Open Thread

The Day After Open Thread [11.7.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on November 7, 2012 12 Comments

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Election Day Afternoon Open Thread [11.6.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on November 6, 2012 7 Comments
Election Day Afternoon Open Thread [11.6.12]

We are going to know pretty early how the night is going. If we have early calls for Ohio and Pennsylvania around the 8 pm hour, then it is Obama’s night. If North Carolina gets called early for Romney, while PA and OH are not, it will be nail biter.

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Morning Election Day Open Thread [11.6.12]

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on November 6, 2012 30 Comments

The day is finally here. You are probably still hearing from campaigns and some of you are still working for a few. Use this thread to post your observations of what is happening at your polling place, what you hear happening in Delaware or anywhere in the country.

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Monday Open Thread [11.5.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on November 5, 2012 9 Comments

“The [latest NBC/Wall Street Journal Marist] survey found that 9% of the likely voters are up for grabs (meaning they’re undecided or just leaning to a candidate), and these folks have more positive feelings toward Obama than Romney. Obama’s job approval with them is 48% approve, 41% disapprove. What’s more, Obama’s fav/unfav with them is 46%/29%, vs. Romney’s upside down 22%-49%. Bottom line: Our pollsters see more of an opportunity for Obama among these voters and more of an uphill climb for Romney.”

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Sunday Open Thread [11.4.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on November 4, 2012 6 Comments

“Folks I want to remind you, this is the end of daylight savings time tonight. It’s Mitt Romney’s favorite time of the year because he gets to turn the clock back.”– Delaware’s own Vice President Joe Biden, quoted by the New York Times, at a rally in Colorado.

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Saturday Open Thread [11.3/12]

Filed in Open Thread by on November 3, 2012 29 Comments

Last weekend before the election! Lots of folks I know are out on the final canvas — off to PA to knock on doors for Obama or here walking for local candidates. What are you doing this weekend to get your favorite candidates elected?

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Friday Open Thread [11.2.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on November 2, 2012 2 Comments

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Thursday Open Thread [11.1.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on November 1, 2012 15 Comments

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Monday Open Thread [10.29.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on October 29, 2012 29 Comments

The vehemently and severely conservative Chicago Tribune endorses the President, and has a pretty good takedown of Mitt Romney inside. Go over and read the whole thing.

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Sunday Open Thread [10.28.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on October 28, 2012 4 Comments
Sunday Open Thread [10.28.12]

Everyone ready for the storm? It is Sunday and the pundits are loose — and getting more dangerously silly as we approach election day. Here is a good summary of the Greatest Hits of the Pundit Business by Randall Monroe of xkcd fame:

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Late Night Video — Tina Fey Has A Few Thoughts On Middle-Aged Men With $2 Haircuts Defining Rape

Filed in Open Thread by on October 27, 2012 3 Comments

You go girl!

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Saturday Open Thread [10.27.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on October 27, 2012 5 Comments

It’s Batten Down the Hatches Saturday! What are you doing to avoid the panic and get ready for the storm?

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Friday Open Thread [10.26.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on October 26, 2012 10 Comments

Shoot!  DelawareDem asked if we could handle this Open Thread.  Since this spot has been blank for an hour we obviously shouldn’t be put in charge.  Moving on… Yesterday, Colin Powell endorsed President Obama and top Romney surrogate, John Sununu said this: “Frankly when you take a look at Colin Powell whether that’s an endorsement […]

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