Open Thread

Sept. 1 Open Thread: GOP Still Gunning for Obamacare

Filed in National, Open Thread by on September 1, 2018 6 Comments

I’m starting to understand why Republicans aren’t eager to replace Trump with Mike Pence: He’s not only a dick, he’s a kind of stupid one. He promised Wisconsin voters that the GOP will again try to kill Obamacare if they retain control of Congress. He’s not the only one, as lots of conservative pinheads are […]

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Aug. 30 Open Thread: We Want Democrats Who Aren’t Afraid to Fight

Filed in National, Open Thread by on August 30, 2018 3 Comments

While mainstream Democratic leaders timidly fail to oppose Trump’s judicial nominees, a Massachusetts candidate for Congress shows how it should be done: Barbara L’Italien, the same woman who punked Fox News a few weeks back when they mistakenly booked her to talk about immigration, has added a new promise to her campaign: She will try […]

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Aug. 29 Open Thread, Late Edition: Monkey in the Middle

Filed in National, Open Thread by on August 29, 2018 0 Comments

Florida voters in both parties rejected the more centrist candidates in yesterday’s primaries, and within hours GOP winner Ron DeSantis, a Trump favorite, was warning voters not to “monkey up” the state by voting for Democrat Andrew Gillum, an African-American. His spokesman says DeSantis meant nothing racial by it. They never do. The saddest thing […]

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Aug. 27 Open Thread: A Plague of Frogs

Filed in National, Open Thread by on August 27, 2018 1 Comment

The Republican Party should ditch the elephant and replace him with a frog in a pot of water. Axios released the argument for that in the form of a spreadsheet listing all the probable investigations Democrats will launch if they capture the House majority. How did they compile the list? They simply entered every investigation […]

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Aug. 26 Open Thread: McCain Won’t Get to See Trump in Prison

Filed in National, Open Thread by on August 26, 2018 24 Comments

This might be hard to believe, but there are even worse people than Donald Trump in the Republican Party. When the family of Sen. John McCain, who died last night at 81, announced last week that he was stopping treatment of his brain cancer, “Chemtrail” Kelli Ward, running for Jeff Flake’s senate seat in Arizona, […]

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Aug. 24 Open Thread: Dead Elf Walking

Filed in National, Open Thread by on August 24, 2018 6 Comments

You knew somebody was going to take the fall for the USS Trump hitting that iceberg Tuesday. If Trump were still on his game he’d turn this into reality-show fodder, stringing the media along with “Who will he fire?” speculation to dominate headlines. Alas, the storyline won’t allow for it. Trump is already frustrated by […]

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Aug. 22 Open Thread: Witch Hunt Finds Cohen, Manafort Unable to Float

Filed in National, Open Thread by on August 22, 2018 30 Comments

Even Donald Trump seems to understand that he’s finished now that both Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen are convicted felons; his Nuremberg rally in West Virginia was more subdued than usual, though it still featured the “lock her up” chant when Hillary’s name was mentioned. Things don’t look any better for him this morning. Cohen’s […]

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The News Journal Plays the Patsy Again

Filed in National, Open Thread by on August 21, 2018 35 Comments

A week ago the News Journal ran a front-page article on a confidential report on the state Auditor’s Office and the performance of Kathleen Davies, who was second-in-command to elected Auditor Tom Wagner. Davies apparently ruffled a lot of feathers in her six years on the job, enough so that people under her command clearly […]

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Aug. 21 Open Thread: The Great Security Clearance Purge

Filed in National, Open Thread by on August 21, 2018 12 Comments

The Great Security Clearance Purge has dominated headlines for the past couple of days, mainly because Trump is enjoying his unfettered power to punish people who displease him and it gives reporters a new reason to be shocked, shocked at his disrespect for norms. What most of those reporters are missing is how out-of-character it […]

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Aug. 20 Open Thread: The Case of the Vanishing Republicans

Filed in National, Open Thread by on August 20, 2018 7 Comments

The underreported story of the midterms is the exodus of Republicans from elected office. Dave Wasserman of the Cook Political Report notes that one of every six incumbent Republicans is not running again, which is increasing the odds of a blue wave. So we’re one-sixth of the way to a solution of the country’s problems. […]

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Aug. 19 Open Thread: You Can’t Corner Someone in an Oval Office

Filed in National, Open Thread by on August 19, 2018 1 Comment

The New York Times got Trump’s dander up yesterday with the story that White House counsel Don McGahn has spent something like 30 hours in interviews cooperating with to the Mueller probe. President Rage Muffin was still at it this morning, claiming Mueller’s probe “makes [Joseph] McCarthy look like a baby,” apparently unaware that it’s […]

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Aug. 18 Open Thread: If Power Corrupts, What Does It Do to the Already Corrupt?

Filed in National, Open Thread by on August 18, 2018 0 Comments

Michael Gerson, the Bush speechwriter turned conservative WaPo columnist, writes a “no shit, Sherlock” column for the ages: Our republic will survive Trump, he intones, but it will never be the same. He offers this as a lament rather than a call for a Constitutional amendment to restrict the powers of the presidency. As we […]

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Aug. 17 Open Thread: We All Know He’s Guilty

Filed in National, Open Thread by on August 17, 2018 25 Comments

Josh Marshall addresses the only important question in American politics: The greatest conceit in public life today is the notion that we don’t already know President Trump is guilty. … Why there’s such resistance to this reality is an interesting question. My own best guess is that it is too disquieting a reality to grapple […]

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