Search Results for 'marijuana'

General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., March 30, 2011

Filed in National by on March 30, 2011 22 Comments

The picture emerging from Dover is that of a dispirited Senate Democratic Caucus and the State Senate as a whole. The ongoing DeLuca saga and the DeLuca/Peterson imbroglio is wearing on the body’s members.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Tues., March 29, 2011

Filed in Delaware by on March 29, 2011 16 Comments

Allow me to quote from Sen. George Howard Bunting in today’s News-Journal: “Tuesday’s going to be a very interesting caucus.”

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., March 24, 2011

Filed in National by on March 24, 2011 13 Comments

Two major developments highlight this week’s action in Dover. On Tuesday, the civil unions bill was introduced, and has a very good chance for passage–if it gets out of committee in the Senate. I think it will. And, as UI posted this morning, the governor, legislative leaders, and representatives for state employees have tentatively approved […]

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Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Tues., March 22, 2011

Filed in National by on March 22, 2011 6 Comments

The big news: $155 million. That’s right,  DEFAC (Delaware Economic & Financial Advisory Council), the group that officially sets the estimated revenues for the state, came out and identified an additional $155 million in state revenue, about 50% in the current fiscal year, and 50% for the upcoming fiscal year. While this is not the […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., March 16, 2011

Filed in Delaware by on March 16, 2011 4 Comments

The return of the Solomonic solons to Dover apparently took Legislative Council by surprise. Either that, or there were some new, very exciting, solitaire games uploaded to their computers. The supposed information and research arm of the General Assembly provides this detailed snapshot of what went on yesterday. That’s right, in legislative time, according to […]

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PDD Meeting Liveblog

Filed in Delaware by on March 2, 2011 14 Comments

The Progressive Democrats for Delaware are holding their will meeting at 7 pm, and I will be liveblogging our speakers below. Check below in the comments. Good turnout so far. State Senator Margaret Rose Henry will discuss Senate Bill 17 (SB17), the Delaware Medical Marijuana Act. Emily Knearl from Planned Parenthood of Delaware will speak […]

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On Jack Markell

Filed in National by on February 15, 2011 79 Comments

A number of Delaware’s bloggers were invited to a Governor’s Roundtable with Governor Markell this morning at his offices in Wilmington, so that the Governor can respond to recent progressive criticism and address his budget priorities. It was a very interesting discussion.

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Good Morning Delaware – February 14, 2011

Filed in National by on February 14, 2011 14 Comments
Good Morning Delaware – February 14, 2011

Your local news round up from up and down the state.

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Time for Pat Robertson to Hang it Up

Filed in National by on January 25, 2011 4 Comments

I know that Pat Robertson hates the gays. He’s been on us for decades, blaming us for earthquakes, hurricanes, forest fires, and 9/11. Personally, me thinks he dost protest too much (you know what they say about closet cases – the ones who yell the loudest about the gays are the ones with the most […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Tues., Jan. 25, 2011

Filed in National by on January 25, 2011 22 Comments

“My Fellow Delawareans: The State of Our State is grim.” That’s me speaking, not Gov. Markell. His wonkish State of the State address put an optimistic spin on it, as in “Our state is far stronger than the challenges we face.” Uh, maybe. Tax incentives, tax credits, partnerships, etc., for jobs expansion, are nice, but […]

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LNV: The Devil’s Weed

Filed in National by on December 27, 2010 2 Comments
LNV: The Devil’s Weed

Late Night Video: Pat Robertson rambles on about the decriminalization of marijuana. Don’t get too excited, because this guy is a few cans shy of a crayon box.

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California’s Prop 19

Filed in National by on October 22, 2010 9 Comments

California has an intiative on the ballot to decriminalize the use of marijuana. According to the latest polling, it is favored to pass 48% to 44%.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Filed in National by on June 30, 2010 10 Comments

This’ll be quicker than I’d like. Going to work early so that I can take in the live feed of the last night of session later. Plus, my internet is zotzing in and out, courtesy of the criminals at Comcast. You can’t spell ‘bandwidth’ without ‘bandit’. The Budget Bill passed the Senate Wednesday, 16 Yes, […]

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