
Open Thread For May 26, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on May 26, 2017 1 Comment

‘Bad, Very Bad, German Cars’. He’s not talking the Volkswagen scandal, he’s PO’d that Germany successfully sells cars here. Oh, and they have a trade surplus. Must be their fault. Guy’s not just deranged, he’s a fucking idiot. Real Rethug-Russian Collusion In the Election.  Oh, and there’s that name again: Roger Stone. “What A Dump”.  […]

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Open Thread For May 25, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on May 25, 2017 23 Comments

111 D House Members Co-Sponsor ‘Medicare For All’.  AKA ‘Single Payer.  None of the co-sponsors are named Lisa Blunt Rochester.  She looks more and more like a mere Carperbot.  But, you know, she’s a ‘Woman of Color’. The color is yellow. James Comey–Unwitting Dupe?:  Whether he wants it or not, Comey has changed history and […]

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Open Thread for May 24, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on May 24, 2017 9 Comments
Open Thread for May 24, 2017

HSBC Cuts 450 Delaware Jobs. Jellyfish John caught unawares. Did someone wake him up from a nap to tell him? Rogue Presidency Seeks to Avoid Ethics Requirements. Ethics Office Strikes Back.  Oh, those inconvenient civil servants. NCC Council Rejects Sewer Rate Increases and More Cops. The last thing we need is more cops. So, good […]

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Open Thread for May 23, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on May 23, 2017 37 Comments

He’s Toast. Seriously.  He’s gone to every investigative agency and asked them to put the kibosh on the Russian investigation.  He won’t be President by Dec. 31, 2017. JFC Cuts Senior Property Subsidy To Seniors:  Cutting this subsidy and eliminating the Estate Tax were both proposals pushed by Markell’s Chamber-dominated working group. Give a tax […]

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Open Thread For May 22, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on May 22, 2017 22 Comments

Uh, Doesn’t This Rub Up Against the Emoluments Clause?:  Saudis ‘donate’ $100 mill to Ivanka’s pet cause. After getting favorable weaponry deal. Trump Pushes $800 Billion In Medicaid Cuts to Pay For Tax Cuts  For the Wealthy: Not a bad transfer of wealth. For an oligarch. Poetic Justice. Big-Game Killer Dies When Elephant Collapses On […]

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Open Thread for May 21, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on May 21, 2017 4 Comments

How ‘Privatization Prophets’ Try to Destroy Public Education.  One of their leaders is Trump’s Secretary of Education.  BTW, see where Jack Markell fits in.  It begins with a ‘D’. Why The Rush to Hire More Border Agents Will Not Work Out So Well.  Getting rid of the the polygraph? What could possibly go wrong?  Rec0mmended […]

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Open Thread for May 20, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on May 20, 2017 15 Comments

Trump Brags in Oval Office About Sabotaging Obamacare.  Story was leaked in near record time. UnitedHealthcare Bilked Medicare Out of Billions:  I repeat. Insurance companies are middlemen, not healthcare providers. Single payer eliminates the middleman, saves billions. No Corrections Experience Needed to Head Vaughn Correctional Center.  Friday news dump, nobody returning reporters’ calls. About Bleeping […]

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Open Thread for May 19, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 19, 2017 17 Comments

How Trump Is Killing Obamacare:  Not even the insurance companies will take his bribes. He’s Not a Dupe, He’s a Serial Liar:  We’re talking Mike Pence, of course. Biden Claims That He Was the ‘Correct’ Candidate.  Of course, that would’ve required running.  He’s right about Hillary, though. How Nike’s Vaunted ‘Oregon Project’ Was Headed By […]

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Open Thread for May 18, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on May 18, 2017 15 Comments

Carney Proposes Privatizing Economic Development.  Business deciding which businesses to back.  No conflict-of-interest there. Joe Loserman???!!!:  Look up ‘Useful Idiot’ in the dictionary and Joe Lieberman’s picture will pop up.  Hey, he has bipartisan support: John McCain and Tom Carper.  This would suck big-time. Turkey Got Its Moneysworth From Michael Flynn: This HAS to be […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., May 18, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 18, 2017 16 Comments

A quid pro quo? Both HB 16 (Ramone)  and HB 175 (Schwartzkopf) are on today’s House Agenda. HB 175 raises corporates taxes and fees and makes a substantial dent in the budget deficit.  HB 16 eliminates the Estate Tax. I wouldn’t be shocked if Speaker Pete placed HB 16 on the Agenda as part of […]

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Check Out the Candidates for Delaware Democratic State Chair Here…

Filed in Delaware by on May 17, 2017 3 Comments
Check Out the Candidates for Delaware Democratic State Chair Here… This Saturday, May 20, 10 am to noon, Newark Senior Center. Not just chair but the other Party positions.  There is no charge, but you do need a ticket.  Act now:

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Delaware General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., May 17, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 17, 2017 6 Comments

Hmmm, a couple of bills went down to defeat yesterday. At least one that I did not expect. SB 24 (Henry), which ‘would allow people with anxiety to get medical marijuana and loosen its prescription for those with post-traumatic stress disorder’, was defeated in the Senate by a vote of 9 Y, 1N, and 10 […]

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Open Thread for May 16, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on May 16, 2017 4 Comments

Nine Takeaways From the Trump Leaking of Classified Intel.  Placing this story in context does Trump no favors. North Carolina Rethugs Still Pushing For Voter Suppression.  Why? Because Justice Roberts’ opinion draws them a road map. How Paul Manafort Cashed in On His Stewardship of the Trump Campaign.  A nice house, funded by a bunch […]

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