Worst Delaware Governor In Recent History Endorses…

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 7, 2023

Bethany Hall Long.  Meaning, it’s official.  No way I can support her. Eight more years of being led around by the Chamber?  Eight more years of being led around by the cops? Eight more years of self-imposed budgetary constraints?  Eight more years of putting the brakes on progressive initiatives?

If you want eight more years of the Chamber and the cops calling the shots,  Carney has told you that BHL is his choice.  The other key reason Carney’s doing this?  He’s still pissed off that Meyer made him look bad by having a vision for using federal relief funds.  Carney had, and has, no vision.  He didn’t just look bad, he was pathetic.

I’m  still a little agnostic on Matt, but I’m now fully in his corner largely because of what he isn’t:  A continuation of Delaware Way corporate insiderism.  Which is where BHL has chosen to situate herself.  No wonder she wouldn’t even commit to no more budget-smoothing at our last RD committee meeting.  Might have cost her a few tables at this fundraiser for insiders.

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  1. mediawatch says:

    I see some parallels here.
    Recall ’08, when Carney campaigned as though he was joined at the hip to Ruth Ann. (I know, it doesn’t look pretty but it didn’t turn out well for Carney.) Markell offered a more innovative vision and won the primary. Jack didn’t turn out as progressive as he looked in ’08 but he appeared to be the more progressive candidate and it paid off for him.
    Fast forward. BHL is linking arms with Carney in a year when there’s no chance the Democratic candidate will face any serious opposition from the GOP. There’s an opportunity for her to present some fresh ideas but she’d rather give us the same old, same old. Meyer, like Markell, will offer us something new and he likely will be more impressive than BHL. Chances are that, like Markell, he won’t turn out as progressive in office as on the campaign trail but he’s going to be far more appealing than the status quo alternative.

  2. You could well be right about both the Carney/BHL analogy and the Markell/Meyer analogy.

    Not to mention, the entire D Party apparatus was firmly behind Carney, who proceeded to run the most lackluster campaign I can recall. Markell ran a great campaign, but if Carney had just rousted himself from his torpor, he would have won. Turns out there was and is no rousting of John. ‘Cept when someone makes him look bad.

    The irony being, of course, that Markell, subsequently revealed as a corporadem, embraced his former rival when it came time to to pass the torch.

    Hey, if Meyer’s in that position, at least he’ll be passing it to Kyle Evans Gay (I think).

    • mediawatch says:

      Had Beau Biden lived … Markell could have passed the baton to Matt Denn, or perhaps Beau would have run for governor … sparing us eight years of Carney.

      • Remember how Carney avoided running a serious campaign back in 2016 by (a) deferring to his dear friend Beau, who everybody knew wasn’t going to be able to run; then (b) ostensibly mourning Beau’s passing for a lo-o-ong time rather than giving anybody a clue as to what he wanted to do as Governor, which was nothing? I do.

  3. SussexWatcher says:

    I might be open to O’Mara if he were to run, but with the field the way it is now there’s no contest. It’s got to be Meyer.

    No f’ing way am I supporting anyone running as John Carney II.

  4. GreyFox says:

    Meyer is essentially a blank canvas so both progressives and the affluent Greenville set are easily able to project their aspirations on to him. The progressives who support him are naive enough to think he can actually deliver on progressive priorities as Governor, which is delusional given his total lack of support in the GA and inability to work with ppl as has been demonstrated at the County level. (Does anyone really think Meyer can go toe to toe with Queen Val? She will chew him up then spit him out before breakfast.) In reality, he doesn’t care about progressive priorities at all – his only concern is satisfying his own ambition to be Governor.

    As for the Greenville set, they know a sucker when they see one, especially when the person is one of their own. Meyer’s path is fairly similar to most of theirs or their children’s – Wilmington Friends, an Ivy, law school – then many failed attempts to establish a career before settling into something where they can fake it until they make it. This isn’t a recipe for success as Governor. If his past is prologue, if he were to get the job he would do it for a few years then move onto some other “career” endeavor in which he will also prove to be a failure. The man’s life is a story of failing upward.

    • Absent in your critique is the name of one Bethany Hall Long.

      Care to fill in the blanks on her? Talk about someone who only is satisfying their ambition to be Governor…and to tie herself to the leaky vessel of the USS Carney…do you wish to elucidate or just to smear?

      While there are people who don’t like Meyer, there are people who don’t like BHL–especially those in the Senate who rolled their eyes every time she inserted herself from the podium into some harmless resolution by talking about her involvement with whatever group was being honored.

      He has many supporters in the General Assembly, so your characterization is false. I believe willfully so. He’s also hardly the blank slate, having spent eight years as County Executive. Far less of a blank slate, in fact, than a Lieutenant Governor with Suxco roots.

      What Val and BHL have in common is precisely what must be avoided. That kind of borderline corrupt synergy would be a disaster.

      You’re officially on Troll Watch.

    • Alby says:

      Is a Suxco Democrat actually a Democrat at all? I’m not going to bet yes on that one.
      Also, it’s pretty rich to claim Meyer hasn’t done anything while BHL spent the past 8 years in a part-time job.

  5. GreyFox says:

    Being labeled a troll by El Som is a badge of honor! How shall I remit payment of my troll toll?

    • How about by answering the question: Can you fill in the blanks on BHL? You’re clearly shilling for her, let’s not be disingenuous about this. Why? What do you like about her?

      Not an unreasonable question. Or are you only into trashing someone?

      Floor’s yours.

      • Kids, GreyFox has not been banned or placed in moderation.

        They’re likely still thinking of something positive to say about BHL.

        Kinda hard to believe that Foxy dissed Meyer for going to an Ivy League school, now that I think about it. Especially since an Ivy League alum, John Carney, is trying to carry BHL on his shoulders. Plus Foxy is all in for Kyle Evans Gay who, wait for it, is also an Ivy League grad.