
Big Pharma Front Group Touts Carper’s Loyal Service to the Industry

Filed in Delaware, National by on October 20, 2020 2 Comments
Big Pharma Front Group Touts Carper’s Loyal Service to the Industry

The beleaguered US Postal Service brought me a mailer yesterday from something billing itself the American Life Sciences Innovation Council announcing that Sen. Tom Carper has received “the 2020 Champion of Health Care Innovation Award.” I found this puzzling, given that Carper just won re-election in 2018, and wondered what this outfit was and why […]

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How Cathy Cloutier Sold Her ‘Independent Voice’ To Her Senate RWNJ Colleagues For A Few Extra Bucks

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 20, 2020 6 Comments

Chris Kenny and Cathy Cloutier are trying for a political makeover. They are portraying Cloutier as an ‘Independent Voice for Brandywine Hundred’ and even, wait for it, a ‘progressive’. As is always the case with Cathy Cloutier, the ‘nice lady who can’t stop lying’, the truth is the diametric opposite. FACT: Cathy Cloutier is the […]

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Delaware’s Most (Only) Intriguing Races Of 2020: Part 2

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 15, 2020 29 Comments
Delaware’s Most (Only) Intriguing Races Of 2020: Part 2

In general, the thread for most of these races will be the same:  Can an R incumbent overcome both registration and turnout disadvantages with Biden at the top of the ticket and Trump-based hatred motivating much of the electorate? RD 4: Gerald Brady (D)  vs. Jordan Nally(R).  No, career hack Brady will not lose to […]

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Delaware Democratic Party: Chris Kenny Singlehandedly Trying To Prop Up Three Rethug State Senators

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 14, 2020 20 Comments

From The Delaware Democratic Party: Finance Reports tell a clear story: Anti-worker dark money is trying to buy a Republican State Senate Chris Kenny is single-handedly trying to buy the Delaware State Senate for Republicans, and recently filed campaign finance reports make it crystal clear. In total, Kenny has contributed nearly $500,000 to three GOP-aligned […]

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Sallies Sues DIAA: ‘Save Us From Ourselves’

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 13, 2020 15 Comments

This is rich.  Salesianum’s reputation has long started and ended with football.  They have viewed Delaware football, especially public school football, with haughty disdain. Accordingly, they have larded their schedule with out-of-state private school teams, and have only played enough Delaware teams to maintain their eligibility for state tourneys. Well, now they’re in a bind.  […]

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In Her Own Words: Cathy Cloutier Reveals Herself As A Liar And An NRA Shill

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 11, 2020 7 Comments

Because she comes across as a ‘nice lady’, Cathy Cloutier’s penchant for lying has often been overlooked.  She has now hung herself with her own words.  To (half-) wit: I’m not the reason the Democrats in the majority did not pass a ban on assault weapons. *I never blocked the Assault Weapons bills. *Democrats stopped […]

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Delaware’s Most (Only?) Intriguing Races Of 2020: Part One

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 8, 2020 15 Comments
Delaware’s Most (Only?) Intriguing Races Of 2020: Part One

Fewer than usual, thanks to the implosion of the Rethuglican Party in Delaware.  Not even Chris Kenny’s cash infusions can save most of them, indeed, may not save any of them.  Even the least effective Democratic legislative challenger has a chance to win, just by the overwhelming D turnout advantage.  But that’s for later.  Let’s […]

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DL Open Thread: Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on October 6, 2020 13 Comments

Home Comes The Deranged.  Sickly Would-Be Strongman Stages Unmasked And Unhinged Performance.  Unmasked and unhinged, maybe…but his tan is back, courtesy of His Tan-ic Majesty’s Request. Trump Blows Chance For Campaign Reset.  Wishful thinking from those who knew better. The Invisible Staff Who Trump Willingly Endangers.  Permanent career staff, all placed at risk by everyone […]

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Cathy Cloutier: Astonishingly Inept

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 3, 2020 6 Comments

No, don’t take my word for it.  You simply must watch this League of Women Voters forum featuring Cathy and Kyle Evans Gay, and Sarah McBride and Steven Washington.  While watching, keep in mind that, of the four, Cathy is the only one to have held elective office…since 1999. 21 years.  OK, now watch the […]

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DL Flashback: How Cathy Cloutier Literally Abandoned Gay Rights Supporters. Not Once, But TWICE

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 30, 2020 2 Comments

Before the hors d’oeuvres and the main course of the meal, we begin with an amuse bouche from the bouche of Cathy Cloutier.  More precisely, her website: Common sense. That’s what drives my decision making in Dover. Not political party demands. Not fear. Not distracting noise from Washington, D.C. Simply, does my “yes” or “no” […]

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Song of the Day 9/29: The Lemonheads, “It’s a Shame About Ray”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, Delaware by on September 29, 2020 4 Comments

Somebody in the comments used this line the other day in reference to one-term state Rep. Ray Seigfried, who lost his primary earlier this month. It applies whether you’re pro- or anti-Seigfried — it’s either a shame he lost, or it’s a shame he was so graceless in defeat. The Lemonheads are one of the […]

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Cathy Cloutier ‘Can’t Be Bought And Won’t Be Bossed’. Nope. Just Extorted

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 24, 2020 29 Comments

For a ‘nice lady’, she sure prevaricates a lot.  The quote above is from her latest lit piece.  Time for a shot of the truth. Fact: Cloutier voted to bury some pretty modest gun safety bills in the Senate Executive Committee. Fact: Cloutier confided that she had to do vote that way, or she would […]

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DL Flashback: ” Q: Is Cathy Cloutier Pro-Choice Or Anti-Choice? A: BOTH!”

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 19, 2020 1 Comment

I first posted this in October of 2012. In the wake of RBG’s death, the post’s point is even more salient today:  Cathy Cloutier will say anything to win the support of certain groups of voters.  Even when they are on diametric opposite sides of the same issue: Some things I simply cannot make up. […]

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