
X Stryker is also the proprietor of the currently-dormant poll analysis blog Election Inspection.

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Comment Rescue from Roadkill

Filed in National by on March 15, 2009 7 Comments

If it did come down to civil war, I don’t think your average anti would fight. They’d leave it for some uncivilized knuckledragging marine or policeman to enforce their wims. By “anti”, he’s referring to people who support “well-regulated” gun control. And by “wims”, he’s referring to “whims”. And by “enforce” such whims, he’s maybe […]

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Deep Thought

Filed in National by on March 11, 2009 4 Comments

Bush declared that “Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.” Two-thirds of Republicans approved of Bush in Gallup’s final poll 60% of Republicans have a favorable opinion of Rush Limbaugh (Gallup again) Rush wants America to fail Al Qaida wants America to fail So, how long before the Beck/McVeigh brigade start […]

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Customer Service

Filed in National by on March 5, 2009 70 Comments

Nate Silver writes: Anyone who’s ever had to deal with Dell customer service knows that, indeed, there IS a company more desperately terrible than Comcast in this department. Conservatives would say that in theory the market would replace those horrorshow companies, but for anyone who lives in the real world and interacts with American customer […]

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Comment Rescue: Love!

Filed in National by on March 3, 2009 16 Comments

David Anderson: I love President Bush Love! Never mind the fact that he goes on to criticize Bush. He only does so with love in his heart. Tell me, Republicans, though you may have many criticisms of your former president, do you still love him? (let’s be adults here – obviously we’re talking about admiring […]

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Vote to get a poll in Delaware!

Filed in Delaware by on March 2, 2009 10 Comments

Democratic pollster PPP is letting the internet decide which state to poll next: Delaware, Connecticut, or Kentucky. Go vote for Delaware right now. They will poll both our Senate and House race, testing Beau vs. Castle (Senate) and Carney vs. Castle (House), if Delaware wins out. I think all of us, liberal and conservative and […]

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Found on Twitter

Filed in National by on February 28, 2009 3 Comments

I was just poking around Twitter, and found the following gem from Captain America writer Ed Brubaker: Listening to Republicans talk about how to save the economy is like listening to Ted Bundy talk about how to save lives. Holy sh**, that totally made my day.

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Comment Rescue: Insane Art Downs Edition

Filed in Delaware by on February 28, 2009 24 Comments

Art Downs says: I did drive a Corvair that belonged to my sister and the negative comments by Ralph Nader were so much hokum. The next time you almost accidentally take Art Downs seriously, just remember this is a guy who thinks, “Psssh, Corvair? Totally safe. My sister had one and nobody died.” Discuss.

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Republican Myth Exploded: Taxes and Reagan Edition

Filed in National by on February 27, 2009 15 Comments

Take the time to read this article in Forbes magazine by Bruce Bartlett. I am serious, you need to read this before you fall prey to another Republican myth. How many times can they be proven wrong on the exact same issue before people wise up? Bartlett’s conclusion, after his analysis (READ IT!) has laid […]

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Would you take medical advice from this man?

Filed in National by on February 27, 2009 19 Comments

Golly gee wilickers, Bobby Jindal sure has some strange ideas about how medicine works. He’s also extremely careful and calculated, personality traits that come out during even the most mundane activities, like taking pills. Jindal, who has a background in biology, medicine and public policy, never follows the directions on prescription medicines. “I always just […]

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Dow Up 236, Republicans Blame Obama

Filed in National by on February 24, 2009 10 Comments

Seeing as how Republicans believe the market acts rationally and is the only barometer to measure policies, obviously they’re going to to pin a 236 point rally on Obama. Wall Street always behaves rationally, after all. Ha ha ha, I crack me up. I look forward to comments below from the wingnuts telling me how […]

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Carper still favors capitulation

Filed in Delaware by on February 24, 2009 6 Comments

h/t Politico: “The majority has to be inclusive,” Obama told about 150 legislators and expert gathered at his accountability summit, “But the minority has to be constructive… The minority then has to come up with… ideas, and not just want to blow things up.” Later, when Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) implored him to continue reaching […]

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RNC To Crush Dissent

Filed in National by on February 24, 2009 24 Comments

h/t Politico, although their title features the hilarious typo “disssidents”: RNC Chairman Michael Steele has threatened to withhold party funds from three GOP senators who voted for the stimulus package. : “Will you, as RNC head, recommend no RNC funds being provided to help them?” Steele was asked on Fox News. “Oh, yes, I`m always […]

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Worth a thousand words

Filed in National by on February 20, 2009 9 Comments
Worth a thousand words

hat tip Nancy

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