
General Assembly Pre-Game Show For Tues., June 6, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 6, 2017 16 Comments

Let’s try to figure out what’s going on with this shutdown of JFC.  Whether or not the Joint Finance Committee intended it as such, I think the result was the Kabuki Theatre we now see.  By announcing these draconian cuts, JFC wittingly or unwittingly created the firestorm of public outcry that resulted.  Which led to […]

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Open Thread For June 4, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on June 4, 2017 7 Comments

How Climate Change Deniers Won Over the Rethugs:  Start with Citizens United and the Koch Brothers and move on from there. Fake facts abound. Great piece in the NY Times. The Tax-Exempt ‘Charities’ That Promote Propaganda and Fueled Trump: The REAL fake facts, often funded by the taxpayers. Goldman Sachs D Targeted in New Jersey […]

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Open Thread For June 3, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on June 3, 2017 9 Comments

Prisons Report Consigned to the Friday News Dump.  Bottom line: Yeah, the prisons suck, we know why, but we’ve got that $400 K deficit. You can go back to sleep now, John.  I smell lawsuits. But, John, you might want to look at the recommendations from 2005 that were never implemented.  That was during your […]

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Open Thread For June 2, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on June 2, 2017 10 Comments

Trump Cites Fake Facts To Justify Exit From Paris Accords.  What R will stand up to this nut? How To Fight Climate Change W/O Trump?   Wonder if Trump will try to shut down this gambit. Leadership w/o the putative leader. ‘Patriotic Hacking’:  Putin knows that he’s been caught. Time to put some distance between him […]

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Mo’ Better Dems: Everybody Into the Primary Pool…RD 1

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 1, 2017 31 Comments

The incumbent: Charles Potter. District Registration:  12,665 D; 1,444 R; 2,626 I.  Those are not misprints. OK, why should Charles Potter be primaried? First, he and his family have fed at the public trough for far too long. And, yes, by ‘family’ I also include disgraced ex-Mayor Dennis P. Williams, who is Potter’s cousin. The […]

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Open Thread For June 1, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on June 1, 2017 16 Comments

Legislative Cowards Surface to Stop JFC Cuts.  Politics uber alles.  Too many constituents are being hurt, say ‘leaders’ McBride and Schwartzkopf. So they’re ‘stopping’ the JFC process to see what can be done. We, of course, know what can be done:  Raise taxes on Delaware’s wealthiest, which of course was a non-starter in Pete’s House.  […]

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Open Thread For May 31, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on May 31, 2017 5 Comments

No, The Grownups Won’t Save Us Or Trump.  It’s Dubya deja vu all over again. Sussex County Population Grows As Retirees Storm the Beaches.  More ‘takers’ than ‘givers’ in that group.  And we won’t even means-test that senior citizen discount. Aide to BHL Charged With DUI. He’s also a Dover councilman. Says he’s gonna fight […]

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Most Dismal Legislative Session Ever?

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 31, 2017 44 Comments

By ‘ever’, I mean since 1983, when I first started working for the General Assembly.  I’ve either worked for, or followed what’s going on in Dover ever since. My answer to my question is: Yes, I think so. Go ahead. Pick a highlight. Eliminating the Estate Tax? Bringing back the death penalty? Finding ways to […]

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Open Thread For May 29, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on May 29, 2017 14 Comments
Open Thread For May 29, 2017

WSJ Tries To Peddle False Equivalency On Kushner’s Back Channel. Joy Reid Blows It Up.  The false equivalency was ‘Obama did it too’.  Except he didn’t.  This, however, will be a phony Rethug talking point going forward. First Kushner Apologist Steps Up. DHS Secretary. His job’s secure for now.  We’ll see the drumbeat this week.  […]

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Open Thread For May 28, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on May 28, 2017 5 Comments

What Happens When You Keep Cutting Education Funds.  Yes, it’s Oklahoma.  But when you blindly cut funds, it leads to this. Are you paying attention, Jellyfish John? Using a formula to cut spending is not a policy, it’s a formula. Same Holds True For Colleges.  A deliberate attempt to put an end to upward mobility? […]

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Open Thread For May 27, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on May 27, 2017 7 Comments

Kushner Sought Illegal Back-Channel w/Russia…To Avoid Detection From US Intelligence:  Graham and McCain express ‘concern’ in 3-2-1. Then do nothing.  The Rethugs are a criminal enterprise. Second only to Trump and his minions. Neither Delaware Nor Feds Inspect Freight Rails: More fuel shipments by rail? What could possibly go wrong? ‘Psst, Wanna See John Glenn’s […]

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Open Thread For May 26, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on May 26, 2017 1 Comment

‘Bad, Very Bad, German Cars’. He’s not talking the Volkswagen scandal, he’s PO’d that Germany successfully sells cars here. Oh, and they have a trade surplus. Must be their fault. Guy’s not just deranged, he’s a fucking idiot. Real Rethug-Russian Collusion In the Election.  Oh, and there’s that name again: Roger Stone. “What A Dump”.  […]

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Open Thread For May 25, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on May 25, 2017 23 Comments

111 D House Members Co-Sponsor ‘Medicare For All’.  AKA ‘Single Payer.  None of the co-sponsors are named Lisa Blunt Rochester.  She looks more and more like a mere Carperbot.  But, you know, she’s a ‘Woman of Color’. The color is yellow. James Comey–Unwitting Dupe?:  Whether he wants it or not, Comey has changed history and […]

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