
El Somnambulo Predicts ‘Em All For You: Part I

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 31, 2018 52 Comments

There will be some sort of a blue wave in Delaware. Only question is: How much of a Blue Wave? I don’t know. But I feel real good about my predictions, which factor in a bit of a blue wave, but not a blue tsunami. I think there will be a blue wave largely b/c […]

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Why Greg Lavelle Wants To Change The Subject…

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 24, 2018 6 Comments

…from the fact that he has clearly violated campaign finance laws, I mean.  The guy who is always first to the microphone to allege misdeeds by others now claims that he’s the victim of some unwarranted election year scrutiny.  Setting aside that his misdeeds took place during an election year. This election year. In the […]

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More Delaware Way Shit: Helene Keeley Edition

Filed in Delaware by on October 23, 2018 13 Comments

The insiders sure know how to take care of their own. State Rep. Helene Keeley, who is retiring both from her state rep gig and her, wait for it, ‘community outreach officer’ gig, has coincidentally landed a job as–Deputy Director for the Delaware State Lottery.  The new position pays roughly the equivalent for her previous […]

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Monique Johns Caught Stealing Lit

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 22, 2018 15 Comments

Isn’t there a single D in RD 9 who can challenge Kevin Hensley?  It’s sure not Monique Johns. She didn’t come close to beating Hensley last time, and now she’s been caught on tape taking her opponent’s campaign lit from a voter’s household.  Here’s the News-Journal story. Here’s her lame apology: “I work hard to […]

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BREAKING: Tom Wagner Appoints Candidate James Spadola To Take Over For His Sorry Ass!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 17, 2018 83 Comments

This is a true story. After getting rid of a real auditor who ran the office during his lengthy absences from the job, outgoing State Auditor Tom Wagner has appointed a pretend auditor, James ‘Hug Me, I Used To Be A Cop’ Spadola, as Deputy Auditor. He will in fact be the Acting Auditor b/c […]

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Simpler & Lavelle: Cheaters: Part Deux

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 17, 2018 19 Comments
Simpler & Lavelle: Cheaters: Part Deux

  Yes, what Greg Lavelle did is clearly illegal. In fact, he voted on the bill that specifically made it illegal back in 2012. WHYY provides journalistic context to the News-Journal stenography.  From Mark Eichmann’s story: While PACs are not allowed to coordinate “electioneering” messages with campaigns, before 2012 PACs were able to circumvent finance […]

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Oct. 11 Open Thread: Bloom Energy, the Gift That Keeps on Taking

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on October 11, 2018 6 Comments

With apologies to non-baseball fans, Delaware’s contract with Bloom Energy is like the deal the Phillies signed with aging slugger Ryan Howard — an exorbitant amount of guaranteed money for minimal production. Some people have been fighting the deal, which enlisted Delmarva Power to collect the funding from consumers instead of the government, ever since […]

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Another Sleeper Race For Y’All

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 10, 2018 14 Comments

My skepticism notwithstanding, people in the field on both sides of the aisle tell me that Krista Griffith has a legitimate shot at taking down Deborah Hudson in RD 12. Why have I been skeptical? The numbers, mostly. 7168 D; 7313 R; and 5336 I. The only NCC Rep. District with an R plurality. Hey, […]

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We COULD Have A Progressive-ish AG In Kathy Jennings

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 10, 2018 14 Comments

No, not someone who would implement the visionary proposals of Chris Johnson. However, Kathy Jennings adopted (appropriated?) many of Chris’ ideas and, unlike Tom Carper, who we know doesn’t support a $15 minimum wage or drug reimporation despite lying about that during his debate with Kerri Harris, Jennings doesn’t have a history that suggests she’s […]

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Oct. 9 Open Thread: This Just In… Tom Carper Loves Big Pharma…That Is All

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on October 9, 2018 22 Comments
Oct. 9 Open Thread: This Just In… Tom Carper Loves Big Pharma…That Is All

The State News looked into the anti-Carper full-page mailers attacking him for his Big Pharma ties. They found the Patients for Affordable Drugs Action but didn’t get a whole lot of answers about any kind of strategic connection among the group’s targets. They did find that the money comes from a Concerned Billionaire while the […]

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Did Coons’ Question Prompt Kavanaugh to Lie Under Oath?

Filed in Delaware, National by on October 3, 2018 4 Comments

Here’s a nugget from last week’s questioning of Brett Kavanaugh that I overlooked until I read William Saletan’s article asserting that, far from a “fishing expedition,” questions about Kavanaugh’s drinking cry out for investigation. Saletan uses this to buttress one of his points, but it’s worth emphasizing here: In the hearing, Sen. Chris Coons asked […]

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A Recall Process for Electeds Belongs on General Assembly’s To-Do List

Filed in Delaware by on October 3, 2018 4 Comments

Delaware is the least small-d democratic state in the union, the only one in which citizens can neither vote directly on issues (referendum), introduce bills directly to the legislature (initiative) or recall lawmakers. The lack of referendum and initiative isn’t going to change, because lawmakers don’t want the hassle to interrupt their busy schedule of […]

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Meet Your New State Legislators

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 2, 2018 1 Comment

I know, I know, election’s not until November.  However, there were several contested primaries, and the winners of many of those primaries face no opposition in November.  So, they’ll be on the payroll the day after the election.  Let’s take a look at them, accompanied by my occasionally trenchant analysis: Senate District 2: Darius Brown […]

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