Open Thread

DL Open Thread 9/21

Filed in Open Thread by on September 21, 2019 1 Comment
DL Open Thread 9/21

Bernie Sanders might not be making any new converts, but it’s not for lack of trying. He’s now come up with a plan to cancel Americans’ medical debts, all $81 billion of it. What happens when you put an uneducated moron in charge of the Department of Education? You get threats to pull university funding […]

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DL Open Thread 9/20

Filed in International, National, Open Thread by on September 20, 2019 1 Comment

Iconic arms manufacturer Colt announced it will stop making military-style rifles for the civilian market, explaining that there already are enough of them to go around. That sound you hear is the blubbering of big, strong ammosexuals, and I still think 30-50 Feral Hogs is a good name for a band. Nancy LeTourneau at Washington […]

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DL Open Thread 9/19

Filed in International, National, Open Thread by on September 19, 2019 2 Comments

Why hasn’t the Deep State removed Trump from office? Because they’ve mostly been working around him instead of with him or against him. But apparently Trump promised somebody in his Dictator of the Month Club something so egregious that it prompted a whistleblower complaint, which Republicans are illegally covering up. Still think they aren’t a […]

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DL Open Thread 9/18

Filed in International, National, Open Thread by on September 18, 2019 17 Comments

Anyone who thinks Donald Trump is everything the quisling GOP wants in a president must reckon with the fact that he won’t go to war in the Middle East on the slightest provocation. Most of the GOP Senate is a bunch of bloodthirsty chicken hawks (a few even served), but even the pleading of presidential […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday 9/17

Filed in International, National, Open Thread by on September 17, 2019 5 Comments

Think the Cold War ended? Think again. Russian codebreakers reportedly hacked into the FBI’s comm systems and interfered with the agency’s tracking ability. Nearly 50,000 General Motors workers are out on a strike that pundits say neither side can really afford, which probably means each side will wait endlessly for the other to cave. House […]

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Dec. 29 Open Thread: All’s Fair When All’s Foul

Filed in National, Open Thread by on December 29, 2018 8 Comments
Dec. 29 Open Thread: All’s Fair When All’s Foul

Lots of people don’t get this, but all the lying and cheating Republicans do to gain office isn’t unique to them, and many of the techniques the Russians used on social media are perfectly legal if done by domestic actors. The only problem many Democrats had with the tactic is that Republicans beat them to […]

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Dec. 28 Open Thread: Revenge of the Moderate

Filed in National, Open Thread by on December 28, 2018 24 Comments

Did you think the progressive takeover of the Democratic Party was going to be easy? No chance, pal. Just take a look at the vitriol being spread by defeated Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill on her way out of Washington. She took her strongest shot at, of all people, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. “She’s now talked about a […]

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Dec. 22 Open Thread: The Building Beto-mentum

Filed in National, Open Thread by on December 22, 2018 14 Comments

I’m sure this will upset a number of readers, but facts are facts: Beto-mentum continues to build. A straw poll from the progressive group released last week revealed Beto O’Rourke is the leading Democratic contender for the 2020 presidential race, with 15.6 percent of responders supporting his candidacy. He was followed by former Biden […]

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Dec. 21 Open Thread: Trump Collapse Approaches Exit Velocity

Filed in National, Open Thread by on December 21, 2018 2 Comments

Look, I didn’t say Trump’s collapse would be pleasant. I just said it was coming, and now it’s here. Remember that story a year or two ago about the broken sewer main out in Christiana, a 7-foot-diameter pipe completely full of shit? That’s roughly how much of Trump’s output hit the fan yesterday — and […]

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Dec. 14 Open Thread: And the One-Man Band Plays On

Filed in National, Open Thread by on December 14, 2018 3 Comments

Here’s a hint that Trump’s flailing mania is not an act: Even without an audience who believes a word of it, his tweets keep on rolling, asserting statements with no basis in fact, airing dubious legal theories, and proving no match for the reality. He’s the second little piggy, the one who built his house […]

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Dec. 13 Open Thread: James Bond, Meet Maria Butina

Filed in National, Open Thread by on December 13, 2018 4 Comments
Dec. 13 Open Thread: James Bond, Meet Maria Butina

A team of Australian public health officials at what must be Sherlock Holmes University issued a report that sounds like parody: After studying the cinematic evidence, they concluded that James Bond has a drinking problem. Not only does 007 consume 109 alcoholic beverages in about 52 hours of screen time, the authors also note, quite […]

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Dec. 11 Open Thread: Plenty of Coal This Christmas

Filed in National, Open Thread by on December 11, 2018 4 Comments

In news that will seem much more important years down the line than it does now, a global climate confab is being held in Poland, the climate-denier capital of Europe, where the U.S. pushed for increased use of coal, to outright laughter from nations without fossil fuels to peddle. Gabriel Sherman has the scoop on […]

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Dec. 10 Open Thread: The Wheels Have Come Off, Trump’s Driving on the Rims

Filed in National, Open Thread by on December 10, 2018 5 Comments

When Richard Nixon’s presidency fell apart, he was at least enough of an old political hack to keep up the outward appearance of a functioning administration. Chalk that up as yet another thing Donald Trump can’t do. After weeks of publicly courting Nick Ayers, the Karl Rove of his generation, to be his new chief […]

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