
DL Open Thread Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Filed in Delaware, National by on August 11, 2021 13 Comments

One certainty about the Trump coup is that this lumbering mound of seething resentment and ignorance — Trump, that is — isn’t smart enough to have done all this himself. Though the news-consuming public doesn’t seem to care, there are people at work determining who provided that help, and the most interesting facet is where […]

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DL Open Thread Sunday, August 8, 2021

Filed in Delaware, International, National, Open Thread by on August 8, 2021 8 Comments

Alexander Pope was right: A little learning is a dangerous thing. He put it more poetically, but his observation was spot on. People who know a lot usually know how much they don’t know, whereas people who learn only a little tend to overestimate their knowledge. A perfect example played out yesterday at Christiana Hospital, […]

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Gerald Brady…Pete ‘N Val’s Useful Idiot…

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 7, 2021 6 Comments

…but not for long. Wasn’t gonna write this until Monday (our readership is down on the weekends), but the REV’s right-on-time podcast (listen to it) changed my mind.  Consider a patronage.  I did. And, um, patronized.  Never let it be said that I’m not patronizing. Someone far less cynical than me planted this idea with […]

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DL Open Thread Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021

Filed in Delaware, National by on August 5, 2021 2 Comments

I wonder if the media aren’t creating a false picture of who the anti-vax maskholes are, because apparently it’s not all the right-wingers: 90% of U.S. seniors are now vaccinated. So expect lots more articles like this one, about a Texas GOP official who mocked vaccines and masks on social media for months. He caught […]

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DL Open Thread Sunday, Aug. 1, 2021

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on August 1, 2021 2 Comments

Everyone acts surprised that Republicans “don’t believe in science,” but they shouldn’t be — conservatives have never bothered to support any of their arguments with data that go beyond anecdotes. To pick the most obvious example, they prattle on and on about trickle-down economics yet have never produced any evidence that it works — indeed, […]

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DL Open Thread Thursday, July 29, 2021

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on July 29, 2021 18 Comments

I heard this story on WDEL the other day and almost drove off the road — a puff piece about yet another state fund to funnel money to corporations. The story actually praises Middletown’s Ken Branner for tossing zoning and planning out the window to attract business, and its whole tone proves is that the […]

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Pete ‘N Val Lied To Protect Brady’s Hide

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 26, 2021 80 Comments

From the Delaware State News, which just might have a worthy successor to Matt Bittle: House Speaker Pete Schwartzkopf, D-Rehoboth Beach; Majority Leader Valerie Longhurst, D-Bear; and Majority Whip Larry Mitchell, D-Elsmere, also issued a joint statement Monday, in which the House leaders were supportive of the decisions outlined in Rep. Brady’s letter, noting that […]

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Brady Announces He Won’t Run Again…

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 26, 2021 18 Comments

…according to Matt Bittle, whose Twitter feed is alive and better than ever, and according to sharp-eyed DL commenter Harold.  Here is what Brady wrote on his Facebook page: However, my recent actions – using a deeply offensive anti-Asian slur and attempting to make a crass joke about human trafficking – make it more difficult […]

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Delaware Democratic Leaders Fail Epically On L’Affaire Brady

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 21, 2021 20 Comments
Delaware Democratic Leaders Fail Epically On L’Affaire Brady

To the point, by refusing to insist that he leave office immediately after disgracing it and himself, Democratic leaders have officially tolerated behavior they all stated they will not tolerate. For those of you who have sworn off news, but decided to return today, here is what this hot mess of a legislator wrote: “Is […]

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Gerald Brady Writes His Ticket Out Of Dover

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 20, 2021 21 Comments
Gerald Brady Writes His Ticket Out Of Dover

Matt Bittle’s Twitter is alive and well.  Better than ever in fact, now that he no longer is encumbered of any OTOH crap that you do if you’re reporting on Leg Hall.  You need to be reading it. That’s where I got the link to this story. Career nonentity Gerald Brady has finally signed his […]

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DuPont, Chemours & Corteva Agree To Pay Delaware $50 Mill For Damage Caused By Their ‘Forever’ Chemicals

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 14, 2021 7 Comments

This is a BFD. According to this News-Journal article: (AG Kathy) Jennings’ justice department had intended to file a massive lawsuit against DuPont, Chemours and Corteva earlier this year. The department spent more than two years on its investigation, which consisted of environmental sampling, forensic analysis and a review of corporate records. The department sought monetary damages and […]

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Crowdsourcing Request: Whither the Wingnuts of Yesteryear?

Filed in Delaware by on July 8, 2021 16 Comments

Until last month’s news about the legal difficulties of onetime Delaware GOP nuisance Mike Protack, I had no idea he had decamped to San Diego, which got me to wondering — whatever happened to some of the deluded fools who did so much to make the Delaware GOP a laughingstock throughout this century? A few […]

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DL Open Thread Thursday, July 8, 2021

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 8, 2021 14 Comments

Most people who want Donald Trump prosecuted for his life of crime felt disappointed when Trump Org CFO Allen Weisselberg was indicted for tax crimes over what were characterized as “fringe benefits.” Trump’s laywers certainly were thrilled when the media parroted their spin, but the truth is that it’s a lot more serious than the […]

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