
Delaware Political Weekly: Feb. 23-March 1, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 2, 2018 15 Comments

1. And Then There Were None.  Announced R candidates for AG, that is. Tom Neuberger has dropped out to, what else, represent a plaintiff in a high-profile liability suit. In this case, this plaintiff in this suit. Let’s see, the Rethugs ‘discouraged’ the pro-marijuana guy from running…no word yet on whether they are gonna scrape […]

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Know Your Firearm Fondlers: State Rep. John “Larry” Mitchell [UPDATE]: Larry Sees the Light

Filed in Delaware by on February 26, 2018 18 Comments
Know Your Firearm Fondlers: State Rep. John “Larry” Mitchell [UPDATE]: Larry Sees the Light

State Rep. John L. “Larry” Mitchell isn’t a major recipient of blood money — $100 in 2016, another $100 in 2017 from the Delaware Foundation for Legislative Action. The question is why he took any at all. Democrat Larry Mitchell, you see, is an ex-New Castle County cop and current Chief of Security at DelTech, […]

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Trey Paradee Shows How It’s Done, Donates Gun Money to Shooting Victims

Filed in Delaware by on February 23, 2018 6 Comments

State Rep. Trey Paradee, who’s running for Brian Bushweller’s District 17 Senate seat, took a bold step this morning, as he announced here at Delaware Liberal: “Earlier this morning, I personally donated $500 to the Stoneman Douglas Victims Fund. The Committee To Elect Paradee gave an additional $500 to the Stoneman Douglas Victims Fund. I […]

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Open Thread Feb. 23: Nudists Forced to Run for Cover

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on February 23, 2018 54 Comments

Boy, was I fooled. For a while there I thought Delaware had entered the 21st century — not on time, mind you, but within the 5-to-10-year lag period it always takes Delaware to catch up with the rest of the East Coast. Then I read Kevin Ohlandt’s item at Exceptional Delaware about — gasp! — […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: Feb. 16-22, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on February 23, 2018 8 Comments

Man, what a week. 1. Rep. Bryon Short Retires. The Special Election that propelled Short into the General Assembly was a watershed event for the Democratic Party, especially for the Party in suburban New Castle County.  Let’s first recount what happened. Fresh off of his reelection victory in 2006, House Majority Leader Wayne Smith (Delaware’s […]

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Open Thread Feb. 22: Why Is Dumbbell Dave Lawson on the Joint Finance Committee?

Filed in Delaware, National by on February 22, 2018 8 Comments

Every day the Joint Finance Committee meets in Dover, the village of Marydel has to do without its idiot. The state’s Medicaid people told the JFC that this year’s budget is $754 million, down $6 million from last year, and Sen. Dave Lawson used the occasion to bitch that sick poor people “have no skin […]

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Carney To Prospective Breast Cancer Patients: Drop Dead

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on February 21, 2018 5 Comments

OK, even I grant you that the headline is a bit alarmist. But not much.  John Carney has proposed parking the state mammography van.  Alleged savings: $277,000.  Because this brain-dead aparatchik can’t envision a scenario where Delaware’s wealthiest pay more in order to protect those who can’t afford mammograms. 1005 women, mostly black or Hispanic, […]

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Gene Truono Seeks R Senate Nod To Challenge Carper

Filed in Delaware, National by on February 20, 2018 13 Comments

Here’s his website: It’s not clear to me why he’s running.  He basically tries to out-Carper Carper.  To wit: “Early in his career, Gene saw firsthand how the burdensome regulations impacted the banking industry but did little to help the consumer.” Yep, just we need. Someone who wants to cut burdensome regulations on the […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: Feb. 9-15, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on February 16, 2018 12 Comments

1. It’s On. Kerri Harris Vs. Tom Carper.  I should probably lead with this story every week from now on as it’s pretty clear that this campaign will have to generate its own news w/o any media assistance.  Except for us.  We’ve been calling for a race like this for years, we have chronicled Carper’s […]

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Stoopid Joint Finance Committee Tricks

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on February 15, 2018 9 Comments

First of all, take a look at the current membership of the JFC.  Other than Rep. J. J. Johnson, this is not exactly the ‘best and the brightest’.  This is also about as conservative a JFC as I’ve ever seen. Then you have the ethical sewer that is Sen. Nicole Poore.  OK, enough editorializing for […]

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Bloomberg: Hedge Funds Exploit Trump Tax Loophole By Registering LLC’s In Delaware

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on February 14, 2018 4 Comments

When all else fails, the wealthy always have Delaware LLC’s to shelter their ill-gotten gains. (And to pay off porn stars, but that’s a story for another day.) This Bloomberg report spells out how hedge funds are exploiting Delaware law to avoid paying taxes on their profits. It’s disgraceful. Here’s their modus operandi: Since late […]

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Guess Which Delaware Legislator Just Cashed In

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on February 13, 2018 12 Comments

Need a hint?  Take a look at what passes for the ‘leadership’ of the Delaware Police Athletic League: Yup. The amoral and ethically-bankrupt Valerie Longhurst who, in her spare time, doubles as the Majority Leader for the Delaware House of Representatives, has finally landed in a cushy do-nothing job.  It took her longer than […]

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Open Thread Feb. 10: Democrats Fold Like an Origami Weasel

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on February 10, 2018 1 Comment

We now have a better understanding of why the Trump White House doesn’t spend more time punching hippies: They’re too busy punching women. These are the people Trump likes to surround himself with: Guys in his own image, “bullies, poseurs and bad boys.” I think it took a lot of restraint for the author to […]

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