
Breaking: Bill Clinton Secures Journalists’ Release In North Korea

Filed in International by on August 4, 2009 16 Comments

Former president Bill Clinton has secured the release of two journalists held by North Korea.

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It really, really never gets old watching hypocrites fall

Filed in International by on July 29, 2009 4 Comments

Paul Stanley, Tennessee State Senator, Quits After Affair With 22-Year-Old Intern …he also sponsored failed measures to ban gay couples from adopting children. He also spoke out against funding for Planned Parenthood because he said unmarried people should not have sex . “Whatever I stood for and advocated, I still believe to be true,” he […]

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Now this is funny!

Filed in International by on July 28, 2009 7 Comments

Shatner does Palin’s farewell speech. Shatner style…

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Tommywonk Explains Birther Nutbaggery to the Brits

Filed in Delaware, International by on July 26, 2009 5 Comments

Writing for The Guardian, Tom lays out the facts and caps his piece with this fine analysis: The episode neatly encapsulates the dilemma of the Republican party. Castle could be the party’s best shot at taking a Senate seat next year – if he chooses to run. But he has drawn the ire of the […]

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Deep thought

Filed in International by on July 24, 2009 17 Comments
Deep thought

Remember when they measured O’s performance against the Dow?  Well, for the first time in 10 years it was up 12 days in a row….guess he is doing an awesome job!!!!  I knew it!

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Castle Booing Overshadowed Beckham Boo filled Return to Galaxy

Filed in International by on July 23, 2009 1 Comment

The BBC reports that Beckham was not forced to recite an oath of loyalty to the flag of the United States of America. David Beckham insists he is staying with the LA Galaxy despite a hostile response from some fans to his return. The England midfielder was booed by sections of the crowd at his […]

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That’s it, Obama hates America

Filed in International by on July 22, 2009 6 Comments

We are less safer today: WASHINGTON — With some of his political capital on the line, President Obama won a crucial victory on Tuesday when the Senate voted to strip out $1.75 billion in financing for seven more F-22 jet fighters from a military authorization bill. and for the Record Carper vote Yea

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Read All About It In the Sunday Papers-July 19 Edition

Filed in International by on July 19, 2009 13 Comments

Were El Somnambulo El Presidente of the Internet Mundo, he would demand that reader responses be thoughtful and on point. (Of course, by that standard, the Beast Who Slumbers would have to ban himself, but he digresses.) His point is that certain stories deserve much more than boilerplate talking points, and today’s lead story is […]

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They know no lows

Filed in International by on July 18, 2009 18 Comments

[youtube][/youtube] At least he didn’t call Obama a Ni99er, that’d be racist

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Filed in International by on July 16, 2009 13 Comments

How do the rich and powerful make it by in this unfair country?

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Filed in International by on July 15, 2009 17 Comments

How long would it normally take to turn around a recession that is as bad as that one we had in the 1930’s?

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What’s Got The Right Wing In An Uproar This Time?

Filed in International by on July 11, 2009 56 Comments
What’s Got The Right Wing In An Uproar This Time?

It’s this photo: OMG! He’s so evil! He’s checking totally checking out her rear end. I guess the news that John Ensign had to have his buddies drive him to FedEx to send a letter to his girlfriend and had his mommy and daddy pay off her family has put Republicans over the edge. But […]

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Donviti PSA #4521

Filed in International by on July 8, 2009 20 Comments

Look, I understand people are old and using the swipe machine at every freaking checkout counter for about 95% of any transaction you make can be a daunting task perhaps for the first month or two that your pharmacy and grocery store have had them installed. But, this is 2009 you old bastards and both […]

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