
Delaware Political Weekly: Feb. 2-8, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on February 9, 2018 45 Comments

1. Park City Kathy Makes It Official.  Yes, she’s running. For State Auditor. You know, the Public Watchdog of the Purse Strings.  Here’s what she said as part of her announcement: “My motivation is that I have been paying taxes and I know we can do better for all Delawareans.” Heavy, man. Let’s cut through […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: Jan. 26-Feb. 1, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on February 2, 2018 15 Comments

1. AG’s Race Heats Up. Chris Johnson Announces, Tim Mullaney Files.  As memorialized here,  Chris Johnson announced his candidacy on Saturday, and unveiled a progressive platform.  Which makes him the first announced candidate for AG to say what he would try to do as AG. Somebody’s gonna have to impress the bleep out of me […]

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Big Gummint Is Coming to Transgender Your Kids

Filed in Delaware by on February 1, 2018 24 Comments

I warned you months ago that the Delaware GOP, having less intelligence than a majority of the state’s chicken population, was pinning its 2018 hopes on its latest horror movie, “Attack of the 50-Foot Transgender.” (Is it a boy? Is it a girl? Do you want it in your kids’ locker room?) Sure enough, the […]

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Sarah McBride’s Book Among ‘Most Anticipated Of 2018’

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, Delaware, National by on January 31, 2018 5 Comments
Sarah McBride’s Book Among ‘Most Anticipated Of 2018’

The book is called ‘Tomorrow Will Be Different: Love, Loss And The Fight For Trans Equality”, and will be released on March 6.  Sarah’s book appears on this list, and is described by Paste Magazine as follows: Why You’ll Love It: Sarah McBride’s memoir is a must-read, offering encouragement while showing that the fight for equality […]

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The Chris Johnson Announcement

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 27, 2018 11 Comments

OK, I’m psyched.  Chris Johnson represents a sea-change alternative in how he would function as the State’s Attorney General. His slogan, “Real Change, Real Justice”, is embodied in his platform. At today’s official kick-off, Johnson spoke passionately about ending the ‘mass incarceration’ that clogs our prison system. Prisoners who are disproportionately poor and minorities. He […]

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Chris Johnson Announces Candidacy For AG Today

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 27, 2018 0 Comments

Here is the press release: CHRIS JOHNSON WILL ANNOUNCE RUN FOR DELAWARE ATTORNEY GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENT TO ALSO INCLUDE CAREER ADVANCEMENT WORKSHOP  WHO: Attorney, community organizer, and reformer Chris Johnson. Johnson, who will leave his post as Deputy Legal Counsel for the Office of the Governor tomorrow, has also previously worked in the City of Wilmington […]

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Deneice Berry To Run For 5th RD

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 27, 2018 5 Comments

Aka Melanie George Smith’s seat. Berry is but the first candidate to announce. There will be at least one more.  She is a first-time candidate, and frankly it shows in her announcement release: DENEICE BERRY ANNOUNCES CANIDACY FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT 5 Combined with my career, education, community outreach, and activism will help move the […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: Jan. 19-25, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 26, 2018 22 Comments

1. Melanie George Smith To Retire. There is a reason why she announced her retirement when she did.  By the end of this weekend, we will all know why. Suffice it to say that her career was the product of legislative insiderism of the worst order. There was never a clamoring for her candidacy within […]

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Carney Budget: Raises All Around

Filed in Delaware by on January 25, 2018 26 Comments

Gov. John Carney unveiled his budget earlier today, and the decent DEFAC numbers have him feeling expansive. His blueprint calls for $4.25 billion in spending, an increase of 3.5% that he claims is sustainable but would be even more sustainable if the General Assembly had granted all his requests, which he won’t repeat in an […]

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Delaware General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., Jan. 25, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 25, 2018 1 Comment

Last session day before the Joint Finance Committee meets. Meaning, today’s the day that Gov. Carney introduces his budget proposal, which then becomes the starting point for JFC deliberations. My expectations are low. Here is yesterday’s Session Activity Report.  Cerron Cade is the new Secretary Of Labor.  That’s about it. Little of interest on today’s […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., Jan. 24, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 24, 2018 0 Comments

Yo, Kevin Hensley: 1972 called, and it wants its Cadillac-drivin’, steak-eatin’, Welfare Queen racist stereotype back.  Yo, Sen. Pettyjohn: Why don’t you wander over to Gerald ‘Loogy’ Hocker‘s store to see all the displays hawking empty calorie products? Maybe call him out on it. We all know that Rethuglicans peddle race as their primary political […]

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Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Jan. 23, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 23, 2018 3 Comments

If you’re looking for quality day-to-day coverage of the General Assembly, Matt Bittle of the Delaware State News is doing the best job in Delaware. What a revolutionary idea for a paper–have someone cover the legislature as a beat.  Get to know the issues and the people who populate Leg Hall. Report on what you […]

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Open Thread Jan. 19: Dollars or Dreamers

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on January 19, 2018 15 Comments

Whatever else the government shutdown is about, it isn’t about saving money. Think tanks both liberal and conservative (well, libertarian, anyway) have run the numbers, and both found that expelling the 800,000 people who were illegally brought into the country as young children would cost at least $215 billion, according to the libertarian Cato Institute. […]

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