Unstable Isotope

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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Glenn Beck vs. Fox

Filed in National by on March 15, 2010 5 Comments

I’ve always thought that Glenn Beck would flame out sooner rather than later. You can’t make your living as a prophet of doom & gloom if the doom & gloom doesn’t come to pass. However, the end for Glenn Beck may be more related to money than from burn-out, according to Howard Kurtz: With his […]

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Monday Open Thread

Filed in National by on March 15, 2010 12 Comments

Beware the Ides of March! Today is the Ides of March and also the Breitbartocalypse. At this time tomorrow the “institutional left” will have ceased to exist. I suppose you’ll only see a blank page here tomorrow. We will all have been raptured or something. It’s pretty unclear what Breitbart meant. Stay tuned! Let’s open […]

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Health Care Reform: The Endgame

Filed in National by on March 15, 2010 11 Comments

Robert Gibbs was on the Sunday shows yesterday and said that by next week health care reform will be the law of the land: “We’ll have the votes when the House votes, I think, within the next week,” Gibbs said on “Fox News Sunday.” Gibbs added that those on next week’s Sunday talk shows “will […]

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Impeach Clarence Thomas

Filed in National by on March 14, 2010 22 Comments

Clarence Thomas was in the court majority in the Citizens United Supreme Court decision, which overturned a century’s worth of regulations barring unlimited spending by corporations in political campaigns. Virginia Thomas, Clarence Thomas’s wife, is preparing to take advantage of this SCOTUS ruling to start her own Tea Party group, which will take corporate donations […]

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Weekend Open Thread

Filed in National by on March 13, 2010 18 Comments

Welcome to a rain-soaked, windy open thread. I don’t know about you but I think I’m actually living in a marsh. Are you ready for an open thread? Texas decided to cut Thomas Jefferson out of its history standards. He so inconvenient after all, with his insistence that there is a separation between church and […]

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Warren Redlich Speaks

Filed in National by on March 13, 2010 1 Comment

Warren Redlich, who owns the campaign domain for the Christine O’Donnell’s 2008 Senate campaign website gives us the scoop on his interactions with the O’Donnell team. Comment by Warren Redlich on 13 March 2010 at 8:04 am: Hi – I’m Warren Redlich. There isn’t much of a connection. Here’s the short story: One of my […]

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I Have The World’s Smallest Violin

Filed in National by on March 13, 2010 4 Comments
I Have The World’s Smallest Violin

My violin weeps for Bart Stupak. He went from the U.S.’s most important Congressman to irrelevant. He went to a publication that has only the Democratic party’s best interest in mind, the National Review Online to have a pity party complain: Sitting in an airport, on his way home to Michigan, Rep. Bart Stupak, a […]

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Friday Open Thread

Filed in National by on March 12, 2010 22 Comments
Friday Open Thread

TGIF! It looks like the wonderful spring-like sunny weather is not going to hold through the weekend, unfortunately. Let’s roll with the open thread. Democrats overwhelmingly want to pass the health care reform bill. I understand how they’re feeling, I’m sick of the delays. Roughly five out of six members of MoveOn favor passing the […]

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Harry Reid Eats His Wheaties

Filed in National by on March 12, 2010 2 Comments

I’d like to start this post with a sincere wish for the rapid recovery of Harry Reid’s wife and daughter, who were in a serious car accident yesterday. Health care reform looks more certain to pass any day now. One hold-up has been the distrust between the House and the Senate. The Senate is now an almost completely dysfunctional body and the House is worried that the fixes to the health care bill will not see action. There are now at least 54 Senators on board with reconciliation for the sidecar bill containing fixes to the Senate bill and Harry Reid has sent a letter of notice to Mitch McConnell that Democrats are going to pursue reconciliation:

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Thursday Open Thread

Filed in National by on March 11, 2010 16 Comments

Welcome to Thursday and welcome to your open thread. As usual, I’ll provide a couple of links for you to talk about if you wish but there is nothing that is off-topic in an open thread. A story spread all over the rightwing news media about a ban on fishing by the Obama administration. The […]

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A Bill We Should All Support – Medicare Buy-In

Filed in National by on March 11, 2010 6 Comments

Progressive hero Alan Grayson has introduced a short 4-page bill to allow Americans to buy into Medicare coverage (without subsidies). Think Progress‘s Wonk Room describes the bill, called the “Public Option Act” or “Medicare You Can Buy Into Act”: Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) has provided the White House with a real opportunity to win back […]

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Republicans Want To Raise Your Taxes

Filed in National by on March 11, 2010 6 Comments

Paul Ryan is a Wisconsin Republican and a rising star in the party. He’s the ranking member of the House Budget Committee and several weeks ago he unveiled his plan for balancing the budget. It was a Republican plan on steroids – huge tax cuts for the wealthy, elimination of Social Security and Medicare and […]

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Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on March 10, 2010 17 Comments

Welcome to Wednesday! Is anyone else finding this week incredibly long? It’s time for your open thread, so tell us what’s on your mind. Hey, I love this news but with all news about diet take it with a grain of salt: Led by Dr. Lu Wang, preventive-health experts at Brigham conducted the first long-term […]

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