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Song of the Day 4/3: Graham Parker, “You’ve Got to Be Kidding”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on April 3, 2023 1 Comment

Graham Parker wrote a lot of songs with dismissive phrases for titles, which is what happens when you’re a misanthrope. For some reason, I think of all of them as directed at Marjorie Taylor Greene, who was normalized last night in a “60 Minutes” interview with Leslie Stahl. This one appeared on Parker’s debut LP, […]

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DL Open Thread Monday April 3 2023

Filed in National by on April 3, 2023 9 Comments

Only 4 Mass Shooting events so far this April with 6 dead.   That’s a slow start.  The Delaware Sportsman’s Association is plugging away to get that number up.

Delaware joined the deadly tornado club this month.  I wonder if there is some connection between all of these deadly storms and climate change?   Hmm…?  We may never know.  Just one of those unfathomable mysteries.  

“The transgender movement” is militant and dangerous according to the rightwing hate machine.  The GOP and Fox News is ratcheting up the vitriol and prepping for an “end times” battle with militant and dangerous “activists” that only want to be left alone.   

TUCKER CARLSON: The trans movement is targeting Christians

The Romans gave this month the Latin name Aprilis[1] but the derivation of this name is uncertain. The traditional etymology is from the verb aperire, “to open”, in allusion to its being the season when trees and flowers begin to “open”,

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Poll Results: Henry Bests Hartley-Nagle 47% to 40%

Filed in National by on April 3, 2023 1 Comment

In this very scientific poll regarding County President, Karen Hartley-Nagle lost to Marcus Henry.  The 13% of “other” voters were probably for Tabatha L. Castro. Onward.

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, April 2, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on April 2, 2023 3 Comments

Wisconsin At ‘Huge Tipping Point’. The stakes in Tuesday’s election: In addition, ironclad Republican majorities in the Wisconsin Legislature, abetted by favorable district boundaries, have largely limited Evers to blocking the GOP’s bills with an unprecedented number of vetoes. Meanwhile, GOP gerrymandering helped Republicans come within inches of obtaining a veto-proof supermajority in the state […]

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Dear Republican Primary Voters, Please Nominate Trump!

Filed in National by on April 2, 2023 4 Comments
Dear Republican Primary Voters, Please Nominate Trump!

Speaking for all liberals and most Democrats – PLEASE NOMINATE Trump! Thanks! I know he could beat Joe Biden. As the only person who allowed that possibility vs Clinton, I still allow that crazy shit happens. But this isn’t 2016.

In order to defeat an incumbent President Biden in 2024, Trump needs to expand his electoral base; simply making that base more intense and upset doesn’t necessarily help him. There is no indication whatsoever that an indictment will convince undecided voters to favor Trump, or that it will convince Biden supporters to switch sides. Indeed, the indictment may simply add to the air of criminality that has followed Trump for most of his career, first as a real estate financier, then as a reality television star, and then as President. And let there be no doubt; the great many Americans who intensely dislike Donald Trump and would never consider casting a vote for him as President seems awfully happy that he’s under indictment.

All true.  Trump hasn’t won over a single additional voter since he rode the golden escalator down to the lobby of Trump Plaza.  But the electoral X’s and O’s aside, the main reason why I’m begging for Trump to be the nominee is that it makes the next Presidential election a clear cut referendum on this questions: Should the United States continue to be a democracy?

That is the one and only thing all people will be voting on. A Trump nomination sweeps all other questions aside. Whereas a DeSantis nomination could muddy the waters with CRT, anti-trans mania, oil leases, and any number of attacks on Biden, a Trump nomination makes the election about one thing – whether a government conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal can long endure.

I may be naive, but I think enough Americans would support that proposition and therefor Biden (or Harris, or really any Dem) can win that argument.

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America is despairing to death

Filed in National by on April 1, 2023 3 Comments

Late stage capitalism is hitting the US harder than the rest of industrialized world. There are many reasons for this (disinformation, unwalkable built environment, educational & consumer debt, wages kept low through government intervention,  insurance attached to employment, union-busting, skyrocketing rents, etc)  but a big one is the greedy oldsters keeping all the socialized medicine for themselves.

