
Yes! Yes! Yes! Marie Pinkney Files To Challenge Dave McBride!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 3, 2020 0 Comments

She will run in the Democratic Primary against the absentee incumbent.  She is so deeply involved in the community that the tragic events of the last week make her election both more likely and more necessary. I was flat-out blown away by her presentation before the Working Families Party/Leftward Delaware group back in February.  Here’s […]

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Delaware Political More-Or-Less Weekly–Late May Edition

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 28, 2020 6 Comments

1. A Four-Way R Primary For Governor? It’s possible.  Brew Pub owner Neil Shea has filed. State Senator Bryant Richardson has announced that he will run. Grocery store magnate Chris Kenny has been testing the waters. And someone named David Joseph Bosco of Greenwood filed this week. All I can tell you about him is […]

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Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tues., May 26, 2020

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 26, 2020 8 Comments

This is a ‘soft opening’.  A soft virtual opening.  Today, the House meets virtually to pass legislation that will enable them to meet virtually.  Tomorrow, the Senate will do the same. Each of these two meetings will serve as a shakedown cruise to test the respective virtual systems, which is why they’re not both meeting […]

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Delaware Political Sorta Weekly: Mid-May Edition

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 19, 2020 8 Comments

Man, you get virtually nothin’ for months on end, and then we get a deluge.  If this keeps up, I just might go back to a weekly edition–at least through the filing deadline. 1. Meet Lauren Witzke: The Rethuglican Candidate For US Senate. Anyone consider it a coincidence that she looks like a Fox Noise […]

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How the Counties Have Screwed the Schools By Failing to Reassess Property

Filed in Delaware, Education by on May 14, 2020 3 Comments

Property taxes in Delaware are a mess. Everyone who pays any attention to this wonky subject knows that it’s been more than 30 years since any of the state’s counties have reassessed property, so valuations on similar properties can be — excuse the pun — all over the lot. Despite their knowledge of this inherent […]

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BREAKING: General Assembly To Reconvene ‘Virtually’ In Late May

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 14, 2020 3 Comments

Now get this straight: ‘Virtually’ and ‘virtuously’ are not synonyms. The House is scheduled to reconvene on Tuesday, May 26 and the Senate will reconvene on Wednesday, May 27.  That’s about all we know so far. Time to dust off my ‘Pre-Game/Post-Game’ chops?

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The Delaware Liberal Occasional Political Weekly

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 12, 2020 20 Comments

The local political scene has been slowed immeasurably, but I’ve now got more than enough for an update. 1. Sarah McBride Gets Primary Challenger And General Election Opponent. We already knew that former IPOD member Steven Washington was going to be her R challenger. He has now filed.  What we didn’t know was that Joe […]

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OK, General Assembly. It’s Time.

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 6, 2020 2 Comments

I think most Delawareans have remained largely unconcerned about the ongoing closure of the General Assembly.  Safety first.  However, the challenges facing the state that will need to be addressed by the General Assembly now face the normal June 30 deadline.  Sure, it’s possible that the General Assembly can meet post-July 1, especially since it’s […]

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Rethug Reps Call On Carney To ‘Restart Our Economy Now’

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on April 30, 2020 16 Comments

All 15 of ’em. I counted.  They sent a letter to the Governor (presumably they didn’t collaborate on the letter in person) claiming that somehow the shutdown is causing more health problems. Because, well let me quote from the letter: “The heightened anxiety created by the loss of jobs and incomes will inevitably lead to […]

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Sussex County Councilman Says It Out Loud: Processing Chickens Is More Important Than Workers’ Lives

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on April 28, 2020 3 Comments

Western Sussex County troglodyte Sam Wilson:  “Where did the governor get the bright idea to … test the poultry workers?” Wilson asked during council’s teleconference meeting on Tuesday. “They’re losing millions of dollars because of this dumb idea.” Wait, there’s more: “What’s going to happen to the poultry plants? They’re gonna have to shut down,” […]

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Who Are Your Takeout Shoutouts?

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on April 22, 2020 9 Comments

I feel that supporting your fave restaurants that are now providing takeout is a mitzvah.  You can enjoy great food while supporting your favorite local eateries.  So, where are you getting your takeout? We live in Brandywine Hundred.  We’ve had great food from both Culinaria and the Corner Bistro.  Both locally-owned businesses with wonderful staff. […]

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Fascists Hate Their Name

Filed in Delaware, National by on April 17, 2020 13 Comments

They want to pretend they’re Republicans, or patriots, or whatever label they prefer to what they are. They are fascists. Call them that, on every reference. I’ve been doing that for several days now and they really, really hate it. Calling them Nazis just rolls off their brown-shirted backs, but call them fascists and they […]

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Why Did WDEL Lay Off Allan Loudell?

Filed in Delaware, National by on March 28, 2020 23 Comments

Jason 330 asked, “Is the business really that hand to mouth, or is this crisis a handy pretext?” Broadcast radio has the same problem newspapers do — it’s a bygone medium. It hasn’t lost listeners as fast as newspapers lost their readers, but its advertising base has shrunk for the same basic reason: Local businesses […]

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