
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thursday, June 10, 2021

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 10, 2021 12 Comments

Today’s the day that marijuana legalization comes to the House floor.  It’s likely to be a lo-o-o-ng day. After all, it’s a lo-o-o-ng bill.  HB 150 (Osienski) already has ten pre-filed amendments to wade through.  There could well be more, including perhaps an omnibus amendment that incorporates whatever is needed to get enough votes for […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., June 9, 2021

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 9, 2021 29 Comments

Pity The Poor Rethuglican.  A couple of years ago, Speaker Pete cut a deal with them rather than work with his own caucus. The result? A special ‘training wage’ and a special ‘youth wage’ that was below the minimum wage.  A lot of D’s bristled at this bill. But not Mike Ramone, whose vote Pete […]

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State Rep/Ex-Cop Steve Smyk Implicated In Sex Discrimination/Harassment Suit

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 8, 2021 17 Comments

Far be it from me to sensationalize allegations pertaining to any of the cop-legislators in Dover (he lied), but this case promises to be Sensational. It features Steve Smyk (rhymes with Dick), and, yes, he comes across as quite the dick. Allegedly. Oh, and also Speaker Pete (alleged oral history). If you have a subscription, […]

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Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 8, 2021 13 Comments

It’s official.  Matt Bittle is the best legislative beat reporter I’ve seen during my years of working for/following the General Assembly.  Chad Livengood was the best investigative reporter, but you simply can’t beat Matt’s ongoing coverage.  It’s why I subscribe to Bay To Bay (formerly the Delaware State News).  Here is his preview of the […]

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Bipartisanship Is a Mug’s Game

Filed in Coons, Delaware, National by on May 27, 2021 2 Comments

The seeds of our current obstructionist Republican Party were sown during the Clinton administration, when Bill Clinton signed a Republican “welfare reform” bill and, in the Republican view, stole all the credit for it. The lesson Republicans learned motivates them to this day: If a good thing happens with Democrats in charge, Democrats win, no […]

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The General Assembly Is Not In Session, HOWEVER…

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 25, 2021 6 Comments

…these might be the two most important weeks of the entire legislative year. Why? Because ALL of the money committees are doing final markups of their proposals. Meaning, if there is a bill that you support that requires funding, you need to lobby to make sure that the funding is included in the bill.  The […]

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Song of the Day 5/23: Frank Zappa, “Montana”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, Delaware by on May 23, 2021 4 Comments

As if the story of the Hockessin woman who dognapped her neighbor’s 6-month-old Pyredoodle and dumped it on a New Jersey roadside wasn’t weird enough, the victim said this incident prompted her and her family to move to Montana. Frank Zappa had the exact same idea nearly 50 years ago. The backing vocals were […]

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DL Open Thread Sunday, May 23, 2021

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on May 23, 2021 1 Comment

Quote of the Day: Maybe it’s just because of lingering cartoon stereotypes about German efficiency, but I always assumed Nazis would be, like, unusually competent, y’know? Having lived through the last five years, I understand now, of course they’re gonna be the mouth-breathingest fuckups on the planet, that’s why they need all the lying and […]

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DL Open Thread Thursday, May 20, 2021

Filed in Delaware, National by on May 20, 2021 12 Comments

New York magazine’s Jonathan Chait says most people, liberals included, are failing to appreciate how much legal jeopardy the Last Guy is in now that the New York AG’s office is looking at criminal charges over Trump Org tax dodging. Chait warns that prosecutors need to prepare the country for the unprecedented move of indicting […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thursday, May 20, 2021

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 20, 2021 3 Comments

The Big News? Sen. Darius Brown showed up for (virtual) work today.  Rumors that he wolfed down leftovers from Taverna Rustic Italian Restaurant during Session have so far not been verified. L’Incident Darius could indeed potentially end his legislative career.  It’s not as if he hasn’t had other issues.  Such as not paying his income […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 19, 2021 18 Comments

A decided mixed bag yesterday. The bad news first.  HB 30 (Bolden), which would move primaries from September to April, breezed through the House with only four no votes (Bennett, Kowalko, Morrison, and Spiegelman).  I’d love to know why a bill that has been bouncing around since 2007 (John Daniello was pushing for it in […]

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Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 18, 2021 9 Comments

Congrats to the House Cop Cabal!  Congrats to John Carney! Congrats to every Delaware cop! Congrats to Cop-turned-Rep-turned-sellout of his constituents Franklin Cooke!  You all succeeded in your yearlong mission to protect the police abuses that drive the Black Lives Matter movement. You may have missed it since the story was released late Friday afternoon […]

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, May 15, 2021

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on May 15, 2021 11 Comments

So-Called Police Accountability Task Force Votes Against Police Accountability.  Just the way Speaker Peter drew it up: FAILED – Create policies creating civilian review boards for police agencies FAILED – Review the Law Enforcement Officer’s Bill of Rights FAILED – Review Collective Bargaining Agreements, in particular their relationship with Freedom of Information Act requests That’s how you […]

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