People in what is by far the poorest, most deprived, and most drug-plagued area of England (Blackpool) now have the same life expectancy as the average American, and vastly better health than people in West Virginia

…The most startling aspect of all this is the extent to which these astonishing gaps are not COVID-driven, but rather a product of an epidemic of drug overdose deaths, gun violence, suicide, and alcohol-abuse related maladies, i.e., what Anne Case and Angus Deaton identified as “deaths of despair” a decade ago.

…These are the symptoms of very serious social breakdown. And it’s hardly a coincidence that the one American age cohort subjected to the horrors of socialized medicine — the elderly — is the only cohort that has health outcomes that are as good as those found in countries that don’t have Freedom ™.

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I hate most lighting

Filed in National by on April 1, 2023 6 Comments

Republicans think that America has gone to shit.  I agree that it has, but not because Mexican drag queens are giving out free abortions & blow job instructions in every elementary school.  America has gone to shit because we’ve adopted sterile white light as the standard lighting, which is gross and unsettling.

While we’ve always had some paces lit by awful florescent tubes, but these days too bright, and too white lighting is impossible to escape.  We ate a new restaurant last week and when my wife asked me how I liked I said it was horrible.  The lighting ruined it.

I may be turning into Jimmy McGill’s brother Chuck, or I might be on one side of the bell curve when it comes to lighting but today’s lighting bothers the fuck out of me.   There are even rooms in my own home that I don’t like going into because the light is awful.  And sadly, it looks like the dial only turns in one direction – toward worse and worse lighting.  


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Song of the Day 4/1: Led Zeppelin, “Fool in the Rain”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on April 1, 2023 2 Comments

It’s April Fool’s Day, it’s raining — call me Mr. Literal, but it’s a good excuse to play one of my favorite Zep tunes. This one supposedly originated because John Paul Jones and Robert Plant heard so much samba music when they were watching the 1978 World Cup in Argentina. Plant and John Bonham turn […]

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, April 1, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on April 1, 2023 11 Comments

How Many MAGAts Will Be Arrested During Perp Walk Tuesday? Former president Donald Trump plans to fly to New York on Monday and stay overnight before appearing in a specially secured Manhattan courthouse to be arraigned on still-unspecified criminal charges, people briefed on the arrangements said. The first-ever indictment of a former president — who […]

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23% of Americans are MAGA cultists & they run the assignment desks

Filed in National by on March 31, 2023 5 Comments

23% of Americans are fucking idiots, and when that 23% says “jump” entire media establishment (and most centrists Democrats) leap out of their chairs, through the ceiling and into low earth orbit.

Most Americans perceive Trump has engaged in improper behavior. A plurality of Americans (46%) think the former president has done something illegal, and an additional 29% consider Trump to have done something unethical but not illegal. Only 23% of Americans say Trump has done nothing wrong.

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UPDATED: A couple of thoughts on Presidents and Crimes

Filed in National by on March 31, 2023 6 Comments
UPDATED: A couple of thoughts on Presidents and Crimes

Trump is being defended in the “legitimate” media in some nonsensical ways. Here are a couple I’ve heard. There are many more.

1) Trump’s crimes aren’t really crimes.. For conservatives the only real crimes are street crimes. Crimes are things black people mostly do in cities. If a white person does something that appears to be a crime, they probably just didn’t understand the law.

2) “The President” cannot commit crimes by virtue of the fact that he is President.
This only applies to Republican presidents of course because they are the real Presidents. Also this immunity from prosecution extend to crimes committed by Republican Presidents that happened prior to becoming President (as in the Stormy Daniels case) because otherwise it would be “political” or something.

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Song of the Day 3/31: Dewey Cox, “Guilty as Charged”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on March 31, 2023 5 Comments

I’d like to see Donald Trump do this song when he appears in court. It’s one of the 33 tunes used in the 2007 movie “Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story,” with John C. Reilly in the lead role. The film, a parody of the musician biopics that were so popular in the ’00s, didn’t […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, March 31, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on March 31, 2023 1 Comment

My thoughts on the Trump indictment. More specifically, the reaction to it.  I don’t get this gnashing of teeth that this is the ‘weakest case’.  It’s merely the first case that reached the point of being ready for indictment.  You can’t view the case in isolation.  There will almost certainly be an indictment in Georgia.  […]

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