Unstable Isotope

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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The More Things Change, The More Things Stay The Same

Filed in National by on January 3, 2011 24 Comments
The More Things Change, The More Things Stay The Same

A U.S. Navy captain made a series of videos using sexual
and homophobic humor and showed it to crew members, even after they

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New Year’s Open Thread

Filed in National by on January 1, 2011 6 Comments

The New Years’ Day edition of your semi-daily open thread.

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New Year’s Eve Open Thread

Filed in National by on December 31, 2010 25 Comments

The Friday edition of your semi-daily open thread.

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What Is A Hate Group?

Filed in National by on December 31, 2010 5 Comments

The Southern Poverty Law Center named 13 anti-gay groups as hate groups. Not to be outdone, the Tea Party Nation made it’s own list of hate groups: the ACLU, the NAACP, the Department of Homeland Security, SPLC and the SEIU.

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The Pope Blames The 70s For The Sex Abuse Scandal

Filed in International by on December 30, 2010 11 Comments
The Pope Blames The 70s For The Sex Abuse Scandal

Pope Benedict offered a new excuse for the sex abuse scandals in the church – it was the 70s fault.

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Thursday Open Thread

Filed in National by on December 30, 2010 10 Comments

The Thursday edition of your semi-daily open thread.

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Dispatch From The Dark Side

Filed in National by on December 30, 2010 0 Comments

FVoshell at Delaware Politics points us to a post at American Thinker about conservative disappointment with the lame duck session and conservatives’ feelings of betrayal.

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It Was Joe Biden Hiding In The Bushes

Filed in Delaware by on December 29, 2010 24 Comments

Christine O’Donnell’s team released a statement on the criminal investigation of her campaign finance spending. As usual, it’s everyone else’s fault.

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Christine O’Donnell Under Criminal Investigation

Filed in National by on December 29, 2010 33 Comments
Christine O’Donnell Under Criminal Investigation

Breaking and Updated: Christine O’Donnell is under federal criminal investigation for misuse of campaign funds. Last update at 4:49 PM ET.

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Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on December 29, 2010 1 Comment

The Wednesday edition of your semi-daily open thread.

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Progressive Uprising?

Filed in National by on December 29, 2010 13 Comments
Progressive Uprising?

A full 78% of Democrats want to see President Obama re-nominated, including 85% of liberal Democrats. At this time in 1994, Clinton’s re-elect number among Democrats was 59%.

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The New Birthers

Filed in National by on December 29, 2010 5 Comments

There is a new pseudo-scandal brewing in the rightwing. The RWNJs think that President Obama will “give away” Manhattan because he signed the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

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Palate Cleanser – A Delightful Rant

Filed in National by on December 28, 2010 0 Comments
Palate Cleanser – A Delightful Rant

Josh Marshall at TPM takes apart the idea that Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour was ever a serious presidential contender.

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