
Matt Meyer Can Kiss My Ass

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 30, 2022 40 Comments

He’s already begging for $$’s for his 2024 run for Governor.  I’ve gotten two pleas in the past 24 hours. Not only is he not getting my money, he’s lost any chance he had for my support. I fully expected to back him in 2024.  He at least had some plausible progressive cred, arising mostly […]

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Ramone Rethugs Scale Great Heights, Reach New Lows

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 22, 2022 21 Comments
Ramone Rethugs Scale Great Heights, Reach New Lows

Mike Ramone may not be a MAGAt, but he is a Nixonian Rethug, someone who deals in dirty tricks and character assassination.  It’s not gonna be easy to besmirch Frank Burns, so his Rethug minions have taken to…completely obliterating a Frank Burns billboard. I mean, it takes a lot of work and chutzpah to destroy […]

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El Som: ‘I’ve Got Some Money, I’ve Got My Legs, And I’ve Got Some Time. Any Suggestions?’

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 20, 2022 12 Comments

Why, yes, yes I do.  Thanks for asking.  Geography, of course, plays a part.  If you’ve got a good race close to home, consider doing some canvassing and/or calling. Ho-kay, here we go: Kyra Hoffner.  She won a 5-way primary to succeed Sen. Bruce Ennis in SD 14.  If she can garner the support of […]

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DL Open Thread Sunday, Sept. 18, 2022

Filed in Delaware, International, National, Open Thread by on September 18, 2022 4 Comments

Wilmington is going to get an economic boost next month when media floods the city for the Elon Musk-Twitter showdown in Chancery Court. Background coverage has already begun, such as this profile of Chancellor Kathaleen McCormick. The bus-the-immigrants stunt has succeeded in bringing national attention to a problem that affects mainly border cities in border […]

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DL Open Thread Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022

Filed in Delaware, International, National by on September 15, 2022 6 Comments
DL Open Thread Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022

Media scolds yesterday chided Joe Biden for flying Air Force One to Delaware to — sit down now — vote in Tuesday’s primaries. “But, but, but he could have voted absentee!” Well, yes, but remember, he’s accustomed to Delaware election rules, and until Covid Delaware had the tightest restrictions in the country on who could […]

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Song of the Day 9/14: Smokey Robinson and the Miracles, “The Tears of a Clown”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, Delaware by on September 14, 2022 0 Comments

Colin Bonini always reminded me of a clown. Not figuratively, literally. He’s a large man — his everyday shoes are clown-sized — but his smile isn’t painted on, it’s real. All he lacks is a squirting flower in his lapel. Bonini is an old-fashioned conservative who believes that taxes are too high because government spends […]

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Primary Day Results ‘Rejoicing And Recriminations’ Thread

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 13, 2022 65 Comments
Primary Day Results ‘Rejoicing And Recriminations’ Thread

Polls have just closed.  It’s up to the Department of Elections now. In recent years, Zero Hour has been somewhere around 9:30.  That’s when the results have proceeded from a trickle to a gullywasher.  Maybe, just maybe, with a slimmer slate of races and more people taking advantage of early voting, we’ll know more earlier.  […]

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El Somnambulo Predicts ‘Em (Almost) All For You

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 8, 2022 63 Comments

Not gonna waste precious e-space on Kent and Suxco Levy Court, County Council or row offices.  Need to save room for all the snark I can muster. Auditor Of Accounts D Primary.  Some people say I overthink too much.   Well, I think I’ve overthought this one. (Am I still overthinking it?  What if I’m underthinking […]

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“This Is Sussex County”

Filed in Delaware by on September 7, 2022 21 Comments

The other day Jason linked to a Cape Gazette story about mudslinging — literally — in a Sussex County Council race, as a Councilman John Reiley was accused of unethical behavior for accepting many truckloads of dirt from a developer. His accuser was fellow Councilman Mark Schaeffer, erstwhile mayor of Smyrna, where he generated controversy […]

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Symphony Steve’s First Show Of The Arden Concert Gild Season!

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, Delaware, Featured by on August 29, 2022 0 Comments

I’m really psyched to announce that Chris Pierce and Special Guest Sug Daniels will grace the Gild Hall stage on Saturday, Nov. 5, 2022 at 8 pm. Chris Pierce writes some of the most powerful songs I’ve heard in a long time.  Check him out: Which doesn’t mean that he can’t turn out a kick-ass […]

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My Influencers

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 25, 2022 1 Comment

I’ve been aware of electoral politics since I was four.  My father ran as a Republican for New Castle County Sheriff  in 1958. The Delaware Democratic party was still a Dixecrat party and Black registrations did not begin to switch over in any numbers until the JFK race.  Anyway, I remember the rush when the […]

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Larry’s Been Lyin’–BIG Time!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 25, 2022 5 Comments
Larry’s Been Lyin’–BIG Time!

A.  I understand that ex-cops struggle with Prevarication Withdrawal.  All those years of lying to people they pull over, lying to suspects, lying on the witness stand, make it difficult, in some cases impossible, to return to a world where telling the truth matters. B. I also understand how politicians are prone to embellish their […]

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Deb Heffernan’s Updated Financial Campaign Report Tells You Everything You Need To Know

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 24, 2022 4 Comments

This is the update that, had it been up to Deb, and hadn’t been demanded by Nancy Willing, would have remained hidden from the public until 8 days out.  Let’s just see which miscreants ponied up at that fundraiser: Brian DiSabatino: $300 Building & Construction Trades: $600 Delaware Restaurant Association (those folks who really fought […]

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