominated, including 85% of liberal Democrats. At this time in 1994, Clinton’s re-elect number among Democrats was 59%.
The New Birthers
There is a new pseudo-scandal brewing in the rightwing. The RWNJs think that President Obama will “give away” Manhattan because he signed the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
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