
The DEGOP would like you to know that slavery was a great training program for some slaves who benefited from being slaves. (We said “some” slaves. Jeez!)

Filed in National by on August 2, 2023 4 Comments
The DEGOP would like you to know that slavery was a great training program for some slaves who benefited from being slaves.    (We said “some” slaves. Jeez!)

Delaware Republican Party   Via FB·  Last night, 400 people took the time to learn about Critical Race Theory at a town hall in Georgetown. They heard from experts, parents, and teachers about what’s being taught when schools adopt CTR. Getting informed is the first step. Taking action is the next!

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Centrists Dipshits Need to Dipshit

Filed in National by on August 2, 2023 0 Comments

I keep forgetting how eager Biden and Merrick Garland were to let “bygones be bygones” and allow Trump to fade into obscurity. They really just wanted him to shut the fuck up, and all the Jan 6th stuff would have been forgiven.   Congress shamed them into it. And of course, Trump could no more shut […]

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Dumb CW you may hear from low info voters

Filed in National by on August 2, 2023 5 Comments

Everyone is not a politics news junky.  And because conservative news is always on in waiting rooms, bars and barber shops,  you may hear less informed people [like my brother-in-law] saying this: Why now?   It is three years later?   It does seem a little like election interference, doesn’t it?   Have pity on these people.  I […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday August 2 2023

Filed in National by on August 2, 2023 17 Comments

One thing Trump and defenders forget to mention when they go on about “election interference” and the deep state is that Trump may have avoided all of this by not doing so many crimes.   New York Attorney General Letitia James’ office said Tuesday its civil fraud case against former President Trump, his two elder sons […]

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Song of the Day 8/2: John Lee Hooker, “Boom Boom”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on August 2, 2023 1 Comment

And boom goes the dynamite. Jack Smith answered the question “Will Donald Trump ever face consequences for his life of crime?” in the affirmative, and American history has been changed forever. We just don’t know how yet, because the debris from the blast still hasn’t hit the ground. Considering that those six co-conspirators are for […]

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Desantis Campaign Death Watch – 167 Until Iowa

Filed in National by on August 1, 2023 3 Comments

He isn’t going to make it to the convention, but my August 15th prediction might have been a little aggressive.    Co-chair for a Ron DeSantis PAC gives up on the Florida man: “He makes dumb moves” Even GOP strategist Ed Rollins, who co-chaired the Ready for Ron PAC (until he didn’t), thinks Ron DeSantis […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday August 1 2023

Filed in National by on August 1, 2023 6 Comments

I went to see Oppenheimer last night and I guess I was still under that movie’s spell when I normally would have been collecting up some quips for this space.  So once again, it falls to you, gentle reader, to create meaning out of the news.

Here are some suggested topics:

  • Even more evidence to Trump’s additional crimes comes to light.
  • Desantis is terrible at running for President
  • That fucking Chris Coons, JESUS CHRIST!!
  • Trump supporters wonder why Biden has not been arrested and executed yet.
  • DEGOP is a truly helpless bunch of losers.

As for Oppenheimer, I’ll not review the movie, leaving that to professionals like Andrew C.  But I will say that it hit me as intended. With the full force of a work of art.

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Last Week’s Poll Results and this Week’s Poll

Filed in National by on July 31, 2023 3 Comments

The most one sided poll result ever.  DL readers and lurkers are not optimistic about the prospects for Israel.   And for good reason: JERUSALEM, July 24 (Reuters) – Israel’s parliament on Monday ratified the first bill of a judicial overhaul sought by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, after last-gasp compromise efforts collapsed and failed to ease […]

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Chris Coons Piles on Hunter Biden – Suggests code of ethics for presidential family members that will somehow only ever apply to Democrats

Filed in Coons, National by on July 31, 2023 2 Comments

Fucking Coons. So Bi-Partisan!! Always taking the GOP talking points and running with them. Always. Biden campaign co-chair says it ‘may be worth looking at’ disclosures for president’s family members Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., was asked whether the sons and daughters of sitting presidents should have their own code of conduct in an interview on […]

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DL Open Thread July 31 2023

Filed in National by on July 31, 2023 3 Comments

Pretend tough guy, Kevin McCarthy, slinked away like a…I don’t know.  I guess you could say,  like a pussy “You. Are. A. Pussy” “McCarthy said, ‘If you ever say something like that to me again, I’m gonna kick the shit out of you,’” a member claimed to The Daily Beast. Another member who witnessed the […]

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Trump says Ukraine aid should be paused & deposited in his campaign account for safekeeping until the Lappy! ™ matter is resolved

Filed in National by on July 30, 2023 2 Comments
Trump says Ukraine aid should be paused & deposited in his campaign account for safekeeping until the Lappy! ™ matter is resolved

All  LAPPY!(tm) all the time between now and the election. And why not? The media allowed them to chant “Benghazi!” 24/7/365 and it worked. Former President Trump called for a pause on all aid to Ukraine until several federal agencies provide “every scrap” of evidence they have on alleged “corrupt business dealings” from President Biden and his son, Hunter […]

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Is Lappy™ a Clone?

Filed in National by on July 29, 2023 1 Comment
Is Lappy™ a Clone?

According to Rudy Giuliani’s henchman, Lev Parnas, the answer is “Yes.” Parnas, who’s finishing up his sentence of house arrest for campaign finance violations, sent a letter to James Comer (R-Stumpjump) telling a story he got from a guy who was there that Hunter Biden “became incapacitated” during a meeting with some minister in Kazakhstan […]

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Lurking Legislators, Please Read This

Filed in National by on July 28, 2023 9 Comments

Connecticut Has Done Something Remarkable With Crime – The state cut incarceration in half, while crime plummeted. BY WAYNE D’ORIO In 1999 Connecticut had so many people in prison that it paid to send 500 of them to be incarcerated in Virginia. Nearly 25 years later, the state has not only sliced its number of imprisoned […]

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