Open Thread

June 20 Open Thread: What Do Nuts Do? They Crack

Filed in National, Open Thread by on June 20, 2018 7 Comments

More Trump performances, please, like the one he put on for House Republicans Tuesday night. They gathered with him to hear how to proceed with Trump’s immigration fiasco but instead got yet another unhinged rant about everything but. He was even booed — by House Republicans! — when he launched into a nasty attack on […]

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June 19 Open Thread: Stop Calling Us Nazis!

Filed in National, Open Thread by on June 19, 2018 11 Comments

How dare you call Jeff Sessions a Nazi! Some people have been doing that, and he was quick to point out the difference: Nazis kept Jews from leaving, while Sessions is keeping foreigners from entering. Big difference, ergo not Nazis. Another difference: The Nazis gave Sophie a choice. The shit show has gone on for […]

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June 16 Open Thread: Trump Is Scared of Biden

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on June 16, 2018 6 Comments

Trump sure is scared of Joe Biden. How do we know? Because spokesghoul Rudy Giuliani went on an unhinged rant about what a “moron” Joe Biden is. This comes from a man who had the brilliant idea of putting his anti-terrorism headquarters in the WTC complex and has left his pecker tracks all over New […]

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June 12 Open Thread: “Historic” Meeting Shows Why People Think History Is Dull

Filed in National, Open Thread by on June 12, 2018 6 Comments

The mainstream media, just as Trump foresaw, is making a fuss over his “historic” meeting with Kim Jong Un without pointing out that Neville Chamberlain’s meeting with Hitler in Munich was historic, too. But here’s a fact you’ll never see mentioned: The more the producers spend on logistics, the more airtime an event will receive. […]

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June 11 Open Thread: How Much More of This Will the World Take?

Filed in National, Open Thread by on June 11, 2018 13 Comments

Trump is in Singapore now after laying a turd in the punch bowl at the G7 meeting in Quebec, a performance that has the chattering classes hoping that this, surely, will spur the GOP into action. Dartmouth political scientist Brendan Nyhan says it’s a turning point because Trump, having created chaos in the U.S., is […]

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June 4 Open Thread: Guess Which Toxic Narcissist Said It

Filed in National, Open Thread by on June 4, 2018 1 Comment

Self-regard and the presidency fit together all too well, as Bill Clinton reminds us with a — get this — book tour for a novel. It didn’t go all that well on this morning’s “Today” show when he was asked if, in light of the #metoo movement, he should have resigned over the Monica Lewinsky […]

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June 1 Open Thread: Florida Jury Values Black Life at $4

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on June 1, 2018 2 Comments

Man, I’m glad there’s no racism in America, because if there were it would look really, really racist for a Florida jury to award a black family $4 for a deputy sheriff killing a man in his own garage, on a call responding to a noise complaint for playing music too loud. Don’t worry, though, […]

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May 31 Open Thread: Maybe Trump Is Impeachable

Filed in International, National, Open Thread by on May 31, 2018 31 Comments

Almost everybody assumes that, even if Democrats retake the House in November, impeachment is a non-starter because two-thirds of the Senate would have to vote in favor of removing him from office, and there’s been no sign so far that even overwhelming evidence would get enough Republicans to go along. Lucian Truscott, writing at Salon, […]

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May 30 Open Thread: Trump’s Katrina That Wasn’t

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on May 30, 2018 2 Comments

When Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, I thought it would do to Trump what Katrina did to Bush — reveal to the broad public the incompetence of a crony-coddling administration. The incompetence was there, and it’s been coupled with a disgusting level of disaster profiteering, but the public barely noticed. Unless the power on the […]

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May 29 Open Thread: Is Trump Impeachable?

Filed in National, Open Thread by on May 29, 2018 88 Comments

Some people are peddling the notion that there is no “civil war” among Democrats. Their evidence: Candidates who have won primary races span the ideological spectrum from Blue Dogs to Berniecrats. The flaw in this logic should be clear — internal differences usually get papered over in the face of a common enemy — but […]

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May 15 Open Thread: Future of Democratic Party at Stake Yet Again This Week

Filed in National, Open Thread by on May 15, 2018 35 Comments

It’s primary day in several states, including Pennsylvania, and the national punditocracy has made clear it will claim the results shall determine the future of the Democratic Party. It’s true that many districts have drawn multiple hopefuls, a byproduct of Republican vulnerability. When the opposition looks weak, lots of people are willing to take a […]

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May 14 Open Thread: He Who Commands the Media Has Command of Everything

Filed in National, Open Thread by on May 14, 2018 1 Comment

Despicable as he is, Trump is unquestionably great at one thing: Playing the media. That’s the answer to the perpetual question, “How did Trump win?” and it explains a lot of the daily mayhem surrounding his administration. He learned long ago that the best way to distract from controversy is with another controversy, and in […]

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May 12 Open Thread: Maryland Peckerwoods Threaten Civil War

Filed in National, Open Thread by on May 12, 2018 2 Comments

The ignorant will always be with us, but I’ll be satisfied when they go back to being ashamed of it. As it stands, “Ignorant and Proud of It” is the order of the day, as a bunch of stump-jumpers in Maryland’s Calvert County dmonstrated with this billboard, which basically threatens that if a political solution […]

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