Open Thread

Dec. 9 Open Thread: Liberal Bias? If Only

Filed in National, Open Thread by on December 9, 2018 16 Comments

I don’t make a habit of whining about media malfeasance — it’s just too common to get worked up over. But a glut of minor sins made for annoying reading this morning. First up: Reporters had a day to read the transcript of James Comey’s closed-door testimony to a House committee, which Democrats and Comey […]

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Dec. 7 Open Thread: Beto’s the One to Beat, and the Beatings Have Begun

Filed in National, Open Thread by on December 7, 2018 24 Comments
Dec. 7 Open Thread: Beto’s the One to Beat, and the Beatings Have Begun

If he isn’t, why are rhetorical knife fights already breaking out over him? Ben Mathis-Lilley surveys the skirmish that’s starting to shape up as the Battle of Bull Run in this cycle’s Democratic civil war. Political writers trying to explain why the GOP is so scared of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez aren’t going to have to try […]

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Dec. 6 Open Thread: Is Beto the One to Beat?

Filed in National, Open Thread by on December 6, 2018 20 Comments
Dec. 6 Open Thread: Is Beto the One to Beat?

Sure seems that way. I’ve seen headlines saying he met with Obama and that he hasn’t ruled out running, which has roused sharp-eyed progressives. RE Vanella beat her to it, but WaPo’s Elizabeth Breunig looks at the Texan’s record and reaches the same conclusion Rob did: O’Rourke is no progressive. IMO, this feels like Obama […]

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Dec. 5 Open Thread: Republicans Now Undermining Democracy Openly

Filed in National, Open Thread by on December 5, 2018 10 Comments

The pending collapse of Trump, and the party that tied itself to his mast, has flushed out the rats from belowdeck, carrying only what they can stuff into their cheeks. The GOP abandoned the strategy of appealing to the public in about 1982, when it became clear that Reagan’s voodoo economics would not produce its […]

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Dec. 2 Open Thread: All Over But the Whining

Filed in National, Open Thread by on December 2, 2018 2 Comments

It wasn’t hard to see that winning the presidency would be Trump’s ultimate undoing. His sleazy, corrupt business model can only exist in darkness, and Trump won an office that affords its occupants almost no privacy. That barely worked while the entire GOP colluded to keep an illegitimately elected president safe. Now that most of […]

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Nov. 27 Open Thread: Tear Gas Si, Lettuce No

Filed in National, Open Thread by on November 27, 2018 0 Comments

Welcome to Donald Trump’s Festung Amerika, where a salad can make you sick but you can put tear gas on your nachos. There’s no smoking gun linking the latest e. coli outbreak to Trump-relaxed water regulations — signers of the California Leafy Green Products Handler Marketing Agreement meets Obama-era standards — but it’s not welcome […]

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Nov. 24 Open Thread: The Centrists Cannot Hold

Filed in National, Open Thread by on November 24, 2018 8 Comments
Nov. 24 Open Thread: The Centrists Cannot Hold

Surrender-happy centrist Democrats continue to believe the country can’t run without their wisdom, so let’s look at a prime example of how wrong they are: Georgia’s 6th Congressional District, the +8 R district that Jon Ossoff almost won in a much-watched 2017 special election. The winner of that election, Karen Handel, lost on Nov. 6 […]

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Nov. 23 Open Thread: Judge Dread

Filed in National, Open Thread by on November 23, 2018 11 Comments

Now even SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts isn’t Trumpy enough for Trump. Roberts rebuked Trump for trash-talking the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and Trump has lashed back ever since. Roberts pointed out that there are no “Trump judges” or “Obama judges,” something Trump could have figured out himself had he registered that three of […]

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Thanksgiving Open Thread: Happy Mac ‘n’ Cheese Day

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on November 22, 2018 4 Comments

I’m a sucker for these U.S. maps that show the most popular insert-noun-here for each state. Today’s shows the most Googled Thanksgiving recipe for each state, and Delaware’s is — macaroni and cheese? Appears so. Delaware is the Yankee outpost of a mac ‘n’ cheese belt that extends north from the Carolinas, interrupted only by […]

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Open Thread For Nov. 21, 2018: Whitaker’s Secret Cabal

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 21, 2018 4 Comments

How Matthew Whitaker Rose To Prominence.  Featuring, of course, a phony charity that appears to have been created exclusively to serve as a vehicle to bring this mediocrity to power. Part of the Rethuglican Criminal Conspiracy that’s running the country. Who’s behind it? Sorry. Citizen’s United keeps it secret. I Think Seth Moulton’s Serving His […]

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Open Thread For Nov. 20, 2018: Cowardly Lyin’

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 20, 2018 5 Comments

Trump Doesn’t Visit Troops Because He’s Afraid: Trump has spoken privately about his fears over risks to his own life, according to a former senior White House official, who has discussed the issue with the president and spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak candidly about Trump’s concerns. “He’s never been interested in going,” […]

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Open Thread For Nov. 19, 2018: No More Mr. Nice Guy

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 19, 2018 12 Comments

Memo to Democrats: Nice Won’t Cut It.  This is so obvious that EVEN Delaware’s neutered delegation should recognize it.  You don’t have to be a dick about it. Just stand for something other than ‘reaching across the aisle’. Trump Trashes The Guy Who Got Bin Laden.  Calls him a ‘Hillary supporter’.  Trump gets less well […]

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Open Thread For Nov. 16, 2018: WikiLeaks Leak

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 16, 2018 12 Comments

You’re not supposed to know this (it was not meant to be made public) but…Julian Assange has been indicted by the DOJ.  It raises issues about freedom of the press that are far from simple to resolve. Trouble in paradise? Trump dissing Hannity for being lazy.  The right-wing Larry King. Senate Rethugs To Trump: Name […]

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