
State Of Delaware Sues Amazon While State Of Delaware Throws Money At Amazon

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 27, 2023 5 Comments

To be specific, Delaware AG Kathleen Jennings has joined other state AG’s and the Federal government in suing Amazon while the Carney Administration’s privatized economic development scam agency continues to gift the behemoth with taxpayer dollars ostensibly for ‘jobs’.  Jobs with no strings, like worker protections and/or the right to unionize, attached. From the Associated […]

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NCC Council & Developers Vs. The Public

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 26, 2023 17 Comments

The ongoing unholy alliance, with money as the catalyst. Kids, wanna get your project rezoned and approved far from the prying eyes of the public?  Here’s how: A proposed New Castle County ordinance would affect what can be built on more than 80 properties, impacting multiple development projects seeking approval. One property included in the […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, September 15, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 15, 2023 5 Comments

UAW Goes On Strike Against Detroit’s ‘Big Three’.  BTW, ‘Stellantis’ (a combination of ‘Stella!’ and ‘Atlantis’?) is the nom du jour of what used to be Chrysler.  How did this fact escape me?  The UAW members deserve our support: Never before has the United Auto Workers union carried out a simultaneous work stoppage at all […]

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DE’s Most Intriguing Legislative Races Of 2024: #4: RD 22

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 13, 2023 3 Comments

You can prioritize any of our remaining four races in any order you want.  Just, if you can, prioritize working on at least one of the four campaigns.  Four great candidates, each a huge upgrade over the incumbent. The incumbent in RD 22 is a case in point.  He has established that his sole purpose […]

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Worst Delaware Governor In Recent History Endorses…

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 7, 2023 17 Comments
Worst Delaware Governor In Recent History Endorses…

…Bethany Hall Long.  Meaning, it’s official.  No way I can support her. Eight more years of being led around by the Chamber?  Eight more years of being led around by the cops? Eight more years of self-imposed budgetary constraints?  Eight more years of putting the brakes on progressive initiatives? If you want eight more years […]

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DE’s Most Intriguing Legislative Races Of 2024: #5–RD 16

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 7, 2023 1 Comment

Following the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis cops back in 2020, some states tried and, occasionally succeeded, in reforming police practices. In Delaware, we had a big show promising change that took place on the steps of Legislative Hall.  Which was followed by Governor Carney appointing a task force comprised almost entirely of cops […]

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BREAKING: Kyle Evans Gay Running For Lieutenant Governor

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 31, 2023 37 Comments

The press release in its entirety: NORTH WILMINGTON — State Senator Kyle Evans Gay announced Thursday morning her campaign to become Delaware’s next Lieutenant Governor. VIEW HER LAUNCH VIDEO HERE A mom of two young girls, attorney, and leader in Delaware’s nonprofit sector, Kyle has served in the Delaware General Assembly representing the 5th Senatorial District […]

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DE’s Most Intriguing Legislative Races Of 2024: #6–RD 28

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 29, 2023 13 Comments

I doubt that any legislator has been less distinguished, yet wielded as much power, as Lumpy Carson. At least in recent times. He has been Pete ‘n Val’s Useful Idiot during their reign of terror against their own caucus and Democratic principles.  Long-time House head of the Joint Finance Committee, chair and/or member of any […]

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DE’s Most Intriguing Legislative Races Of 2024: #7–RD 2

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 22, 2023 8 Comments

I could do #’s 5, 6 and 7 in pretty much any order.  We’re talking three absolutely abysmal incumbents with no (so far) challengers, either announced or rumored.  I’ve ordered them from those doing (IMO) the least damage to those doing the most damage. They, all, however, have done significant damage. Career hack Stephanie Bolden […]

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The ‘Occasional’ Delaware Political Weekly: August 18, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 18, 2023 46 Comments

Two ‘occasional’ political weekly pieces in the same week?  Yes.  The main reason? Item #1: 1. Something Stinks In Newark.  Hmmm, is it the unmistakable smell of cop donuts and Babe Ruth League canteen hot dogs?  Yep, we’re talking Pete ‘n Val stench.  How else to explain the newly-filed candidate committee of one Michael A. […]

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Corrupt Ex-State Auditor Sues Delaware AG For Defamation

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 15, 2023 9 Comments

Didn’t KMG do enough to defame herself all by her lonesome?: Former Delaware Auditor Kathy McGuiness is suing Attorney General Kathy Jennings and other state law enforcement officials for alleged violations of her constitutional rights as well as defamation tied to the criminal case that preceded the auditor’s election loss last year. Last year, McGuiness was […]

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What/Who Is First State Educate/First State Action Fund, And Why Have They Hired A Convicted Felon As Executive Director?

Filed in Delaware, Education, Featured by on August 10, 2023 22 Comments

Oh, and not just any convicted felon, but one who ran afoul of the law while destroying Puerto Rico’s public schools?  All in due time… It looks like First State Educate and First State Action Fund were set up to grab as many COVID education $$’s as possible: Over the past two years, every district […]

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DE’s Most Intriguing Legislative Races Of 2024: #9-RD 10

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 8, 2023 17 Comments

Imagine a state representative who retired, but never bothered to tell anybody.  No need to imagine it when your state rep is Sean Matthews.  Oh, he hasn’t technically retired.  He still mostly goes to Dover, votes for Pete ‘n Val, opposes strong gun safety legislation.  And, here’s the point, does virtually nothing else. Now understand […]

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