Unstable Isotope
Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.
Unstable Isotope's Latest Posts
Is Mike Castle Determined To Make Me Hate Him?
Mike Castle whines that CREW didn’t file their criminal complaint against Christine O’Donnell before the primary. Apparently he’s incapable of doing this himself.
Get Yer New Christine O’Donnell Videos Here
Christine O’Donnell wonders why we can’t see monkeys evolving into humans before our very eyes.
Nate Silver Analyzes A 3-Way Delaware Senate Race

Nate Silver’s analysis of a 3-way Senate race gives a finish of Coons 37%, Castle 34% and O’Donnell 29%.
Question of the Day

Admit it – how many of you are counting down until Bill Maher’s next O’Whackadoodle revelation?
Castle Will Poll 3-Way Race
Mike Castle plans on polling a potential 3-way race for the Delaware Senate.
Another Stupid Column About O’Donnell
Ruben Navarette, Jr. writes a column about Republicans have been so mean to poor, little Christine O’Donnell. Also, for the first time ever, I defend Karl Rove.
Comment Rescue, Special Geezer Addition
What is Christine O’Donnell going to do with all those campaign donations?
The GOP Releases “A Pledge To America”
The Republican party has released their warmed-over old ideas in a new document called “A Pledge to America.”
Mike Castle Throws A Wrench In The Senate Race
Mike Castle hasn’t ruled out a run as a write-in candidate.
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